Indiana Code
Chapter 29. Flood Control Districts in Certain Cities
36-9-29-8. Board of Commissioners; Membership; Oath; Removal and Appointment; Compensation; Meeting; Quorum; Powers and Duties; Conflict of Interest

Sec. 8. (a) If a flood control district is established under this chapter, the construction of the flood control works shall be carried out under the control of a flood control board, to be known as "Board of Commissioners, ____________ Flood Control District" (designating the name of the city instituting the proceedings for the establishment of the district).
(b) The flood control board consists of:
(1) the members of the works board of the city petitioning for the establishment of the flood control district;
(2) the executive of each town included in whole or in part in the district;
(3) the executive of each township included in whole or in part in the district; and
(4) one (1) individual appointed by the executive of each town included in whole or in part in the flood control district if the town does not have a works board.
(c) Before entering upon the commissioner's duties, each commissioner of the flood control board shall take and subscribe the usual oath of office, and shall file it with the clerk of the circuit court.
(d) If any commissioner of the flood control board fails or refuses to qualify, or after qualifying fails or refuses to take part in the proceedings of the board, then the board, by a majority vote, may petition the circuit court for the appointment of a new commissioner. After a hearing and a showing of cause, the court may remove the offending commissioner. If the court removes a commissioner, the executive of the city shall appoint a new commissioner. The new commissioner must be a freeholder residing in the part of the district previously represented by the commissioner removed.
(e) Each commissioner of a flood control board not holding another lucrative elective or appointive office is entitled to a salary fixed by the board, subject to the approval of the legislative body of the city petitioning for the establishment of the flood control district.
(f) Within ten (10) days after the entry of the decree establishing the flood control district, the commissioners of the flood control board shall meet at the office of the works board of the city petitioning for the establishment of the district, and shall organize by electing one (1) of their number president and one (1) vice president. These officers shall perform the duties usually pertaining to their offices, and shall serve for a period of one (1) year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The board shall also appoint a secretary pro tempore to keep the records of the proceedings until the board appoints a permanent secretary. The minutes of the board shall be kept in a permanent minute book, and the first entry in the book must be a copy of the decree establishing the district and fixing its boundaries.
(g) A majority of the commissioners of the flood control board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of any business. If the board consists of an even number of commissioners and there is a tie vote on any question, the executive of the city petitioning for the establishment of the flood control district shall be the determining vote in the event of the tie.
(h) The flood control board may:
(1) sue and be sued;
(2) exercise the power of eminent domain;
(3) adopt rules governing the holding of regular meetings, the calling of special meetings, methods of procedure, and similar matters; and
(4) perform all acts necessary and proper for carrying out the purposes of the flood control district.
(i) The office of the flood control board shall be maintained at the office of the works board of the city petitioning for the establishment of the district, or at another place furnished by the city. All records of the board shall be kept at the office and are public records, open to inspection by the public during business hours.
(j) A commissioner, appointee, or employee of the flood control board may not have any direct or indirect interest in any contract let by the board, or in the furnishing of supplies or materials to the board.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 19-4-18-5.]
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.105. Amended by Acts 1981, P.L.317, SEC.34; P.L.7-1983, SEC.42; P.L.127-2017, SEC.371; P.L.27-2021, SEC.1.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 9. Transportation and Public Works

Chapter 29. Flood Control Districts in Certain Cities

36-9-29-1. Application of Chapter

36-9-29-2. Construction or Installation of Flood Control Works; Construction or Elevation of Highways and Bridges

36-9-29-3. Declaratory Resolution; Adoption; Contents

36-9-29-4. Petition to Establish District; Procedure

36-9-29-5. Court Hearing; Objections; Judgment; Dismissal; Interlocutory Order on Boundaries; Continued Hearing

36-9-29-6. Special Benefit District; Territory Included

36-9-29-7. Special Taxing District for Flood Control Purposes; Special Benefit Tax

36-9-29-8. Board of Commissioners; Membership; Oath; Removal and Appointment; Compensation; Meeting; Quorum; Powers and Duties; Conflict of Interest

36-9-29-9. Executive Secretary; Compensation; Bond; Duties

36-9-29-10. District Engineer; Duties; Compensation

36-9-29-11. Attorney; Duties; Compensation

36-9-29-12. Employees; Compensation; Duties

36-9-29-13. Employees; Term of Employment

36-9-29-14. County Treasurer; Duties

36-9-29-15. County Auditor; Duties

36-9-29-16. Federal Aid; Acceptance; Conditions

36-9-29-17. Use of Territory in Connection With Construction of Flood Control Works; Authorization

36-9-29-18. Plans and Specifications; Preparation, Adoption, and Filing; Objections; Hearing; Judgment or Decree

36-9-29-19. Acquisition of Property; Purchase, Contract, or Eminent Domain

36-9-29-20. Contracts; Letting Procedure

36-9-29-21. Federal Labor, Material, Machinery, and Equipment; Acceptance of Offer; Additional Labor, Material, Machinery, and Equipment

36-9-29-22. Loans for Preliminary Expenses; Sale of Warrants; Advancement of Funds

36-9-29-23. Bonds; Issuance; Amount; Sale Procedure

36-9-29-24. Bonds for Replacement, Enlargement, Extension, or Construction of Additional Works; Costs Exceeding Amount Available

36-9-29-25. Refunding Bonds; Issuance; Payment

36-9-29-26. Bonds Issued and Their Interest Exempt From Taxation

36-9-29-27. Validity of Bonds Issued

36-9-29-28. Flood Control District Construction Fund

36-9-29-29. Acquisition of Property; Payment of Costs According to Terms of Purchase or Contract; Payment of Damages in Condemnation; Title

36-9-29-30. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Bonds; Flood Control District Bond Fund

36-9-29-31. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Cost of Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Flood Control Works; Presumption; Flood Control District Maintenance Fund; Temporary Loans

36-9-29-32. Emergency Flood Control District Fund

36-9-29-33. Deposit of Funds of Flood Control District

36-9-29-34. Warrants Drawn for Items Approved by Board; Payments on Bonds and Interest Coupons

36-9-29-35. Pending Actions for Filing Further Petitions and for Making Further Orders

36-9-29-36. Jurisdiction of Court

36-9-29-37. Supplementary Proceedings to Cure Defects or Irregularities; Objections

36-9-29-38. Required Proceedings and Notices Under This Chapter