Indiana Code
Chapter 29. Flood Control Districts in Certain Cities
36-9-29-31. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Cost of Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Flood Control Works; Presumption; Flood Control District Maintenance Fund; Temporary Loans

Sec. 31. (a) The flood control board may levy a special benefit tax each year for the purpose of providing for the cost of operation, maintenance, and repair of the flood control works after the completion of the works, including the general expenses of the board, such as salary and wages, that the board finds are not properly chargeable to the proceeds of bonds issued under this chapter. The tax may not exceed eleven and sixty-seven hundredths cents ($0.1167) on each hundred dollars ($100) of taxable property in the district, as it appears on the tax duplicates.
(b) The property within the flood control district is conclusively presumed to be benefited to the extent of the annual tax by the maintenance of the district and the maintenance, operation, and repair of the flood control works.
(c) The county auditor shall estimate the tax and enter it upon the tax duplicates, and the county treasurer shall collect and enforce the tax in the same manner as state and county taxes are estimated, entered, collected, and enforced.
(d) The county treasurer charged with the duty of collecting the taxes shall, between the first and tenth days of each month, notify the flood control board of the amount of the tax collected during the preceding month. Upon the date of notification, the treasurer shall credit the amount collected to a fund designated as "__________ flood control district maintenance fund", which may be used only for the purposes stated in this section.
(e) The flood control board has complete and exclusive authority to expend, on behalf of the flood control district, all revenues realized under this section.
(f) The flood control board may, by resolution, authorize and make temporary loans in anticipation of the collection of the special benefit taxes actually levied and in course of collection under this section. The loans mature and shall be paid within the year in which they are made, and may bear interest at any rate payable at the maturity of the loan. The temporary loans shall be evidenced by warrants, and, if the amount of warrants to be issued exceeds five thousand dollars ($5,000), they shall be sold at public sale in the same manner as the bonds of the district.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 19-4-18-17 part.]
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.105. Amended by P.L.6-1997, SEC.227.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 9. Transportation and Public Works

Chapter 29. Flood Control Districts in Certain Cities

36-9-29-1. Application of Chapter

36-9-29-2. Construction or Installation of Flood Control Works; Construction or Elevation of Highways and Bridges

36-9-29-3. Declaratory Resolution; Adoption; Contents

36-9-29-4. Petition to Establish District; Procedure

36-9-29-5. Court Hearing; Objections; Judgment; Dismissal; Interlocutory Order on Boundaries; Continued Hearing

36-9-29-6. Special Benefit District; Territory Included

36-9-29-7. Special Taxing District for Flood Control Purposes; Special Benefit Tax

36-9-29-8. Board of Commissioners; Membership; Oath; Removal and Appointment; Compensation; Meeting; Quorum; Powers and Duties; Conflict of Interest

36-9-29-9. Executive Secretary; Compensation; Bond; Duties

36-9-29-10. District Engineer; Duties; Compensation

36-9-29-11. Attorney; Duties; Compensation

36-9-29-12. Employees; Compensation; Duties

36-9-29-13. Employees; Term of Employment

36-9-29-14. County Treasurer; Duties

36-9-29-15. County Auditor; Duties

36-9-29-16. Federal Aid; Acceptance; Conditions

36-9-29-17. Use of Territory in Connection With Construction of Flood Control Works; Authorization

36-9-29-18. Plans and Specifications; Preparation, Adoption, and Filing; Objections; Hearing; Judgment or Decree

36-9-29-19. Acquisition of Property; Purchase, Contract, or Eminent Domain

36-9-29-20. Contracts; Letting Procedure

36-9-29-21. Federal Labor, Material, Machinery, and Equipment; Acceptance of Offer; Additional Labor, Material, Machinery, and Equipment

36-9-29-22. Loans for Preliminary Expenses; Sale of Warrants; Advancement of Funds

36-9-29-23. Bonds; Issuance; Amount; Sale Procedure

36-9-29-24. Bonds for Replacement, Enlargement, Extension, or Construction of Additional Works; Costs Exceeding Amount Available

36-9-29-25. Refunding Bonds; Issuance; Payment

36-9-29-26. Bonds Issued and Their Interest Exempt From Taxation

36-9-29-27. Validity of Bonds Issued

36-9-29-28. Flood Control District Construction Fund

36-9-29-29. Acquisition of Property; Payment of Costs According to Terms of Purchase or Contract; Payment of Damages in Condemnation; Title

36-9-29-30. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Bonds; Flood Control District Bond Fund

36-9-29-31. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Cost of Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Flood Control Works; Presumption; Flood Control District Maintenance Fund; Temporary Loans

36-9-29-32. Emergency Flood Control District Fund

36-9-29-33. Deposit of Funds of Flood Control District

36-9-29-34. Warrants Drawn for Items Approved by Board; Payments on Bonds and Interest Coupons

36-9-29-35. Pending Actions for Filing Further Petitions and for Making Further Orders

36-9-29-36. Jurisdiction of Court

36-9-29-37. Supplementary Proceedings to Cure Defects or Irregularities; Objections

36-9-29-38. Required Proceedings and Notices Under This Chapter