Hawaii Revised Statutes
89. Collective Bargaining in Public Employment
89-15 Financial reports to employees.

§89-15 Financial reports to employees. Every employee organization shall keep an adequate record of its financial transactions. It shall make available to all employees who pay the employee organization dues or its equivalent an annual financial report in the form of a balance sheet and an operating statement, certified as to accuracy by a certified public accountant, within one hundred twenty days after the end of its fiscal year. In the event of failure to comply with this section, an employee may petition the board for an order compelling compliance. The order shall be enforceable in the same manner as other orders of the board under this chapter. [L 1970, c 171, pt of §2; am L 1985, c 251, §7; am L 2000, c 253, §102]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 7. Public Officers and Employees

89. Collective Bargaining in Public Employment

89-1 Statement of findings and policy.

89-2 Definitions.

89-3 Rights of employees.

89-3.5 Religious exemption from support of employee organization.

89-4 Payroll deductions.

89-5 Hawaii labor relations board.

89-5.1 Hearing notice.

89-6 Appropriate bargaining units.

89-7 Elections.

89-8 Recognition and representation; employee participation.

89-8.5 Negotiating authority; Hawaii health systems corporation.

89-9 Scope of negotiations; consultation.

89-10 Written agreements; enforceability; cost items.

89-10.5 Collective bargaining and local school initiatives. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any collective bargaining agreement concerning public school employees may include terms that would allow an employee to work a longer period e...

89-10.6 Schools; waiver of policies, rules, or procedures.

89-10.8 Resolution of disputes; grievances.

89-10.55 Charter school collective bargaining; bargaining unit; employer; exclusive representative.

89-11 Resolution of disputes; impasses.

89-12 Strikes, rights and prohibitions.

89-13 Prohibited practices; evidence of bad faith.

89-14 Prevention of prohibited practices.

89-15 Financial reports to employees.

89-16 Public records and proceedings.

89-16.5 Access to personal records by an employee organization.

89-16.6 Disclosure to an exclusive representative. (a) The appropriate government agencies shall, upon written request, disclose to an exclusive representative information relating to employees within their respective bargaining unit as follows: name...

89-17 List of employee organizations and exclusive representatives.

89-18 Penalty.

89-19 Chapter takes precedence, when.

89-20 Chapter inoperative, when.

89-23 Classroom cleaning; exception.