Indiana Code
Chapter 29. Flood Control Districts in Certain Cities
36-9-29-23. Bonds; Issuance; Amount; Sale Procedure

Sec. 23. (a) The flood control board shall, by resolution, direct that bonds be issued in the name of the flood control district:
(1) for the purpose of procuring money to pay the cost of acquisition of property, the cost of construction or installation of flood control works, or both; and
(2) in anticipation of the collection of the special benefit taxes to be levied under this chapter.
(b) The amount of the bonds may not exceed:
(1) the total cost of property to be acquired and the total amount of damages to be awarded on account of property injuriously affected but not acquired, as shown by the acquisition and damage roll previously adopted and filed by the flood control board or as determined by court action;
(2) the contract price of the works contracted for, or the estimated cost of additional labor, materials, machinery, and equipment when the federal government or others have agreed to supply a part of those items for use on the construction of any part of the works and no construction contract is to be let;
(3) an amount sufficient to pay the cost of supervision and inspection during the period of construction;
(4) all other general, administrative, legal, engineering, and incidental expenses previously incurred on account of or in connection with the establishment of the district, the administration of its affairs, the acquisition of property, and the construction of the works, together with the expenses to be incurred in connection with the issuance and sale of bonds; and
(5) an amount sufficient to pay any outstanding warrants issued for the purpose of obtaining money for expenses before the issuance of bonds.
(c) If different parcels of land are to be acquired or more than one (1) contract for work is let by the flood control board at approximately the same time, the board may provide for the total cost of the land or work in one (1) issue of bonds. If the cost of acquiring property or the amount required for the payment of damages to property not acquired exceeds the board's estimate of the amount required for that purpose, additional bonds may be issued to supply the deficiency.
(d) The bonds shall be issued in any denomination not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), and in not less than twenty (20) nor more than sixty (60) series, which must be as nearly equal as possible considering the amount of the issue, the number of serial maturities, and the denominations to be used.
(e) The bonds are payable one (1) series each six (6) months. The first payment shall be made on January 1 in the second year following the date of their issue, if a tax levy to meet the requirements of the bonds is made in the year in which the bonds are issued. Otherwise, the first series of bonds is payable on January 1 of the third year following the date of their issue.
(f) The bonds are negotiable instruments.
(g) The bonds may bear interest at any rate, with the exact rate to be determined by bidding. The interest is payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1 of each year, with the first interest payable on July 1 preceding the maturity date of the first series of bonds.
(h) The bonds shall be signed by the president or vice president of the flood control board, and attested by the executive secretary of the board. The interest coupons shall be executed by placing on them the facsimile signature of the president or vice president whose signature appears on the bonds.
(i) The flood control board may not issue any bonds of the flood control district payable out of special benefit taxes when the total amount outstanding for that purpose, including the bonds issued and to be issued, is in excess of five percent (5%) of the total adjusted value of taxable property in the district as determined under IC 36-1-15. All bonds or obligations issued in violation of this subsection are void.
(j) The bonds are not a corporate obligation or indebtedness of any unit having territory included in the district, but are an indebtedness of the flood control district as a special taxing district. The bonds are payable solely out of the special benefit taxes levied under this chapter. The bonds must state these facts upon their face, together with the purpose for which they are issued.
(k) The bonds of any issue may be sold in parcels or as a whole. Notice of the sale must be given by publication in accordance with IC 5-3-1.
(l) The bonds shall be sold to the highest qualified bidder, but may not be sold for less than their par value. The highest bidder is the person who offers the lowest net interest cost to the district, as determined by computing the total interest on all of the bonds to their maturities and then deducting the premium bid, if any.
(m) When the flood control board sells the bonds, the executive secretary of the board shall have the bonds prepared and executed, and shall deliver them to the county treasurer, together with a certificate showing the amount to be paid by the purchaser. Upon the payment of the purchase price the treasurer shall deliver the bonds to the purchaser. The executive secretary shall furnish the successful bidder a transcript of the proceedings relating to the authorization and issuance of the bonds, together with the other documents necessary to establish the validity of the bonds. The transcript and other documents are presumptive evidence of the validity of the bonds, and shall be accepted in evidence in any litigation relating to or affecting the bonds.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 19-4-18-14 part.]
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.105. Amended by Acts 1981, P.L.45, SEC.91; P.L.6-1997, SEC.226.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 9. Transportation and Public Works

Chapter 29. Flood Control Districts in Certain Cities

36-9-29-1. Application of Chapter

36-9-29-2. Construction or Installation of Flood Control Works; Construction or Elevation of Highways and Bridges

36-9-29-3. Declaratory Resolution; Adoption; Contents

36-9-29-4. Petition to Establish District; Procedure

36-9-29-5. Court Hearing; Objections; Judgment; Dismissal; Interlocutory Order on Boundaries; Continued Hearing

36-9-29-6. Special Benefit District; Territory Included

36-9-29-7. Special Taxing District for Flood Control Purposes; Special Benefit Tax

36-9-29-8. Board of Commissioners; Membership; Oath; Removal and Appointment; Compensation; Meeting; Quorum; Powers and Duties; Conflict of Interest

36-9-29-9. Executive Secretary; Compensation; Bond; Duties

36-9-29-10. District Engineer; Duties; Compensation

36-9-29-11. Attorney; Duties; Compensation

36-9-29-12. Employees; Compensation; Duties

36-9-29-13. Employees; Term of Employment

36-9-29-14. County Treasurer; Duties

36-9-29-15. County Auditor; Duties

36-9-29-16. Federal Aid; Acceptance; Conditions

36-9-29-17. Use of Territory in Connection With Construction of Flood Control Works; Authorization

36-9-29-18. Plans and Specifications; Preparation, Adoption, and Filing; Objections; Hearing; Judgment or Decree

36-9-29-19. Acquisition of Property; Purchase, Contract, or Eminent Domain

36-9-29-20. Contracts; Letting Procedure

36-9-29-21. Federal Labor, Material, Machinery, and Equipment; Acceptance of Offer; Additional Labor, Material, Machinery, and Equipment

36-9-29-22. Loans for Preliminary Expenses; Sale of Warrants; Advancement of Funds

36-9-29-23. Bonds; Issuance; Amount; Sale Procedure

36-9-29-24. Bonds for Replacement, Enlargement, Extension, or Construction of Additional Works; Costs Exceeding Amount Available

36-9-29-25. Refunding Bonds; Issuance; Payment

36-9-29-26. Bonds Issued and Their Interest Exempt From Taxation

36-9-29-27. Validity of Bonds Issued

36-9-29-28. Flood Control District Construction Fund

36-9-29-29. Acquisition of Property; Payment of Costs According to Terms of Purchase or Contract; Payment of Damages in Condemnation; Title

36-9-29-30. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Bonds; Flood Control District Bond Fund

36-9-29-31. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Cost of Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Flood Control Works; Presumption; Flood Control District Maintenance Fund; Temporary Loans

36-9-29-32. Emergency Flood Control District Fund

36-9-29-33. Deposit of Funds of Flood Control District

36-9-29-34. Warrants Drawn for Items Approved by Board; Payments on Bonds and Interest Coupons

36-9-29-35. Pending Actions for Filing Further Petitions and for Making Further Orders

36-9-29-36. Jurisdiction of Court

36-9-29-37. Supplementary Proceedings to Cure Defects or Irregularities; Objections

36-9-29-38. Required Proceedings and Notices Under This Chapter