Sec. 20.1. (a) A county sheriffs' standard vehicle marking and uniform commission is established. The commission consists of three (3) members, not more than two (2) of whom may be of the same political party. Members of the commission shall be appointed by the governor for four (4) year terms. Each member must be an elected and acting county sheriff. The governor shall fill a vacancy on the commission for the unexpired term. Members serve without compensation.
(b) The commission shall, by rules adopted under IC 4-22-2, establish the following for sheriffs and their full-time paid deputies:
(1) A uniform of standard design and color.
(2) A standard design and color of vehicle marking for all county owned vehicles used by the sheriff's department.
The rules adopted under this subsection must provide exceptions for unmarked cars and plainclothes deputies.
(c) All vehicles and uniforms purchased after the effective date of the rules adopted under subsection (b) must meet the standards established by the rules. The commission's authority is limited to establishing standards for:
(1) uniforms worn by county sheriffs and their full-time paid deputies; and
(2) vehicles used by the sheriff's department.
As added by P.L.224-1986, SEC.1.
Structure Indiana Code
Chapter 10. Sheriff's Department; Merit Board; Pensions
36-8-10-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter
36-8-10-0.3. Legalization of Certain County Fiscal Body Actions Taken Before July 1, 1994
36-8-10-1. Application of Chapter
36-8-10-3. Sheriff's Merit Board
36-8-10-4. County Police Force; Creation; Membership; Budget and Salaries
36-8-10-5. Prison Matron; Appointment; Powers and Duties
36-8-10-6. Emergencies; Appointment of Additional Deputies and Assistants
36-8-10-7. Prisoner Meal Allowances
36-8-10-8. Reinstatement of Sheriff Following Expiration of Term of Office
36-8-10-10. Police Officers; Classification of Ranks, Grades, and Positions; Appointments
36-8-10-10.4. County Police Force; Preference for Employment
36-8-10-11.1. Reinstatement Following Layoffs
36-8-10-11.5. "Care" Defined; Payments for Care
36-8-10-12.1. Maximum Monthly Pension
36-8-10-12.2. Deferred Retirement Option Plan (Drop)
36-8-10-12.5. Purchase of Service Credit Earned in Certain Indiana Public Retirement Funds
36-8-10-12.6. Credit for Service Earned Before Establishment of Department Retirement Plan
36-8-10-13. Pension Trust; Participation by Sheriff
36-8-10-14. Death Benefit Program
36-8-10-15. Disability Benefit Program
36-8-10-16.5. Health Insurance for Surviving Spouse and Children
36-8-10-17. Police Benefit Fund
36-8-10-19. Restrictions on Alienation of Benefits; Fund Expenses; Payment of Insurance Premiums
36-8-10-23. Cost of Living Payments; Ordinances and Collective Bargaining