Florida Statutes
Chapter 766 - Medical Malpractice and Related Matters
766.31 - Administrative Law Judge Awards for Birth-Related Neurological Injuries; Notice of Award.

(1) Upon determining that an infant has sustained a birth-related neurological injury and that obstetrical services were delivered by a participating physician at the birth, the administrative law judge shall make an award providing compensation for the following items relative to such injury:
(a) Actual expenses for medically necessary and reasonable medical and hospital, habilitative and training, family residential or custodial care, professional residential, and custodial care and service, for medically necessary drugs, special equipment, and facilities, and for related travel. At a minimum, compensation must be provided for the following actual expenses:
1. A total annual benefit of up to $10,000 for immediate family members who reside with the infant for psychotherapeutic services obtained from providers licensed under chapter 490 or chapter 491.
2. For the life of the child, providing parents or legal guardians with a reliable method of transportation for the care of the child or reimbursing the cost of upgrading an existing vehicle to accommodate the child’s needs when it becomes medically necessary for wheelchair transportation. The mode of transportation must take into account the special accommodations required for the specific child. The plan may not limit such transportation assistance based on the child’s age or weight. The plan must replace any vans purchased by the plan every 7 years or 150,000 miles, whichever comes first.
3. Housing assistance of up to $100,000 for the life of the child, including home construction and modification costs.

(b) However, the following expenses are not subject to compensation:
1. Expenses for items or services that the infant has received, or is entitled to receive, under the laws of any state or the Federal Government, except to the extent such exclusion may be prohibited by federal law.
2. Expenses for items or services that the infant has received, or is contractually entitled to receive, from any prepaid health plan, health maintenance organization, or other private insuring entity.
3. Expenses for which the infant has received reimbursement, or for which the infant is entitled to receive reimbursement, under the laws of any state or the Federal Government, except to the extent such exclusion may be prohibited by federal law.
4. Expenses for which the infant has received reimbursement, or for which the infant is contractually entitled to receive reimbursement, pursuant to the provisions of any health or sickness insurance policy or other private insurance program.

(c) Expenses included under paragraph (a) are limited to reasonable charges prevailing in the same community for similar treatment of injured persons when such treatment is paid for by the injured person. The parents or legal guardians receiving benefits under the plan may file a petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings to dispute the amount of actual expenses reimbursed or a denial of reimbursement.

(d)1.a. Periodic payments of an award to the parents or legal guardians of the infant found to have sustained a birth-related neurological injury, which award may not exceed $100,000. However, at the discretion of the administrative law judge, such award may be made in a lump sum. Beginning on January 1, 2021, the award may not exceed $250,000, and each January 1 thereafter, the maximum award authorized under this paragraph shall increase by 3 percent.
1b. Parents or legal guardians who received an award pursuant to this section before January 1, 2021, must receive a retroactive payment in an amount sufficient to bring the total award paid to the parents or legal guardians pursuant to sub-subparagraph a. to $250,000. This additional payment may be made in a lump sum or in periodic payments as designated by the parents or legal guardians and must be paid by July 1, 2021.

2.a. Death benefit for the infant in an amount of $50,000.
b. Parents or legal guardians who received an award pursuant to this section, and whose child died since the inception of the program, must receive a retroactive payment in an amount sufficient to bring the total award paid to the parents or legal guardians pursuant to sub-subparagraph a. to $50,000. This additional payment may be made in a lump sum or in periodic payments as designated by the parents or legal guardians and must be paid by July 1, 2021.

(e) Reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the filing of a claim under ss. 766.301-766.316, including reasonable attorney’s fees, which shall be subject to the approval and award of the administrative law judge. In determining an award for attorney’s fees, the administrative law judge shall consider the following factors:
1. The time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill requisite to perform the legal services properly.
2. The fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services.
3. The time limitations imposed by the claimant or the circumstances.
4. The nature and length of the professional relationship with the claimant.
5. The experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing services.
6. The contingency or certainty of a fee.

Should there be a final determination of compensability, and the claimants accept an award under this section, the claimants are not liable for any expenses, including attorney fees, incurred in connection with the filing of a claim under ss. 766.301-766.316 other than those expenses awarded under this section.

