Hawaii Revised Statutes
804. Bail; Bond to Keep the Peace
804-62 Limit of compensation; penalty.

§804-62 Limit of compensation; penalty. (a) The amount of compensation which may be collected on any bail bond or bond to keep the peace by one or more persons acting as sureties thereon shall not exceed a one time only fee from five to fifteen per cent of the amount thereof, but need not be less than $50 in any event; provided that additional fees, subject to subsection (b), may be collected for:
(1) The posting of a surety insurance bond as defined in section 431:1-210(1);
(2) The posting of a bond on behalf of a person whose case is pending appeal; or
(3) The posting of a bond in which more than one year has passed since the filing thereof.
(b) The compensation collected pursuant to sections 804-62(a)(2) and (a)(3), in any year after the first year, may be collected annually, and:
(1) Shall be charged on a prorated basis; and
(2) Shall not exceed the percentage charged in the first year.
(c) Every person holding a license to act as surety on any bail bond or bond to keep the peace who violates this section shall be fined not more than $250 and shall forfeit the license and shall not be entitled to receive a similar license for a period of one year thereafter. [L 1990, c 164, pt of §3; am L 1993, c 181, §3]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 38. Procedural and Supplementary Provisions

804. Bail; Bond to Keep the Peace

804-1 Bail defined.

804-2 Unclaimed bail money.

804-3 Bailable offenses.

804-4 When a matter of right.

804-5 By whom allowed.

804-6 Bail bond after conviction.

804-7 Release after bail.

804-7.1 Conditions of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release.

804-7.2 Violations of conditions of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release.

804-7.3 Sanctions for violation of conditions of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release.

804-7.4 General conditions of release on bail.

804-7.5 Right to a prompt hearing; release or detention.

804-8 No bail where wounding may terminate in death.

804-9 Amount.

804-9.5 Unsecured bail.

804-10 REPEALED.

804-10.5 Sureties; qualification.

804-11 One surety sufficient; when.

804-11.5 Cash, credit and debit card authorization, stocks, bonds, or real property as security for bail.

804-12 Bond for minor.

804-13 Insufficient bail.

804-14 Discharge of sureties.

804-15 Recognizance.

804-16 Bail bond, etc., deposited where.

804-17 Prompt appearance and response; default.

804-18 Witness, summary process for.

804-19 Times for appearance.

804-31 Offense against complainant, arrest.

804-32 Bond pending trial and upon appeal.

804-33 Trial; bond protecting complainant.

804-34 Bond not executed.

804-35 Bond protecting others.

804-36 Term and renewal of bond.

804-37 Offense in presence of district judge.

804-38 Offense against other than complainant; arrest.

804-39 Bond in addition to conviction.

804-40 Suit on bond.

804-41 Discharge of surety.

804-51 Procedure.

804-61 REPEALED.

804-62 Limit of compensation; penalty.