Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion; Criminal Penalties
16-34-2-5. Forms to Be Supplied to Health Care Provider; Purpose; Completion by Health Care Provider; Offense of Failing to Complete or Timely Transmit; Annual Public Report

Note: This version of section effective until 9-15-2022. See also following version of this section, effective 9-15-2022.
Sec. 5. (a) Every health care provider who performs a surgical abortion or provides, prescribes, administers, or dispenses an abortion inducing drug for the purposes of inducing an abortion shall report the performance of the abortion or the provision, prescribing, administration, or dispensing of an abortion inducing drug on a form drafted by the state department, the purpose and function of which shall be the improvement of maternal health and life through the compilation of relevant maternal life and health factors and data, and a further purpose and function shall be to monitor all abortions performed in Indiana to assure the abortions are done only under the authorized provisions of the law. For each abortion performed and abortion inducing drug provided, prescribed, administered, or dispensed, the report shall include, among other things, the following:
(1) The age of the patient.
(2) Whether a waiver of consent under section 4 of this chapter was obtained.
(3) Whether a waiver of notification under section 4 of this chapter was obtained.
(4) The date and location, including the facility name and city or town, where the:
(A) pregnant woman:
(i) provided consent; and
(ii) received all information;
required under section 1.1 of this chapter; and
(B) abortion was performed or the abortion inducing drug was provided, prescribed, administered, or dispensed.
(5) The health care provider's full name and address, including the name of the physicians performing the abortion or providing, prescribing, administering, or dispensing the abortion inducing drug.
(6) The city and county where the pregnancy termination occurred.
(7) The age of the father, or the approximate age of the father if the father's age is unknown.
(8) The patient's county and state of residence.
(9) The marital status of the patient.
(10) The educational level of the patient.
(11) The race of the patient.
(12) The ethnicity of the patient.
(13) The number of the patient's previous live births.
(14) The number of the patient's deceased children.
(15) The number of the patient's spontaneous pregnancy terminations.
(16) The number of the patient's previous induced terminations.
(17) The date of the patient's last menses.
(18) The physician's determination of the gestation of the fetus in weeks.
(19) Whether the patient indicated that the patient was seeking an abortion as a result of being:
(A) abused;
(B) coerced;
(C) harassed; or
(D) trafficked.
(20) The following information concerning the abortion or the provision, prescribing, administration, or dispensing of the abortion inducing drug:
(A) The postfertilization age of the fetus (in weeks).
(B) The manner in which the postfertilization age was determined.
(C) The gender of the fetus, if detectable.
(D) Whether the fetus has been diagnosed with or has a potential diagnosis of having Down syndrome or any other disability.
(E) If after the earlier of the time the fetus obtains viability or the time the postfertilization age of the fetus is at least twenty (20) weeks, the medical reason for the performance of the abortion or the provision, prescribing, administration, or dispensing of the abortion inducing drug.
(21) For a surgical abortion, the medical procedure used for the abortion and, if the fetus was viable or had a postfertilization age of at least twenty (20) weeks:
(A) whether the procedure, in the reasonable judgment of the health care provider, gave the fetus the best opportunity to survive;
(B) the basis for the determination that the pregnant woman had a condition described in this chapter that required the abortion to avert the death of or serious impairment to the pregnant woman; and
(C) the name of the second doctor present, as required under IC 16-34-2-3(a)(3).
(22) For a nonsurgical abortion, the precise drugs provided, prescribed, administered, or dispensed, and the means of delivery of the drugs to the patient.
(23) For a nonsurgical abortion, that the manufacturer's instructions were provided to the patient and that the patient signed the patient agreement.
(24) For an early pre-viability termination, the medical indication by diagnosis code for the fetus and the mother.
(25) The mother's obstetrical history, including dates of other abortions, if any.
(26) Any preexisting medical conditions of the patient that may complicate the abortion.
(27) The results of pathological examinations if performed.
(28) For a surgical abortion, whether the fetus was delivered alive, and if so, how long the fetus lived.
(29) Records of all maternal deaths occurring at the location where the abortion was performed or the abortion inducing drug was provided, prescribed, administered, or dispensed.
(30) The date the form was transmitted to the state department and, if applicable, separately to the department of child services.
(b) The health care provider shall complete the form provided for in subsection (a) and shall transmit the completed form to the state department, in the manner specified on the form, within thirty (30) days after the date of each abortion. However, if an abortion is for a female who is less than sixteen (16) years of age, the health care provider shall transmit the form to the state department of health and separately to the department of child services within three (3) days after the abortion is performed.
(c) The dates supplied on the form may not be redacted for any reason before the form is transmitted as provided in this section.
(d) Each failure to complete or timely transmit a form, as required under this section, for each abortion performed or abortion inducing drug that was provided, prescribed, administered, or dispensed, is a Class B misdemeanor.
(e) Not later than June 30 of each year, the state department shall compile a public report providing the following:
(1) Statistics for the previous calendar year from the information submitted under this section.
(2) Statistics for previous calendar years compiled by the state department under this subsection, with updated information for the calendar year that was submitted to the state department after the compilation of the statistics.
The state department shall ensure that no identifying information of a pregnant woman is contained in the report.
(f) The state department shall:
(1) summarize aggregate data from all data submitted under this section; and
(2) submit the data, before July 1 of each year, to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for its inclusion in the annual Vital Statistics Report.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 35-1-58.5-5.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.74-2011, SEC.1; P.L.193-2011, SEC.15; P.L.6-2012, SEC.120; P.L.92-2015, SEC.5; P.L.213-2016, SEC.16; P.L.173-2017, SEC.6; P.L.205-2018, SEC.10; P.L.218-2021, SEC.7.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 34. Abortion

Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion; Criminal Penalties

16-34-2-0.5. Medical Emergency

16-34-2-1. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

16-34-2-1-b. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

16-34-2-1.1. Voluntary and Informed Consent Condition; Information Required if a Lethal Fetal Anomaly Is Diagnosed; Ultrasound Report; Suspected Coercion

16-34-2-1.1-b. Voluntary and Informed Consent Condition; Information Required if a Lethal Fetal Anomaly Is Diagnosed; Ultrasound Report; Suspected Coercion

16-34-2-1.2. Physician's Duty to Inform Women in Medical Emergency of Necessity for Abortion

16-34-2-1.5. Informed Consent Brochure; Requirements

16-34-2-2. Responsibilities of Attending Physician; Determination of Postfertilization Age; Disciplinary Action for Violation

16-34-2-3. Conditions for Abortion After Viability or 20 Weeks; Attendance of Physician for Preservation of Life and Health of Viable Unborn Child; Certificates of Birth or Death; Offense for Violation; Ward

16-34-2-3-b. Conditions for Abortion After Viability or 20 Weeks; Attendance of Physician for Preservation of Life and Health of Viable Unborn Child; Certificates of Birth or Death; Offense for Violation; Ward

16-34-2-4. Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian; Notification; Waiver of Consent or Notification; Representation by Attorney; Confidentiality; Emergency Abortions; Medical Records; Penalties

16-34-2-4-b. Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian; Notification; Waiver of Consent or Notification; Representation by Attorney; Confidentiality; Emergency Abortions; Medical Records; Penalties

16-34-2-4.2. Aiding an Unemancipated Pregnant Minor in Obtaining an Abortion Without Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian Prohibited; Causes of Action; Limitations and Immunities

16-34-2-4.5. Admitting Privileges Requirement; Notification to Patient of Hospital Location; Confirmation of Admitting Privileges; Redaction

16-34-2-4.5-b. Admitting Privileges Requirement; Notification to Patient of Hospital Location; Confirmation of Admitting Privileges; Redaction

16-34-2-4.7. "Abortion Complication"

16-34-2-4.7-b. "Abortion Complication"; Required Report; Information for Report; Quarterly Public Report

16-34-2-5. Forms to Be Supplied to Health Care Provider; Purpose; Completion by Health Care Provider; Offense of Failing to Complete or Timely Transmit; Annual Public Report

16-34-2-5-b. Report Requirement per Abortion; Required Information; Time Frame; Penalty; Quarterly Public Report; Prohibition on Identifying Information

16-34-2-5.1. Documentation of Signatures and Credentials of Physicians and Other Providers

16-34-2-5.5. State Department Duty to Develop Electronic Program Concerning Submission of Forms Completed by Physicians

16-34-2-6. Prohibitions on Performing Experiments on and the Transport of an Aborted Fetus; Transport of Aborted Fetus for Purpose of Conducting Final Disposition of the Aborted Fetus Permitted

16-34-2-7. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

16-34-2-7-b. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

16-34-2-8. Civil Liability

16-34-2-9. Injunctive Relief

16-34-2-10. Damages

16-34-2-11. Attorney's Fees

16-34-2-12. Identity of a Woman Upon Whom a Dismemberment Abortion Has Been Performed