Florida Statutes
Chapter 766 - Medical Malpractice and Related Matters
766.313 - Limitation on Claim.

History.—s. 72, ch. 88-1; s. 38, ch. 88-277; s. 1, ch. 93-251.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XLV - Torts

Chapter 766 - Medical Malpractice and Related Matters

766.101 - Medical Review Committee, Immunity From Liability.

766.1015 - Civil Immunity for Members of or Consultants to Certain Boards, Committees, or Other Entities.

766.1016 - Patient Safety Data Privilege.

766.102 - Medical Negligence; Standards of Recovery; Expert Witness.

766.103 - Florida Medical Consent Law.

766.104 - Medical Negligence Cases; Reasonable Investigation Required Before Filing.

766.105 - Florida Patient’s Compensation Fund.

766.106 - Notice Before Filing Action for Medical Negligence; Presuit Screening Period; Offers for Admission of Liability and for Arbitration; Informal Discovery; Review.

766.1065 - Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information.

766.108 - Mandatory Mediation and Mandatory Settlement Conference in Medical Negligence Actions.

766.110 - Liability of Health Care Facilities.

766.111 - Engaging in Unnecessary Diagnostic Testing; Penalties.

766.1115 - Health Care Providers; Creation of Agency Relationship With Governmental Contractors.

766.1116 - Health Care Practitioner; Waiver of License Renewal Fees and Continuing Education Requirements.

766.112 - Comparative Fault.

766.113 - Settlement Agreements; Prohibition on Restricting Disclosure to Division of Medical Quality Assurance.

766.118 - Determination of Noneconomic Damages.

766.1185 - Bad Faith Actions.

766.201 - Legislative Findings and Intent.

766.202 - Definitions; Ss. 766.201-766.212.

766.2021 - Limitation on Damages Against Insurers, Prepaid Limited Health Service Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations, or Prepaid Health Clinics.

766.203 - Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses by Prospective Parties.

766.204 - Availability of Medical Records for Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses; Penalty.

766.205 - Presuit Discovery of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses.

766.206 - Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses by Court.

766.207 - Voluntary Binding Arbitration of Medical Negligence Claims.

766.208 - Arbitration to Allocate Responsibility Among Multiple Defendants.

766.209 - Effects of Failure to Offer or Accept Voluntary Binding Arbitration.

766.21 - Misarbitration.

766.211 - Payment of Arbitration Award; Interest.

766.212 - Appeal of Arbitration Awards and Allocations of Financial Responsibility.

766.301 - Legislative Findings and Intent.

766.302 - Definitions; Ss. 766.301-766.316.

766.303 - Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan; Exclusiveness of Remedy.

766.304 - Administrative Law Judge to Determine Claims.

766.305 - Filing of Claims and Responses; Medical Disciplinary Review.

766.306 - Tolling of Statute of Limitations.

766.307 - Hearing; Parties; Discovery.

766.309 - Determination of Claims; Presumption; Findings of Administrative Law Judge Binding on Participants.

766.31 - Administrative Law Judge Awards for Birth-Related Neurological Injuries; Notice of Award.

766.311 - Conclusiveness of Determination or Award; Appeal.

766.312 - Enforcement of Awards.

766.313 - Limitation on Claim.

766.314 - Assessments; Plan of Operation.

766.3145 - Code of Ethics.

766.315 - Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association; Board of Directors; Notice of Meetings; Report.

766.316 - Notice to Obstetrical Patients of Participation in the Plan.