Hawaii Revised Statutes
806. Criminal Procedure: Circuit Courts
806-87 Evidence at hearing on motion to dismiss.

§806-87 Evidence at hearing on motion to dismiss. (a) The defendant may introduce evidence at the hearing. The defendant may also subpoena and call witnesses if the motion is accompanied by a declaration stating that counsel for the defendant (or the defendant if appearing without counsel) has a good faith basis to believe that each witness subpoenaed will provide specific testimony to help demonstrate that the information and its exhibit or exhibits do not establish the existence of probable cause to believe that the offense charged has been committed or probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the offense charged.
(b) The court may, in its discretion, permit the State to call witnesses, introduce evidence, or otherwise supplement the exhibit or exhibits appended to the information. [L 2004, c 62, pt of §1]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 38. Procedural and Supplementary Provisions

806. Criminal Procedure: Circuit Courts

806-1 Definitions.

806-2 Inapplicable to district courts.

806-6 Use of; furnishing of copy.

806-7 Preparation of indictment, complaint, or information; true bill by grand jury.

806-8 Prosecution where indictment not essential.

806-9 Information, laws applicable.

806-10 Form.

806-11 Disposal of firearms.

806-16 Venue; how stated.

806-17 Circuits constitute district for criminal trial by jury.

806-18 Change of venue.

806-21 Joinder of defendants; accessories, receivers.

806-22 Joinder of charges against defendant.

806-23 Misjoinder.

806-26 Meaning of words and phrases.

806-27 Indictment; defects and omissions.

806-28 Characterization of the act.

806-29 Exceptions need not be negatived.

806-30 Alternative allegations.

806-31 Indirect allegations.

806-32 Repugnancy.

806-33 Surplusage.

806-34 Sufficiency of averments as to offense and transaction.

806-35 Property owned by more than one.

806-36 Property owned by corporation.

806-37 Money, etc., how described.

806-38 Instrument, how described.

806-39 Same.

806-40 Document of title.

806-41 Ownership, not necessary to allege when.

806-42 Second offense.

806-46 Objections to indictment.

806-47 Bill of particulars.

806-48 Postponement.

806-49 Arraignment; plea of not guilty.

806-50 Standing mute.

806-51 Plea of autrefois convict or acquit.

806-56 Nolle prosequi.

806-60 Jury of twelve required.

806-61 Waiver of jury.

806-62 Trial; order of proof and argument.

806-63 Defense.

806-64 REPEALED.

806-65 Depositions, right to inspect.

806-66 REPEALED.

806-71 Sentence.

806-72 Probation officers.

806-73 Duties and powers of probation officers; adult probation records

806-76 Court proceedings; reports to county clerk.

806-81 Definitions.

806-82 Prosecution of felonies by written information.

806-83 Felonies for which criminal charges may be instituted by written information.

806-84 Exhibits.

806-85 Probable cause.

806-86 Procedure for motion to dismiss.

806-87 Evidence at hearing on motion to dismiss.

806-88 Ruling on motion to dismiss.