Hawaii Revised Statutes
76. Civil Service Law
76-51 Prohibited activities by members of a merit appeals board.

§76-51 Prohibited activities by members of a merit appeals board. No person who occupies any elective or appointive office under the state or county government shall be eligible for membership on or continue to be a member of the merit appeals board. The term "appointive office" for the purpose of this section, shall not include notaries public. No member of the merit appeals board shall, during the member's term of office, serve as an officer or committee member of any political party organization, including a precinct organization, or present oneself as a candidate or be a candidate for nomination or election to any public office at any election. The office of any member who violates this section or section 84-13 or 84-14 shall be conclusively presumed to have been abandoned and vacated by reason thereof and the chief executive shall thereupon appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy. As an alternative remedy, proceedings in the nature of quo warranto may be brought by any person to oust any member who violates this section or section 84-13 or 84-14. [L 1955, c 274, pt of §1; RL 1955, §3-16; HRS §76-51; gen ch 1985; am L 2000, c 253, §31]
Attorney General Opinions
Employee of department of education may not be a member of a civil service commission. Att. Gen. Op. 90-9.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 7. Public Officers and Employees

76. Civil Service Law

76-1 Purposes; merit principle.

76-1.5 Executive branch workforce demographic profile.

76-2 to 4 REPEALED.

76-5 Alternatives in providing human resources program services

76-5.5 REPEALED.

76-6 Chapter inoperative, when.

76-7 to 10 REPEALED.

76-11 Definitions.

76-11.5 REPEALED.

76-11.6 Special, research, or demonstration project positions.

76-12 General powers and duties of director.

76-13 Specific duties and powers of director.

76-13.5 Classification.

76-14 Merit appeals board; duties, and jurisdiction.

76-15 Examination consultants.

76-16 Civil service and exemptions.

76-17 Rules; policies, standards, and procedures.

76-18 Examinations.

76-19 to 21 REPEALED.


76-22.5 Recruitment.


76-23.5 Recruitment incentives.

76-24 to 26 REPEALED.

76-27 Probationary service and other requirements for membership in the civil service.

76-28 Forms required of appointing authorities.

76-28.5 Temporary employment in state positions.

76-29 Person ineligible for appointment.

76-30 Tenure; resignations.

76-30.5 Leaves of absence to accept appointed positions exempt from the civil service; prohibited.

76-31 to 33 REPEALED.


76-35 to 37 REPEALED.




76-41 Performance appraisal systems; failure to meet performance requirements.

76-42 Internal complaint procedures.

76-43 Layoff.


76-45 Suspension.

76-46 Discharges; demotions.

76-47 Merit appeals boards; appointment, authority, procedures.


76-49 Subpoenas, oaths.

76-50 Compensation and expenses of a merit appeals board.

76-51 Prohibited activities by members of a merit appeals board.

76-52 to 56 REPEALED.

76-71 Department of civil service.

76-72 to 74 REPEALED.

76-75 Personnel director.

76-76 Deputy director.

76-77 Civil service and exemptions.

76-78 to 81 REPEALED.

76-91, 92 REPEALED.

76-101, 102 REPEALED.

76-102 REPEALED.

76-103 Veteran's preference.

76-104 to 106 REPEALED.

76-105 REPEALED.

76-106 REPEALED.

76-121 to 123 REPEALED.