Indiana Code
Chapter 10. Sheriff's Department; Merit Board; Pensions
36-8-10-1. Application of Chapter

Sec. 1. This chapter applies to all counties.
[Local Government Recodification Citation: New.]
As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.61.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 36. Local Government

Article 8. Public Safety

Chapter 10. Sheriff's Department; Merit Board; Pensions

36-8-10-0.1. Application of Certain Amendments to Chapter

36-8-10-0.3. Legalization of Certain County Fiscal Body Actions Taken Before July 1, 1994

36-8-10-1. Application of Chapter

36-8-10-2. Definitions

36-8-10-3. Sheriff's Merit Board

36-8-10-4. County Police Force; Creation; Membership; Budget and Salaries

36-8-10-4.5. Body Armor

36-8-10-5. Prison Matron; Appointment; Powers and Duties

36-8-10-5.5. Chief Deputy

36-8-10-6. Emergencies; Appointment of Additional Deputies and Assistants

36-8-10-7. Prisoner Meal Allowances

36-8-10-8. Reinstatement of Sheriff Following Expiration of Term of Office

36-8-10-9. Powers and Duties of Members of Department; Refusal to Be Photographed or Fingerprinted, Withholding Information, Providing False Information; Misdemeanor

36-8-10-10. Police Officers; Classification of Ranks, Grades, and Positions; Appointments

36-8-10-10.4. County Police Force; Preference for Employment

36-8-10-10.5. Repealed

36-8-10-10.6. Special Deputies With Powers of Law Enforcement Officer; Appointment; Qualifications; Duties

36-8-10-11. Police Officers; Discipline and Removal; Hearings; Notice; Appeal; Specific Findings; Final Judgment; Venue

36-8-10-11.1. Reinstatement Following Layoffs

36-8-10-11.5. "Care" Defined; Payments for Care

36-8-10-12. Pension Trust

36-8-10-12.1. Maximum Monthly Pension

36-8-10-12.2. Deferred Retirement Option Plan (Drop)

36-8-10-12.5. Purchase of Service Credit Earned in Certain Indiana Public Retirement Funds

36-8-10-12.6. Credit for Service Earned Before Establishment of Department Retirement Plan

36-8-10-13. Pension Trust; Participation by Sheriff

36-8-10-14. Death Benefit Program

36-8-10-15. Disability Benefit Program

36-8-10-16. Dependent's Pension Benefit; Establishment and Operation; Maximum Monthly Pension Payable; Eligibility

36-8-10-16.3. Treatment of Certain Payments as Proper; Reinstatement of Monthly Pension of Certain Surviving Spouses

36-8-10-16.5. Health Insurance for Surviving Spouse and Children

36-8-10-17. Police Benefit Fund

36-8-10-18. Repealed

36-8-10-19. Restrictions on Alienation of Benefits; Fund Expenses; Payment of Insurance Premiums

36-8-10-20. Repealed

36-8-10-20.1. County Sheriffs' Standard Vehicle Marking and Uniform Commission; Establishment; Adoption of Rules; Limitation of Authority

36-8-10-21. Application to Certain Counties; Jail Commissary Fund; Disposition of Money From Commissary Sales; Record of Receipts and Disbursements

36-8-10-22. County Operating Jail; Inmate Money to Be Held in Trust; Disbursements From Trust; Payment Upon Discharge or Release of Inmate; Payment for Inmate Destruction or Loss of Property; Records

36-8-10-23. Cost of Living Payments; Ordinances and Collective Bargaining