§226-63 [OLD] Renumbered as §226-62.
§226-63 Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development. (a) There is established the Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development, which shall be an advisory body exempt from section 26-34, to coordinate and facilitate state agency transit-oriented development planning, and facilitate consultation and collaboration between the State and the counties on transit-oriented development initiatives. The Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development shall be established within the department of business, economic development, and tourism for administrative purposes.
(b) The Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development shall:
(1) Serve as the State's transit-oriented development planning and policy development entity with representation from state and county government and the community;
(2) Formulate and advise the governor on the implementation of a strategic plan to address transit-oriented development projects, including mixed use and affordable and rental housing projects, on state lands in each county;
(3) Facilitate the acquisition of funding and resources for state and county transit-oriented development programs, including affordable and rental housing projects, on state lands;
(4) Monitor the preparation and conduct of plans and studies to facilitate implementation of state transit-oriented development plans prepared pursuant to this section, including but not limited to the preparation of site or master plans and implementation plans and studies;
(5) Review all capital improvement project requests to the legislature for transit-oriented development projects, including mixed use and affordable and rental housing projects, on state lands within county-designated transit-oriented development zones or within a one-half-mile radius of public transit stations, if a county has not designated transit-oriented development zones;
(6) Recommend policy, regulatory, and statutory changes, and identify resource strategies for the successful execution of the strategic plan;
(7) Assemble accurate fiscal and demographic information to support policy development and track outcomes;
(8) Consider collaborative transit-oriented development initiatives of other states that have demonstrated positive outcomes; and
(9) Report annually to the governor, the legislature, and the mayor of each county on the progress of its activities, including formulation and progress on the strategic plan no later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session.
(c) The strategic plan developed by the Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development shall:
(1) Coordinate with the counties on transit-oriented development;
(2) For each county, compile an inventory of state, county, and private sector transit-oriented development projects lacking infrastructure, identifying the type of infrastructure each project lacks, and the approximate time frame when additional capacity is needed;
(3) Prioritize the development of transit-oriented development projects, including mixed use and affordable and rental housing projects, on state lands;
(4) Identify financing and prioritize state financing for the public infrastructure, facility, and service investments required to support transit-oriented development, mixed use, and affordable and rental housing project plans; and
(5) Encourage and promote partnerships between public and private entities to identify, renovate, and secure affordable housing options on state lands within county-designated transit-oriented development areas or within a one-half-mile radius of public transit stations, if a county has not designated transit-oriented development zones. [L 2016, c 130, pt of §2]
Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes
Title 13. Planning and Economic Development
226. Hawaii State Planning Act
226-5 Objective and policies for population.
226-6 Objectives and policies for the economy--in general.
226-7 Objectives and policies for the economy--agriculture.
226-8 Objective and policies for the economy--visitor industry.
226-9 Objective and policies for the economy--federal expenditures.
226-10 Objective and policies for the economy--potential growth and innovative activities.
226-10.5 Objectives and policies for the economy--information industry.
226-13 Objectives and policies for the physical environment--land, air, and water quality.
226-14 Objective and policies for facility systems--in general.
226-15 Objectives and policies for facility systems--solid and liquid wastes.
226-16 Objective and policies for facility systems--water.
226-17 Objectives and policies for facility systems--transportation.
226-18 Objectives and policies for facility systems--energy.
226-18.5 Objectives and policies for facility systems--telecommunications.
226-19 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--housing.
226-20 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--health.
226-21 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--education.
226-22 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--social services.
226-23 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--leisure.
226-25 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--culture.
226-26 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--public safety.
226-27 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--government.
226-52 Statewide planning system.
226-53 OLD REPEALED. §226-53 Office of planning and sustainable development; duties.
226-54 OLD REPEALED. §226-54 Amendments to this chapter.
226-55 Functional plans; preparation; update.
226-56 Functional plans; form and submittal.
226-57 Functional plans; implementation.
226-64 Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development; membership.
226-65 Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan.
226-103 Economic priority guidelines.
226-104 Population growth and land resources priority guidelines.