Hawaii Revised Statutes
226. Hawaii State Planning Act
226-106 Affordable housing.

§226-106 Affordable housing. Priority guidelines for the provision of affordable housing:
(1) Seek to use marginal or nonessential agricultural land, urban land, and public land to meet housing needs of extremely low-, very low-, lower-, moderate-, and above moderate-income households.
(2) Encourage the use of alternative construction and development methods as a means of reducing production costs.
(3) Improve information and analysis relative to land availability and suitability for housing.
(4) Create incentives for development which would increase home ownership and rental opportunities for Hawaii's extremely low-, very low-, lower-, and moderate-income households and residents with special needs.
(5) Encourage continued support for government or private housing programs that provide low interest mortgages to Hawaii's people for the purchase of initial owner-occupied housing.
(6) Encourage public and private sector cooperation in the development of rental housing alternatives.
(7) Encourage improved coordination between various agencies and levels of government to deal with housing policies and regulations.
(8) Give higher priority to the provision of quality housing that is affordable for Hawaii's residents and less priority to development of housing intended primarily for individuals outside of Hawaii. [L 1986, c 276, §33; am L 1989, c 250, §3; am L 2017, c 82, §4]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 13. Planning and Economic Development

226. Hawaii State Planning Act

226-1 Findings and purpose.

226-2 Definitions.

226-3 Overall theme.

226-4 State goals.

226-5 Objective and policies for population.

226-6 Objectives and policies for the economy--in general.

226-7 Objectives and policies for the economy--agriculture.

226-8 Objective and policies for the economy--visitor industry.

226-9 Objective and policies for the economy--federal expenditures.

226-10 Objective and policies for the economy--potential growth and innovative activities.

226-10.5 Objectives and policies for the economy--information industry.

226-11 Objectives and policies for the physical environment--land-based, shoreline, and marine resources.

226-12 Objective and policies for the physical environment--scenic, natural beauty, and historic resources.

226-13 Objectives and policies for the physical environment--land, air, and water quality.

226-14 Objective and policies for facility systems--in general.

226-15 Objectives and policies for facility systems--solid and liquid wastes.

226-16 Objective and policies for facility systems--water.

226-17 Objectives and policies for facility systems--transportation.

226-18 Objectives and policies for facility systems--energy.

226-18.5 Objectives and policies for facility systems--telecommunications.

226-19 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--housing.

226-20 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--health.

226-21 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--education.

226-22 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--social services.

226-23 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--leisure.

226-24 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--individual rights and personal well-being.

226-25 Objective and policies for socio-cultural advancement--culture.

226-26 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--public safety.

226-27 Objectives and policies for socio-cultural advancement--government.

226-28 REPEALED.

226-51 Purpose.

226-52 Statewide planning system.

226-53 OLD REPEALED. §226-53 Office of planning and sustainable development; duties.

226-54 OLD REPEALED. §226-54 Amendments to this chapter.

226-55 Functional plans; preparation; update.

226-56 Functional plans; form and submittal.

226-57 Functional plans; implementation.

226-58 County general plans.

226-59 State programs.


226-61 Renumbered as §226-59.

226-62 REPEALED.

226-63 OLD Renumbered as §226-62. §226-63 Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development.

226-64 Hawaii interagency council for transit-oriented development; membership.

226-65 Hawaii 2050 sustainability plan.

226-101 Purpose.

226-102 Overall direction.

226-103 Economic priority guidelines.

226-104 Population growth and land resources priority guidelines.

226-105 Crime and criminal justice.

226-106 Affordable housing.

226-107 Quality education.

226-108 Sustainability.

226-109 Climate change adaptation priority guidelines