(2) The award shall require the immediate payment of expenses previously incurred and shall require that future expenses be paid as incurred.
(3) A copy of the award shall be sent immediately by registered or certified mail to each person served with a copy of the petition under s. 766.305(2).
History.—s. 69, ch. 88-1; s. 5, ch. 89-186; s. 22, ch. 91-46; s. 4, ch. 94-106; s. 313, ch. 96-410; s. 150, ch. 2001-277; s. 6, ch. 2002-401; s. 78, ch. 2003-416; s. 3, ch. 2021-134; s. 23, ch. 2022-71.
1Note.—Section 24, ch. 2022-71, provides that “[t]he amendment made to s. 766.31(1)(d)1.b., Florida Statutes, by this act applies retroactively. The Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan must provide the additional payment required under s. 766.31(1)(d)1.b., Florida Statutes, to parents and legal guardians who are eligible for the additional payment under that sub-subparagraph as a result of the amendment made by this act. The additional payment may be made in a lump sum or in periodic payments as designated by the parents or legal guardians and must be paid by July 1, 2022. This section shall take effect upon this act becoming a law.”

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XLV - Torts

Chapter 766 - Medical Malpractice and Related Matters

766.101 - Medical Review Committee, Immunity From Liability.

766.1015 - Civil Immunity for Members of or Consultants to Certain Boards, Committees, or Other Entities.

766.1016 - Patient Safety Data Privilege.

766.102 - Medical Negligence; Standards of Recovery; Expert Witness.

766.103 - Florida Medical Consent Law.

766.104 - Medical Negligence Cases; Reasonable Investigation Required Before Filing.

766.105 - Florida Patient’s Compensation Fund.

766.106 - Notice Before Filing Action for Medical Negligence; Presuit Screening Period; Offers for Admission of Liability and for Arbitration; Informal Discovery; Review.

766.1065 - Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information.

766.108 - Mandatory Mediation and Mandatory Settlement Conference in Medical Negligence Actions.

766.110 - Liability of Health Care Facilities.

766.111 - Engaging in Unnecessary Diagnostic Testing; Penalties.

766.1115 - Health Care Providers; Creation of Agency Relationship With Governmental Contractors.

766.1116 - Health Care Practitioner; Waiver of License Renewal Fees and Continuing Education Requirements.

766.112 - Comparative Fault.

766.113 - Settlement Agreements; Prohibition on Restricting Disclosure to Division of Medical Quality Assurance.

766.118 - Determination of Noneconomic Damages.

766.1185 - Bad Faith Actions.

766.201 - Legislative Findings and Intent.

766.202 - Definitions; Ss. 766.201-766.212.

766.2021 - Limitation on Damages Against Insurers, Prepaid Limited Health Service Organizations, Health Maintenance Organizations, or Prepaid Health Clinics.

766.203 - Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses by Prospective Parties.

766.204 - Availability of Medical Records for Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses; Penalty.

766.205 - Presuit Discovery of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses.

766.206 - Presuit Investigation of Medical Negligence Claims and Defenses by Court.

766.207 - Voluntary Binding Arbitration of Medical Negligence Claims.

766.208 - Arbitration to Allocate Responsibility Among Multiple Defendants.

766.209 - Effects of Failure to Offer or Accept Voluntary Binding Arbitration.

766.21 - Misarbitration.

766.211 - Payment of Arbitration Award; Interest.

766.212 - Appeal of Arbitration Awards and Allocations of Financial Responsibility.

766.301 - Legislative Findings and Intent.

766.302 - Definitions; Ss. 766.301-766.316.

766.303 - Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan; Exclusiveness of Remedy.

766.304 - Administrative Law Judge to Determine Claims.

766.305 - Filing of Claims and Responses; Medical Disciplinary Review.

766.306 - Tolling of Statute of Limitations.

766.307 - Hearing; Parties; Discovery.

766.309 - Determination of Claims; Presumption; Findings of Administrative Law Judge Binding on Participants.

766.31 - Administrative Law Judge Awards for Birth-Related Neurological Injuries; Notice of Award.

766.311 - Conclusiveness of Determination or Award; Appeal.

766.312 - Enforcement of Awards.

766.313 - Limitation on Claim.

766.314 - Assessments; Plan of Operation.

766.3145 - Code of Ethics.

766.315 - Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association; Board of Directors; Notice of Meetings; Report.

766.316 - Notice to Obstetrical Patients of Participation in the Plan.