Hawaii Revised Statutes
103D. Hawaii Public Procurement Code
103D-303 Competitive sealed proposals.

§103D-303 Competitive sealed proposals. (a) Competitive sealed proposals may be used to procure goods, services, or construction that are either not practicable or not advantageous to the State to procure by competitive sealed bidding.
(b) Proposals shall be solicited through a request for proposals.
(c) Notice of the request for proposals shall be given in the same manner as provided in section 103D-302(c).
(d) Proposals shall be opened so as to avoid disclosure of contents to competing offerors during the process of evaluation. A register of proposals shall be prepared and shall be open for public inspection after contract award.
(e) The request for proposals shall include as an evaluation factor, past performance on projects of similar scope for public agencies or private industry, and shall state the relative importance of price, past performance, and other evaluation factors.
(f) Discussions may be conducted with responsible offerors who submit proposals determined to be reasonably likely to be selected for a contract award for the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of, and responsiveness to, the solicitation requirements. Offerors shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals, and revisions may be permitted after submissions and prior to award for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers. In conducting discussions, there shall be no disclosure of any information derived from proposals submitted by competing offerors.
(g) Award shall be made to the responsible offeror whose proposal is determined in writing to be the most advantageous, taking into consideration price and the evaluation factors set forth in the request for proposals. No other factors or criteria shall be used in the evaluation. The contract file shall contain the basis on which the award is made.
(h) In cases of awards made under this section, non-selected offerors may submit a written request for debriefing to the procurement officer within three working days after the posting of the award of the contract. Thereafter, the procurement officer shall provide the non-selected offeror a prompt debriefing. Any protest by the non-selected offeror pursuant to section 103D-701 following debriefing shall be filed in writing with the procurement officer within five working days after the date upon which the debriefing is completed.
(i) In addition to any other provisions of this section, construction projects may be solicited through a request for proposals to use the design-build method; provided that:
(1) A request for proposals is issued to prequalify offerors to select a short list of no more than three responsible offerors, prior to the submittal of proposals; provided that the number of offerors to be selected for the short list shall be stated in the request for proposals and prompt notice is given to all offerors as to which offerors have been short-listed;
(2) A conceptual design fee may be paid to non-selected offerors that submit a technically responsive proposal; provided that the cost of the entire project is greater than $1,000,000;
(3) The criteria for pre-qualification of offerors, design requirements, development documents, proposal evaluation criteria, terms of the payment of a conceptual design fee, or any other pertinent information shall be stated in the request for proposals; and
(4) Past performance on projects of similar scope for public agencies or private industries shall be an evaluation factor for the prequalification of offerors. [L Sp 1993, c 8, pt of §2; am L 1995, c 178, § §8, 9; am L 1997, c 352, §23; am L 2003, c 52, §4; am L 2011, c 211, §3; am L 2021, c 188, §5]
Case Notes
Defendant city satisfied its duty to conduct €œmeaningful discussions € under this section where it issued four addenda specifically addressing questions about the indemnification provisions and confirming that no changes would be made and plaintiff revised its proposal language after these amendments and before it submitted its best and final offers. 128 H. 413 (App.), 289 P.3d 1049 (2012).

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 9. Public Property, Purchasing and Contracting

103D. Hawaii Public Procurement Code

103D-101 Requirements of ethical public procurement.

103D-102 Application of this chapter.

103D-103 Retention of written determinations.

103D-104 Definitions.

103D-104.5 Agricultural products subject to this chapter

103D-105 Public access to procurement information.

103D-106 Penalties.

103D-107 Compliance audit unit; establishment and purpose.

103D-108 Compliance audit unit; duties and responsibilities.

103D-109 Compliance audit unit; government officers and employees to cooperate.

103D-110 Education and training.

103D-111 Applicability of chapter 103.

103D-201 Creation and membership of the procurement policy board.

103D-202 Authority and duties of the policy board.

103D-203 Chief procurement officers.

103D-204 Establishment of the state procurement office; administrator.

103D-205 Authority and duties of the chief procurement officer.

103D-206 Additional duties of the administrator of the procurement office.

103D-207 Centralization of procurement authority.

103D-208 Delegation of authority by the chief procurement officer.

103D-209 Authority to contract for certain services.

103D-210 REPEALED.

103D-211 Procurement rules.

103D-212 Collection of data concerning public procurement.

103D-213 Procurement advisory groups.

103D-214 REPEALED.

103D-301 Methods of source selection.

103D-302 Competitive sealed bidding.

103D-303 Competitive sealed proposals.

103D-303.5 Pre-bid conference.

103D-304 Procurement of professional services.

103D-305 Small purchases; prohibition against parceling.

103D-306 Sole source procurement.

