Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion; Criminal Penalties
16-34-2-2. Responsibilities of Attending Physician; Determination of Postfertilization Age; Disciplinary Action for Violation

Sec. 2. (a) It shall be the responsibility of the attending physician to do the following:
(1) Determine in accordance with accepted medical standards the postfertilization age of the fetus and which trimester the pregnant woman receiving the abortion is in.
(2) Determine whether the fetus is viable.
(3) Certify that determination as part of any written reports required of the attending physician by the state department or the facility in which the abortion is performed.
(b) In making a determination under this section of the postfertilization age of the fetus, the attending physician shall do the following:
(1) Question the patient concerning the date of fertilization.
(2) Perform or cause to be performed medical examinations and tests that a reasonably prudent physician would conduct to accurately diagnose the postfertilization age of the fetus.
(c) Except in the case of a medical emergency (as described in section 0.5 of this chapter), a physician that violates this section is subject to disciplinary action under IC 25-1-9.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 35-1-58.5-3.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.193-2011, SEC.11.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 16. Health

Article 34. Abortion

Chapter 2. Requirements for Performance of Abortion; Criminal Penalties

16-34-2-0.5. Medical Emergency

16-34-2-1. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

16-34-2-1-b. Required Circumstances of Legal Abortion

16-34-2-1.1. Voluntary and Informed Consent Condition; Information Required if a Lethal Fetal Anomaly Is Diagnosed; Ultrasound Report; Suspected Coercion

16-34-2-1.1-b. Voluntary and Informed Consent Condition; Information Required if a Lethal Fetal Anomaly Is Diagnosed; Ultrasound Report; Suspected Coercion

16-34-2-1.2. Physician's Duty to Inform Women in Medical Emergency of Necessity for Abortion

16-34-2-1.5. Informed Consent Brochure; Requirements

16-34-2-2. Responsibilities of Attending Physician; Determination of Postfertilization Age; Disciplinary Action for Violation

16-34-2-3. Conditions for Abortion After Viability or 20 Weeks; Attendance of Physician for Preservation of Life and Health of Viable Unborn Child; Certificates of Birth or Death; Offense for Violation; Ward

16-34-2-3-b. Conditions for Abortion After Viability or 20 Weeks; Attendance of Physician for Preservation of Life and Health of Viable Unborn Child; Certificates of Birth or Death; Offense for Violation; Ward

16-34-2-4. Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian; Notification; Waiver of Consent or Notification; Representation by Attorney; Confidentiality; Emergency Abortions; Medical Records; Penalties

16-34-2-4-b. Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian; Notification; Waiver of Consent or Notification; Representation by Attorney; Confidentiality; Emergency Abortions; Medical Records; Penalties

16-34-2-4.2. Aiding an Unemancipated Pregnant Minor in Obtaining an Abortion Without Consent of Parent or Legal Guardian or Custodian Prohibited; Causes of Action; Limitations and Immunities

16-34-2-4.5. Admitting Privileges Requirement; Notification to Patient of Hospital Location; Confirmation of Admitting Privileges; Redaction

16-34-2-4.5-b. Admitting Privileges Requirement; Notification to Patient of Hospital Location; Confirmation of Admitting Privileges; Redaction

16-34-2-4.7. "Abortion Complication"

16-34-2-4.7-b. "Abortion Complication"; Required Report; Information for Report; Quarterly Public Report

16-34-2-5. Forms to Be Supplied to Health Care Provider; Purpose; Completion by Health Care Provider; Offense of Failing to Complete or Timely Transmit; Annual Public Report

16-34-2-5-b. Report Requirement per Abortion; Required Information; Time Frame; Penalty; Quarterly Public Report; Prohibition on Identifying Information

16-34-2-5.1. Documentation of Signatures and Credentials of Physicians and Other Providers

16-34-2-5.5. State Department Duty to Develop Electronic Program Concerning Submission of Forms Completed by Physicians

16-34-2-6. Prohibitions on Performing Experiments on and the Transport of an Aborted Fetus; Transport of Aborted Fetus for Purpose of Conducting Final Disposition of the Aborted Fetus Permitted

16-34-2-7. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

16-34-2-7-b. Performance of Unlawful Abortion; Offense

16-34-2-8. Civil Liability

16-34-2-9. Injunctive Relief

16-34-2-10. Damages

16-34-2-11. Attorney's Fees

16-34-2-12. Identity of a Woman Upon Whom a Dismemberment Abortion Has Been Performed