History.—s. 5, ch. 75-196; s. 12, ch. 94-277.
Structure Florida Statutes
Title X - Public Officers, Employees, and Records
Chapter 112 - Public Officers and Employees: General Provisions
Part III - Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees (Ss. 112.311-112.3261)
112.311 - Legislative intent and declaration of policy.
112.3125 - Dual public employment.
112.3135 - Restriction on employment of relatives.
112.3144 - Full and public disclosure of financial interests.
112.31445 - Electronic filing system; full and public disclosure of financial interests.
112.31446 - Electronic filing system for financial disclosure.
112.3145 - Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.
112.31485 - Prohibition on gifts involving political committees.
112.3149 - Solicitation and disclosure of honoraria.
112.3151 - Extensions of time for filing disclosure.
112.3175 - Remedies; contracts voidable.
112.3185 - Additional standards for state agency employees.
112.31895 - Investigative procedures in response to prohibited personnel actions.
112.31901 - Investigatory records.
112.320 - Commission on Ethics; purpose.
112.321 - Membership, terms; travel expenses; staff.
112.3213 - Legislative intent and purpose.
112.32151 - Requirements for reinstitution of lobbyist registration after felony conviction.
112.32155 - Electronic filing of compensation reports and other information.
112.3217 - Contingency fees; prohibitions; penalties.
112.322 - Duties and powers of commission.
112.3232 - Compelled testimony.
112.3251 - Citizen support and direct-support organizations; standards of conduct.
112.326 - Additional requirements by political subdivisions and agencies not prohibited.
112.3261 - Lobbying before water management districts; registration and reporting.