Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion; Criminal Penalties
16-34-2-1. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

Note: This version of section effective until 9-15-2022. See also following version of this section, effective 9-15-2022.
Sec. 1. (a) Abortion shall in all instances be a criminal act, except when performed under the following circumstances:
(1) Except as prohibited in IC 16-34-4, during the first trimester of pregnancy for reasons based upon the professional, medical judgment of the pregnant woman's physician if:
(A) the abortion is performed by the physician;
(B) the woman submitting to the abortion has filed her consent with her physician. However, if in the judgment of the physician the abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the woman, her consent is not required; and
(C) the woman submitting to the abortion has filed with her physician the written consent of her parent or legal guardian if required under section 4 of this chapter.
However, an abortion inducing drug may not be dispensed, prescribed, administered, or otherwise given to a pregnant woman after eight (8) weeks of postfertilization age. A physician must dispense the abortion inducing drug in person and have the pregnant woman consume the drug in the presence of the physician. A physician shall examine a pregnant woman in person before prescribing or dispensing an abortion inducing drug. The physician shall provide the pregnant woman with a copy of the manufacturer's instruction sheets and require that the pregnant woman sign the manufacturer's patient agreement form. A physician shall also provide, orally and in writing, along with other discharge information, the following statement: "Some evidence suggests that the effects of Mifepristone may be avoided, ceased, or reversed if the second pill, Misoprostol, has not been taken. Immediately contact the following for more information at (insert applicable abortion inducing drug reversal Internet web site and corresponding hotline number)." The physician shall retain a copy of the signed patient agreement form, and the signed physician's agreement form required by the manufacturer, in the patient's file. As used in this subdivision, "in person" does not include the use of telehealth or telemedicine services.
(2) Except as prohibited by IC 16-34-4, after the first trimester of pregnancy and before the earlier of viability of the fetus or twenty (20) weeks of postfertilization age, for reasons based upon the professional, medical judgment of the pregnant woman's physician if:
(A) all the circumstances and provisions required for legal abortion during the first trimester are present and adhered to; and
(B) the abortion is performed in a hospital or ambulatory outpatient surgical center (as defined in IC 16-18-2-14).
(3) Except as provided in subsection (b) or as prohibited by IC 16-34-4, at the earlier of viability of the fetus or twenty (20) weeks of postfertilization age and any time after, for reasons based upon the professional, medical judgment of the pregnant woman's physician if:
(A) all the circumstances and provisions required for legal abortion before the earlier of viability of the fetus or twenty (20) weeks of postfertilization age are present and adhered to;
(B) the abortion is performed in compliance with section 3 of this chapter; and
(C) before the abortion the attending physician shall certify in writing to the hospital in which the abortion is to be performed, that in the attending physician's professional, medical judgment, after proper examination and review of the woman's history, the abortion is necessary to prevent a substantial permanent impairment of the life or physical health of the pregnant woman. All facts and reasons supporting the certification shall be set forth by the physician in writing and attached to the certificate.
(b) A person may not knowingly or intentionally perform a partial birth abortion unless a physician reasonably believes that:
(1) performing the partial birth abortion is necessary to save the mother's life; and
(2) no other medical procedure is sufficient to save the mother's life.
(c) A person may not knowingly or intentionally perform a dismemberment abortion unless reasonable medical judgment dictates that performing the dismemberment abortion is necessary:
(1) to prevent any serious health risk to the mother; or
(2) to save the mother's life.
(d) Telehealth and telemedicine may not be used to provide any abortion, including the writing or filling of a prescription for any purpose that is intended to result in an abortion.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 35-1-58.5-2.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.145-1997, SEC.2; P.L.193-2011, SEC.8; P.L.136-2013, SEC.5; P.L.213-2016, SEC.13; P.L.205-2018, SEC.7; P.L.93-2019, SEC.3; P.L.218-2021, SEC.4.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 34. Abortion

Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion; Criminal Penalties

16-34-2-0.5. Medical Emergency

16-34-2-1. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

16-34-2-1-b. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

16-34-2-1.1. Voluntary and Informed Consent Condition; Information Required if a Lethal Fetal Anomaly Is Diagnosed; Ultrasound Report; Suspected Coercion

16-34-2-1.1-b. Voluntary and Informed Consent Condition; Information Required if a Lethal Fetal Anomaly Is Diagnosed; Ultrasound Report; Suspected Coercion

16-34-2-1.2. Physician's Duty to Inform Women in Medical Emergency of Necessity for Abortion

16-34-2-1.5. Informed Consent Brochure; Requirements

16-34-2-2. Responsibilities of Attending Physician; Determination of Postfertilization Age; Disciplinary Action for Violation

16-34-2-3. Conditions for Abortion After Viability or 20 Weeks; Attendance of Physician for Preservation of Life and Health of Viable Unborn Child; Certificates of Birth or Death; Offense for Violation; Ward

16-34-2-3-b. Conditions for Abortion After Viability or 20 Weeks; Attendance of Physician for Preservation of Life and Health of Viable Unborn Child; Certificates of Birth or Death; Offense for Violation; Ward

16-34-2-4. Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian; Notification; Waiver of Consent or Notification; Representation by Attorney; Confidentiality; Emergency Abortions; Medical Records; Penalties

16-34-2-4-b. Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian; Notification; Waiver of Consent or Notification; Representation by Attorney; Confidentiality; Emergency Abortions; Medical Records; Penalties

16-34-2-4.2. Aiding an Unemancipated Pregnant Minor in Obtaining an Abortion Without Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian Prohibited; Causes of Action; Limitations and Immunities

16-34-2-4.5. Admitting Privileges Requirement; Notification to Patient of Hospital Location; Confirmation of Admitting Privileges; Redaction

16-34-2-4.5-b. Admitting Privileges Requirement; Notification to Patient of Hospital Location; Confirmation of Admitting Privileges; Redaction

16-34-2-4.7. "Abortion Complication"

16-34-2-4.7-b. "Abortion Complication"; Required Report; Information for Report; Quarterly Public Report

16-34-2-5. Forms to Be Supplied to Health Care Provider; Purpose; Completion by Health Care Provider; Offense of Failing to Complete or Timely Transmit; Annual Public Report

16-34-2-5-b. Report Requirement per Abortion; Required Information; Time Frame; Penalty; Quarterly Public Report; Prohibition on Identifying Information

16-34-2-5.1. Documentation of Signatures and Credentials of Physicians and Other Providers

16-34-2-5.5. State Department Duty to Develop Electronic Program Concerning Submission of Forms Completed by Physicians

16-34-2-6. Prohibitions on Performing Experiments on and the Transport of an Aborted Fetus; Transport of Aborted Fetus for Purpose of Conducting Final Disposition of the Aborted Fetus Permitted

16-34-2-7. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

16-34-2-7-b. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

16-34-2-8. Civil Liability

16-34-2-9. Injunctive Relief

16-34-2-10. Damages

16-34-2-11. Attorney's Fees

16-34-2-12. Identity of a Woman Upon Whom a Dismemberment Abortion Has Been Performed