Indiana Code
Chapter 10. Sheriff's Department; Merit Board; Pensions
36-8-10-12.2. Deferred Retirement Option Plan (Drop)

Sec. 12.2. (a) This section applies to a county that adopts a deferred retirement option plan as part of its retirement plan under this chapter.
(b) As used in this section, "DROP" refers to a deferred retirement option plan established under this section.
(c) As used in this section, "DROP frozen benefit" refers to a monthly pension benefit calculated under the provisions of a retirement plan established under this chapter based on the employee beneficiary's:
(1) salary; and
(2) years of service;
on the date the employee beneficiary enters the DROP.
(d) As used in this section, "maximum years of service" refers to the maximum number of years of service included in the monthly pension benefit calculation under a department's retirement plan.
(e) An employee beneficiary who:
(1) is not yet credited with the maximum number of years of service; and
(2) is eligible to receive an unreduced benefit immediately upon termination of employment;
may elect to enter a DROP. The employee beneficiary's election is irrevocable.
(f) The employee beneficiary exits a DROP on the earliest of the following:
(1) The date that the employee beneficiary is credited with the maximum years of service under the retirement plan.
(2) The employee beneficiary's retirement date.
(3) The date any required benefit begins.
(g) The retirement benefit paid to the employee beneficiary who participated in a DROP consists of:
(1) the DROP frozen benefit; plus
(2) an additional amount, paid as the employee beneficiary elects under subsection (h), determined in STEP THREE of the following formula:
STEP ONE: Multiply:
(A) the DROP frozen benefit; by
(B) the number of months the employee beneficiary participated in the DROP.
STEP TWO: Multiply the product determined in STEP ONE by an interest rate that does not exceed three percent (3%) annually.
STEP THREE: Add the product determined under STEP ONE and the product determined under STEP TWO.
(h) The employee beneficiary shall elect, at the employee beneficiary's retirement, to receive the additional amount calculated under subsection (g)(2) in one (1) of the following ways:
(1) A lump sum.
(2) An actuarially equivalent increase in the monthly pension benefit payable to the employee beneficiary.
(3) A combination of (1) and (2).
(i) The cost of living payment determined under section 23 of this chapter does not apply to the additional amount calculated under subsection (g)(2). No cost of living payment is applied to a DROP frozen benefit while the employee beneficiary is participating in a DROP.
(j) If an employee beneficiary becomes disabled:
(1) in the line of duty; or
(2) other than in the line of duty;
benefits for the employee beneficiary are calculated as if the employee beneficiary had never entered the DROP.
(k) Except as provided in subsection (m), if, before the employee beneficiary's monthly pension benefit begins, an employee beneficiary dies, in the line of duty or other than in the line of duty, death benefits are payable as follows:
(1) The benefit under subsection (g)(2) is paid in a lump sum to the employee beneficiary's surviving spouse. If there is no surviving spouse, the lump sum must be divided equally among the employee beneficiary's surviving children. If there are no surviving children, the lump sum is paid to the employee beneficiary's parents. If there are no surviving parents, the lump sum is paid to the employee beneficiary's estate.
(2) A benefit is paid on the DROP frozen benefit under the terms of the county's retirement plan.
(l) A DROP under this section must be designed to be actuarially cost neutral to the county's retirement plan.
(m) This subsection applies if:
(1) an employee beneficiary dies in the line of duty before payment of the employee beneficiary's monthly pension benefit begins; and
(2) the calculation of a death benefit under the provisions of the county's retirement plan depends upon whether an employee beneficiary dies in the line of duty or other than in the line of duty.
Death benefits for an employee beneficiary who dies in the line of duty are calculated under the provisions of the county's retirement plan as if the employee beneficiary had never entered the DROP and shall be adjusted as necessary to ensure compliance with subsection (l).
As added by P.L.97-2005, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.51-2006, SEC.4.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 8. Public Safety

Chapter 10. Sheriff's Department; Merit Board; Pensions

36-8-10-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter

36-8-10-0.3. Legalization of Certain County Fiscal Body Actions Taken Before July 1, 1994

36-8-10-1. Application of Chapter

36-8-10-2. Definitions

36-8-10-3. Sheriff's Merit Board

36-8-10-4. County Police Force; Creation; Membership; Budget and Salaries

36-8-10-4.5. Body Armor

36-8-10-5. Prison Matron; Appointment; Powers and Duties

36-8-10-5.5. Chief Deputy

36-8-10-6. Emergencies; Appointment of Additional Deputies and Assistants

36-8-10-7. Prisoner Meal Allowances

36-8-10-8. Reinstatement of Sheriff Following Expiration of Term of Office

36-8-10-9. Powers and Duties of Members of Department; Refusal to Be Photographed or Fingerprinted, Withholding Information, Providing False Information; Misdemeanor

36-8-10-10. Police Officers; Classification of Ranks, Grades, and Positions; Appointments

36-8-10-10.4. County Police Force; Preference for Employment

36-8-10-10.5. Repealed

36-8-10-10.6. Special Deputies With Powers of Law Enforcement Officer; Appointment; Qualifications; Duties

36-8-10-11. Police Officers; Discipline and Removal; Hearings; Notice; Appeal; Specific Findings; Final Judgment; Venue

36-8-10-11.1. Reinstatement Following Layoffs

36-8-10-11.5. "Care" Defined; Payments for Care

36-8-10-12. Pension Trust

36-8-10-12.1. Maximum Monthly Pension

36-8-10-12.2. Deferred Retirement Option Plan (Drop)

36-8-10-12.5. Purchase of Service Credit Earned in Certain Indiana Public Retirement Funds

36-8-10-12.6. Credit for Service Earned Before Establishment of Department Retirement Plan

36-8-10-13. Pension Trust; Participation by Sheriff

36-8-10-14. Death Benefit Program

36-8-10-15. Disability Benefit Program

36-8-10-16. Dependent's Pension Benefit; Establishment and Operation; Maximum Monthly Pension Payable; Eligibility

36-8-10-16.3. Treatment of Certain Payments as Proper; Reinstatement of Monthly Pension of Certain Surviving Spouses

36-8-10-16.5. Health Insurance for Surviving Spouse and Children

36-8-10-17. Police Benefit Fund

36-8-10-18. Repealed

36-8-10-19. Restrictions on Alienation of Benefits; Fund Expenses; Payment of Insurance Premiums

36-8-10-20. Repealed

36-8-10-20.1. County Sheriffs' Standard Vehicle Marking and Uniform Commission; Establishment; Adoption of Rules; Limitation of Authority

36-8-10-21. Application to Certain Counties; Jail Commissary Fund; Disposition of Money From Commissary Sales; Record of Receipts and Disbursements

36-8-10-22. County Operating Jail; Inmate Money to Be Held in Trust; Disbursements From Trust; Payment Upon Discharge or Release of Inmate; Payment for Inmate Destruction or Loss of Property; Records

36-8-10-23. Cost of Living Payments; Ordinances and Collective Bargaining