Hawaii Revised Statutes
804. Bail; Bond to Keep the Peace
804-41 Discharge of surety.

§804-41 Discharge of surety. At any time before the breach of the condition of the bond, the surety may discharge oneself by surrendering the principal into the hands of any sheriff or the chief of police or the sheriff's or chief's authorized subordinate. [PC 1869, c 47, §10; RL 1925, §4006; am imp L 1933, c 30, §1; RL 1935, §5460; am L 1939, c 104, §7; am L 1943, c 62, §21 and c 64, §22; RL 1945, §10760; RL 1955, §256-40; HRS §709-41; ren L 1972, c 9, pt of §1; gen ch 1985; am L 1989, c 211, §10; am L 1990, c 281, §11]
Case Notes
Where principal was surrendered, surety entitled to return of bond whether principal was actually surrendered by surety or police. 81 H. 324, 916 P.2d 1225 (1996).

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 38. Procedural and Supplementary Provisions

804. Bail; Bond to Keep the Peace

804-1 Bail defined.

804-2 Unclaimed bail money.

804-3 Bailable offenses.

804-4 When a matter of right.

804-5 By whom allowed.

804-6 Bail bond after conviction.

804-7 Release after bail.

804-7.1 Conditions of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release.

804-7.2 Violations of conditions of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release.

804-7.3 Sanctions for violation of conditions of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release.

804-7.4 General conditions of release on bail.

804-7.5 Right to a prompt hearing; release or detention.

804-8 No bail where wounding may terminate in death.

804-9 Amount.

804-9.5 Unsecured bail.

804-10 REPEALED.

804-10.5 Sureties; qualification.

804-11 One surety sufficient; when.

804-11.5 Cash, credit and debit card authorization, stocks, bonds, or real property as security for bail.

804-12 Bond for minor.

804-13 Insufficient bail.

804-14 Discharge of sureties.

804-15 Recognizance.

804-16 Bail bond, etc., deposited where.

804-17 Prompt appearance and response; default.

804-18 Witness, summary process for.

804-19 Times for appearance.

804-31 Offense against complainant, arrest.

804-32 Bond pending trial and upon appeal.

804-33 Trial; bond protecting complainant.

804-34 Bond not executed.

804-35 Bond protecting others.

804-36 Term and renewal of bond.

804-37 Offense in presence of district judge.

804-38 Offense against other than complainant; arrest.

804-39 Bond in addition to conviction.

804-40 Suit on bond.

804-41 Discharge of surety.

804-51 Procedure.

804-61 REPEALED.

804-62 Limit of compensation; penalty.