103D-307 Emergency procurements.

103D-308 Cancellation of invitations for bids or requests for proposals.

103D-309 Contract not binding unless funds available.

103D-310 Responsibility of offerors.

103D-311 Prequalification of suppliers.

103D-312 Fair and reasonable pricing policy; cost or pricing data.

103D-313 Types of contracts.

103D-314 Approval of accounting system.

103D-315 Multi-term contracts.

103D-316 Right to inspect plant.

103D-317 Right to audit records.

103D-318 Finality of determinations

103D-319 Reporting of anticompetitive practices.

103D-320 Retention of procurement records; evaluations.

103D-321 REPEALED.

103D-322 Multiple awards.

103D-323 Bid security.

103D-324 Contract performance and payment bonds.

103D-325 Bond forms and copies.

103D-326 Fiscal responsibility.

103D-327 Safety and health programs for construction.

103D-328 Tax clearances; setoff for due and unpaid taxes.

103D-329 Past performance database.

103D-401 Duties of the policy board.

103D-402 Duties of the chief procurement officer.

103D-403 Exempted items.

103D-404 Relationship with using agencies.

103D-405 Maximum practicable competition.

103D-406 Specifications prepared by architects and engineers.

103D-407 Construction projects, roadway materials; recycled glass content requirements.

103D-408 Hawaiian plants; use in public landscaping.

103D-409 Provisions for pollution control.

103D-410 Energy efficiency through life-cycle costing.

103D-411 Value engineering clauses.

103D-412 Motor vehicle requirements.

103D-501 Contract clauses and their administration.

103D-601 Cost principles rules required.

103D-701 Authority to resolve protested solicitations and awards.

103D-701.5 Procurement statistics.

103D-702 Authority to debar or suspend.

103D-703 Authority to resolve contract and breach of contract controversies.

103D-703.5 Settlement of default by contractor.

103D-704 Exclusivity of remedies.

103D-705 Solicitations or awards in violation of law.

103D-706 Remedies prior to an award.

103D-707 Remedies after an award.

103D-708 Interest.

103D-709 Administrative proceedings for review.

103D-710 Judicial review.

103D-711 Judicial action.

103D-712 Time limitations on actions.

103D-713 Defense of a governmental body.

103D-801 Definitions.

103D-802 Cooperative purchasing authorized.

103D-803 Sale, acquisition, or use of goods by a public procurement unit.

103D-804 Cooperative use of goods or services.

103D-805 Joint use of facilities.

103D-806 Supply of personnel, information, and technical services.

103D-807 Use of payments received by a supplying public procurement unit.

103D-808 Public procurement units in compliance with requirements of this chapter.

103D-809 Review of procurement requirements.

103D-810 Contract controversies.

103D-901 Definitions.

103D-902 Small business assistance.

103D-903 Duties of the chief procurement officer.

103D-904 Geographic bidding.

103D-905 REPEALED.

103D-906 Preference for small businesses; set-asides; use as subcontractors.

103D-1001 Definitions.

103D-1001.5 Application of this part.

103D-1002 Hawaii products.

103D-1002.5 Failure to adequately verify, deliver, or supply Hawaii products

103D-1003 Printing, binding, and stationery work.

103D-1004 Reciprocity.

103D-1005 Recycled products.

103D-1006 Software development businesses.

103D-1007 REPEALED.

103D-1008 Taxpayer preference.

103D-1009 Preference for qualified community rehabilitation programs.

103D-1010 Purchases from qualified community rehabilitation programs.

103D-1011 Qualified community rehabilitation program; proposal to provide goods and services.

103D-1012 Biofuel preference.

103D-1101 Definitions.

103D-1102 State agency for surplus property.

103D-1103 Authority and duties.

103D-1104 Delegation of authority; bond.

103D-1105 Authorized donee representatives.

103D-1106 Transfer charges.

103D-1107 Revolving fund.

103D-1201 Definitions.

103D-1202 Rules.

103D-1203 Administrator of the state procurement office; duties.

103D-1204 Others' responsibilities.

103D-1205 Internal control.

103D-1206 Annual inventory reporting by state officers.

103D-1207 Annual inventory reporting by county mayors to administrator of the state procurement office.

103D-1208 Annual inventory reporting by county officers to council.

103D-1209 Authority to withhold salary.

103D-1210 Penalty; jurisdiction.

103D-1211 Forms for annual inventory return.

103D-1212 Duties of the State and county.

103D-1213 Sale of produce, etc.; disposition of proceeds; exceptions.

103D-1214 Proceeds.

103D-1301 Short title.

103D-1302 Definitions.

103D-1303 Preference for oil products with greater recycled content.

103D-1304 Affirmative program for procuring oils with recycled content.