Indiana Code
Chapter 29. Flood Control Districts in Certain Cities
36-9-29-26. Bonds Issued and Their Interest Exempt From Taxation

Sec. 26. All bonds issued under this chapter, together with the interest on them, are exempt from taxation.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 19-4-18-14 part.]
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.105.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 9. Transportation and Public Works

Chapter 29. Flood Control Districts in Certain Cities

36-9-29-1. Application of Chapter

36-9-29-2. Construction or Installation of Flood Control Works; Construction or Elevation of Highways and Bridges

36-9-29-3. Declaratory Resolution; Adoption; Contents

36-9-29-4. Petition to Establish District; Procedure

36-9-29-5. Court Hearing; Objections; Judgment; Dismissal; Interlocutory Order on Boundaries; Continued Hearing

36-9-29-6. Special Benefit District; Territory Included

36-9-29-7. Special Taxing District for Flood Control Purposes; Special Benefit Tax

36-9-29-8. Board of Commissioners; Membership; Oath; Removal and Appointment; Compensation; Meeting; Quorum; Powers and Duties; Conflict of Interest

36-9-29-9. Executive Secretary; Compensation; Bond; Duties

36-9-29-10. District Engineer; Duties; Compensation

36-9-29-11. Attorney; Duties; Compensation

36-9-29-12. Employees; Compensation; Duties

36-9-29-13. Employees; Term of Employment

36-9-29-14. County Treasurer; Duties

36-9-29-15. County Auditor; Duties

36-9-29-16. Federal Aid; Acceptance; Conditions

36-9-29-17. Use of Territory in Connection With Construction of Flood Control Works; Authorization

36-9-29-18. Plans and Specifications; Preparation, Adoption, and Filing; Objections; Hearing; Judgment or Decree

36-9-29-19. Acquisition of Property; Purchase, Contract, or Eminent Domain

36-9-29-20. Contracts; Letting Procedure

36-9-29-21. Federal Labor, Material, Machinery, and Equipment; Acceptance of Offer; Additional Labor, Material, Machinery, and Equipment

36-9-29-22. Loans for Preliminary Expenses; Sale of Warrants; Advancement of Funds

36-9-29-23. Bonds; Issuance; Amount; Sale Procedure

36-9-29-24. Bonds for Replacement, Enlargement, Extension, or Construction of Additional Works; Costs Exceeding Amount Available

36-9-29-25. Refunding Bonds; Issuance; Payment

36-9-29-26. Bonds Issued and Their Interest Exempt From Taxation

36-9-29-27. Validity of Bonds Issued

36-9-29-28. Flood Control District Construction Fund

36-9-29-29. Acquisition of Property; Payment of Costs According to Terms of Purchase or Contract; Payment of Damages in Condemnation; Title

36-9-29-30. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Bonds; Flood Control District Bond Fund

36-9-29-31. Special Benefit Tax Levy to Pay for Cost of Operation, Maintenance, and Repair of Flood Control Works; Presumption; Flood Control District Maintenance Fund; Temporary Loans

36-9-29-32. Emergency Flood Control District Fund

36-9-29-33. Deposit of Funds of Flood Control District

36-9-29-34. Warrants Drawn for Items Approved by Board; Payments on Bonds and Interest Coupons

36-9-29-35. Pending Actions for Filing Further Petitions and for Making Further Orders

36-9-29-36. Jurisdiction of Court

36-9-29-37. Supplementary Proceedings to Cure Defects or Irregularities; Objections

36-9-29-38. Required Proceedings and Notices Under This Chapter