§226-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
"A-95 Clearinghouse" means the agency or agencies designated to carry out the procedures established pursuant to federal directive A-95 whereby certain applications for federal funds are reviewed and affected agencies are notified of the proposed applications.
"Advisory committee" means the committee established in section [226-55] to advise and assist in the formulation of the state functional plans.
"Ahupuaa" means a traditional native Hawaiian resource and behavioral management system that ensures respect for the air, land, water, and other scarce natural resources that make life sustainable from the mountains to the sea.
"Conform", "in conformance with this chapter" or "be in conformance with the overall theme, goals, objectives and policies," for the purposes of sections 226-52, [226-55], and [226-59], means the weighing of the overall theme, goals, objectives and policies of this chapter and a determination that an action, decision, rule or state program is consistent with the overall theme, and fulfills one or more of the goals, objectives, or policies of this chapter.
"County agency" means any department, office, board, or commission of the county.
"County development plan" means a relatively detailed plan for an area or region within a county to implement the objectives and policies of a county general plan.
"County general plan" means the comprehensive long-range plan or development plan, if any, which has been adopted by ordinance or resolution by a county council.
"Federal agency" means any federal department, office, board, or commission.
"Functional plan" means a plan setting forth the policies, statewide guidelines, and priorities within a specific field of activity, when such activity or program is proposed, administered, or funded by any agency of the State.
"Guidelines" means a stated course of action which is desirable and should be followed unless a determination is made that it is not the most desirable in a particular case; thus, a guideline may be deviated from without penalty or sanction.
"Hawaii state plan" means a long-range comprehensive plan, including the overall theme, goals, objectives, policies, priority guidelines, and implementation mechanisms established in this chapter.
"Kanaka maoli" means native Hawaiians.
"Office" means the office of planning and sustainable development.
"Petroleum" includes crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute).
"Priority guidelines" means those guidelines which shall take precedence when addressing areas of statewide concern.
"Socio-cultural advancement" means those collective efforts, through governmental or private organizations or both, to improve the community or social well-being by carrying out the objectives and policies as related to: housing, health, education, social services, leisure, individual rights, culture, and public safety.
"State agency" means any department, office, board, or commission of the State, or the University of Hawaii.
"State programs" means a combination of actions and activities undertaken by any state agency that are designed, coordinated, and executed to achieve an objective or set of objectives and policies within defined areas of concern.
"Sustainability" means achieving the following:
(1) Respect of the culture, character, beauty, and history of the State's island communities;
(2) Striking a balance between economic, social, community, and environmental priorities; and
(3) Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. [L 1978, c 100, pt of §2; am L 1984, c 236, §2; am L 1986, c 276, §2; am L 1987, c 336, §4(1); am L 1988, c 70, §2; am L 1996, c 299, §3; am L 2003, c 3, §6; am L 2011, c 181, §3; am L 2015, c 38, §1; am L 2021, c 153, §8]
Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes
Title 13. Planning and Economic Development
226. Hawaii State Planning Act
226-5 Objective and policies for population.
226-6 Objectives and policies for the economy--in general.
226-7 Objectives and policies for the economy--agriculture.
226-8 Objective and policies for the economy--visitor industry.
226-9 Objective and policies for the economy--federal expenditures.
226-10 Objective and policies for the economy--potential growth and innovative activities.
226-10.5 Objectives and policies for the economy--information industry.
226-13 Objectives and policies for the physical environment--land, air, and water quality.
226-14 Objective and policies for facility systems--in general.
226-15 Objectives and policies for facility systems--solid and liquid wastes.
226-16 Objective and policies for facility systems--water.
226-17 Objectives and policies for facility systems--transportation.
226-18 Objectives and policies for facility systems--energy.
226-18.5 Objectives and policies for facility systems--telecommunications.
226-19 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--housing.
226-20 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--health.
226-21 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--education.
226-22 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--social services.
226-23 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--leisure.
226-25 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--culture.
226-26 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--public safety.
226-27 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--government.
226-52 Statewide planning system.
226-53 OLD REPEALED. §226-53 Office of planning and sustainable development; duties.
226-54 OLD REPEALED. §226-54 Amendments to this chapter.
226-55 Functional plans; preparation; update.
226-56 Functional plans; form and submittal.
226-57 Functional plans; implementation.
226-64 Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development; membership.
226-65 Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan.
226-103 Economic priority guidelines.
226-104 Population growth and land resources priority guidelines.