Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion; Criminal Penalties
16-34-2-7-b. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

Note: This version of section effective 9-15-2022. See also preceding version of this section, effective until 9-15-2022.
Sec. 7. (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), a person who knowingly or intentionally performs an abortion prohibited by section 1 of this chapter commits a Level 5 felony.
(b) A physician who performs an abortion intentionally or knowingly in violation of section 1(a)(1)(D) or 4 of this chapter commits a Class A misdemeanor.
(c) A person who knowingly or intentionally performs an abortion in violation of section 1.1 of this chapter commits a Class A infraction.
(d) A woman upon whom a partial birth abortion is performed may not be prosecuted for violating or conspiring to violate section 1(b) of this chapter.
(e) A woman upon whom a dismemberment abortion is performed may not be prosecuted for violating or conspiring to violate section 1(c) of this chapter.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 35-1-58.5-4.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.187-1995, SEC.6; P.L.145-1997, SEC.4; P.L.158-2013, SEC.235; P.L.93-2019, SEC.5; P.L.179-2022(ss), SEC.28.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 34. Abortion

Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion; Criminal Penalties

16-34-2-0.5. Medical Emergency

16-34-2-1. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

16-34-2-1-b. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

16-34-2-1.1. Voluntary and Informed Consent Condition; Information Required if a Lethal Fetal Anomaly Is Diagnosed; Ultrasound Report; Suspected Coercion

16-34-2-1.1-b. Voluntary and Informed Consent Condition; Information Required if a Lethal Fetal Anomaly Is Diagnosed; Ultrasound Report; Suspected Coercion

16-34-2-1.2. Physician's Duty to Inform Women in Medical Emergency of Necessity for Abortion

16-34-2-1.5. Informed Consent Brochure; Requirements

16-34-2-2. Responsibilities of Attending Physician; Determination of Postfertilization Age; Disciplinary Action for Violation

16-34-2-3. Conditions for Abortion After Viability or 20 Weeks; Attendance of Physician for Preservation of Life and Health of Viable Unborn Child; Certificates of Birth or Death; Offense for Violation; Ward

16-34-2-3-b. Conditions for Abortion After Viability or 20 Weeks; Attendance of Physician for Preservation of Life and Health of Viable Unborn Child; Certificates of Birth or Death; Offense for Violation; Ward

16-34-2-4. Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian; Notification; Waiver of Consent or Notification; Representation by Attorney; Confidentiality; Emergency Abortions; Medical Records; Penalties

16-34-2-4-b. Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian; Notification; Waiver of Consent or Notification; Representation by Attorney; Confidentiality; Emergency Abortions; Medical Records; Penalties

16-34-2-4.2. Aiding an Unemancipated Pregnant Minor in Obtaining an Abortion Without Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian Prohibited; Causes of Action; Limitations and Immunities

16-34-2-4.5. Admitting Privileges Requirement; Notification to Patient of Hospital Location; Confirmation of Admitting Privileges; Redaction

16-34-2-4.5-b. Admitting Privileges Requirement; Notification to Patient of Hospital Location; Confirmation of Admitting Privileges; Redaction

16-34-2-4.7. "Abortion Complication"

16-34-2-4.7-b. "Abortion Complication"; Required Report; Information for Report; Quarterly Public Report

16-34-2-5. Forms to Be Supplied to Health Care Provider; Purpose; Completion by Health Care Provider; Offense of Failing to Complete or Timely Transmit; Annual Public Report

16-34-2-5-b. Report Requirement per Abortion; Required Information; Time Frame; Penalty; Quarterly Public Report; Prohibition on Identifying Information

16-34-2-5.1. Documentation of Signatures and Credentials of Physicians and Other Providers

16-34-2-5.5. State Department Duty to Develop Electronic Program Concerning Submission of Forms Completed by Physicians

16-34-2-6. Prohibitions on Performing Experiments on and the Transport of an Aborted Fetus; Transport of Aborted Fetus for Purpose of Conducting Final Disposition of the Aborted Fetus Permitted

16-34-2-7. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

16-34-2-7-b. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

16-34-2-8. Civil Liability

16-34-2-9. Injunctive Relief

16-34-2-10. Damages

16-34-2-11. Attorney's Fees

16-34-2-12. Identity of a Woman Upon Whom a Dismemberment Abortion Has Been Performed