§226-3 Overall theme. Hawaii's people, as both individuals and groups, generally accept and live by a number of principles or values which are an integral part of society. This concept is the unifying theme of the state plan. The following principles or values are established as the overall theme of the Hawaii state plan:
(1) Individual and family self-sufficiency refers to the rights of people to maintain as much self-reliance as possible. It is an expression of the value of independence, in other words, being able to freely pursue personal interests and goals. Self-sufficiency means that individuals and families can express and maintain their own self-interest so long as that self-interest does not adversely affect the general welfare. Individual freedom and individual achievement are possible only by reason of other people in society, the institutions, arrangements and customs that they maintain, and the rights and responsibilities that they sanction.
(2) Social and economic mobility refers to the right of individuals to choose and to have the opportunities for choice available to them. It is a corollary to self-sufficiency. Social and economic mobility means that opportunities and incentives are available for people to seek out their own levels of social and economic fulfillment.
(3) Community or social well-being is a value that encompasses many things. In essence, it refers to healthy social, economic, and physical environments that benefit the community as a whole. A sense of social responsibility, of caring for others and for the well-being of our community and of participating in social and political life, are important aspects of this concept. It further implies the aloha spirit--attitudes of tolerance, respect, cooperation and unselfish giving, within which Hawaii's society can progress.
One of the basic functions of our society is to enhance the ability of individuals and groups to pursue their goals freely, to satisfy basic needs and to secure desired socio-economic levels. The elements of choice and mobility within society's legal framework are fundamental rights. Society's role is to encourage conditions within which individuals and groups can approach their desired levels of self-reliance and self-determination. This enables people to gain confidence and self-esteem; citizens contribute more when they possess such qualities in a free and open society.
Government promotes citizen freedom, self-reliance, self-determination, social and civic responsibility and goals achievement by keeping order, by increasing cooperation among many diverse individuals and groups, and by fostering social and civic responsibilities that affect the general welfare. The greater the number and activities of individuals and groups, the more complex government's role becomes. The function of government, however, is to assist citizens in attaining their goals. Government provides for meaningful participation by the people in decision-making and for effective access to authority as well as an equitable sharing of benefits. Citizens have a responsibility to work with their government to contribute to society's improvement. They must also conduct their activities within an agreed-upon legal system that protects human rights. [L 1978, c 100, pt of §2]
Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes
Title 13. Planning and Economic Development
226. Hawaii State Planning Act
226-5 Objective and policies for population.
226-6 Objectives and policies for the economy--in general.
226-7 Objectives and policies for the economy--agriculture.
226-8 Objective and policies for the economy--visitor industry.
226-9 Objective and policies for the economy--federal expenditures.
226-10 Objective and policies for the economy--potential growth and innovative activities.
226-10.5 Objectives and policies for the economy--information industry.
226-13 Objectives and policies for the physical environment--land, air, and water quality.
226-14 Objective and policies for facility systems--in general.
226-15 Objectives and policies for facility systems--solid and liquid wastes.
226-16 Objective and policies for facility systems--water.
226-17 Objectives and policies for facility systems--transportation.
226-18 Objectives and policies for facility systems--energy.
226-18.5 Objectives and policies for facility systems--telecommunications.
226-19 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--housing.
226-20 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--health.
226-21 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--education.
226-22 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--social services.
226-23 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--leisure.
226-25 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--culture.
226-26 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--public safety.
226-27 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--government.
226-52 Statewide planning system.
226-53 OLD REPEALED. §226-53 Office of planning and sustainable development; duties.
226-54 OLD REPEALED. §226-54 Amendments to this chapter.
226-55 Functional plans; preparation; update.
226-56 Functional plans; form and submittal.
226-57 Functional plans; implementation.
226-64 Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development; membership.
226-65 Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan.
226-103 Economic priority guidelines.
226-104 Population growth and land resources priority guidelines.