Florida Statutes
Chapter 766 - Medical Malpractice and Related Matters
766.302 - Definitions; Ss. 766.301-766.316.

(1) “Association” means the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association established in s. 766.315 to administer the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan and the plan of operation established in s. 766.314.
(2) “Birth-related neurological injury” means injury to the brain or spinal cord of a live infant weighing at least 2,500 grams for a single gestation or, in the case of a multiple gestation, a live infant weighing at least 2,000 grams at birth caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate postdelivery period in a hospital, which renders the infant permanently and substantially mentally and physically impaired. This definition shall apply to live births only and shall not include disability or death caused by genetic or congenital abnormality.
(3) “Claimant” means any person who files a claim pursuant to s. 766.305 for compensation for a birth-related neurological injury to an infant. Such a claim may be filed by any legal representative on behalf of an injured infant; and, in the case of a deceased infant, the claim may be filed by an administrator, personal representative, or other legal representative thereof.
(4) “Administrative law judge” means an administrative law judge appointed by the division.
(5) “Division” means the Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department of Management Services.
(6) “Hospital” means any hospital licensed in Florida.
(7) “Participating physician” means a physician licensed in Florida to practice medicine who practices obstetrics or performs obstetrical services either full time or part time and who had paid or was exempted from payment at the time of the injury the assessment required for participation in the birth-related neurological injury compensation plan for the year in which the injury occurred. Such term shall not apply to any physician who practices medicine as an officer, employee, or agent of the Federal Government.
(8) “Plan” means the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan established under s. 766.303.
(9) “Family member” means a father, mother, or legal guardian.
(10) “Family residential or custodial care” means care normally rendered by trained professional attendants which is beyond the scope of child care duties, but which is provided by family members. Family members who provide nonprofessional residential or custodial care may not be compensated under this act for care that falls within the scope of child care duties and other services normally and gratuitously provided by family members. Family residential or custodial care shall be performed only at the direction and control of a physician when such care is medically necessary. Reasonable charges for expenses for family residential or custodial care provided by a family member shall be determined as follows:
(a) If the family member is not employed, the per-hour value equals the federal minimum hourly wage.
(b) If the family member is employed and elects to leave that employment to provide such care, the per-hour value of that care shall equal the rates established by Medicaid for private duty services provided by a home health aide. A family member or a combination of family members providing care in accordance with this definition may not be compensated for more than a total of 10 hours per day. Family care is in lieu of professional residential or custodial care, and no professional residential or custodial care may be awarded for the period of time during the day that family care is being provided.
(c) The award of family residential or custodial care as defined in this section shall not be included in the current estimates for purposes of s. 766.314(9)(c).

History.—s. 61, ch. 88-1; s. 36, ch. 88-277; s. 16, ch. 91-46; s. 2, ch. 93-251; s. 307, ch. 96-410; s. 149, ch. 2001-277; s. 5, ch. 2002-401.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XLV - Torts

Chapter 766 - Medical Malpractice and Related Matters

766.101 - Medical Review Committee, Immunity From Liability.

766.1015 - Civil Immunity for Members of or Consultants to Certain Boards, Committees, or Other Entities.

766.1016 - Patient Safety Data Privilege.

766.102 - Medical Negligence; Standards of Recovery; Expert Witness.

766.103 - Florida Medical Consent Law.

766.104 - Medical Negligence Cases; Reasonable Investigation Required Before Filing.

766.105 - Florida Patient’s Compensation Fund.

766.106 - Notice Before Filing Action for Medical Negligence; Presuit Screening Period; Offers for Admission of Liability and for Arbitration; Informal Discovery; Review.

766.1065 - Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information.

766.108 - Mandatory Mediation and Mandatory Settlement Conference in Medical Negligence Actions.

766.110 - Liability of Health Care Facilities.

766.111 - Engaging in Unnecessary Diagnostic Testing; Penalties.

766.1115 - Health Care Providers; Creation of Agency Relationship With Governmental Contractors.

766.1116 - Health Care Practitioner; Waiver of License Renewal Fees and Continuing Education Requirements.

766.112 - Comparative Fault.

766.113 - Settlement Agreements; Prohibition on Restricting Disclosure to Division of Medical Quality Assurance.

766.118 - Determination of Noneconomic Damages.

766.1185 - Bad Faith Actions.

766.201 - Legislative Findings and Intent.

766.202 - Definitions; Ss. 766.201-766.212.

766.2021 - Limitation on Damages Against Insurers, Prepaid Limited Health Service Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations, or Prepaid Health Clinics.

766.203 - Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses by Prospective Parties.

766.204 - Availability of Medical Records for Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses; Penalty.

766.205 - Presuit Discovery of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses.

766.206 - Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses by Court.

766.207 - Voluntary Binding Arbitration of Medical Negligence Claims.

766.208 - Arbitration to Allocate Responsibility Among Multiple Defendants.

766.209 - Effects of Failure to Offer or Accept Voluntary Binding Arbitration.

766.21 - Misarbitration.

766.211 - Payment of Arbitration Award; Interest.

766.212 - Appeal of Arbitration Awards and Allocations of Financial Responsibility.

766.301 - Legislative Findings and Intent.

766.302 - Definitions; Ss. 766.301-766.316.

766.303 - Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan; Exclusiveness of Remedy.

766.304 - Administrative Law Judge to Determine Claims.

766.305 - Filing of Claims and Responses; Medical Disciplinary Review.

766.306 - Tolling of Statute of Limitations.

766.307 - Hearing; Parties; Discovery.

766.309 - Determination of Claims; Presumption; Findings of Administrative Law Judge Binding on Participants.

766.31 - Administrative Law Judge Awards for Birth-Related Neurological Injuries; Notice of Award.

766.311 - Conclusiveness of Determination or Award; Appeal.

766.312 - Enforcement of Awards.

766.313 - Limitation on Claim.

766.314 - Assessments; Plan of Operation.

766.3145 - Code of Ethics.

766.315 - Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association; Board of Directors; Notice of Meetings; Report.

766.316 - Notice to Obstetrical Patients of Participation in the Plan.