Florida Statutes
Part III - Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees (Ss. 112.311-112.3261)
112.3123 - Definitions.

(1) “Administrative action” means any process or decision regulated by chapter 120 or, for agencies of the executive branch of state government not subject to chapter 120, any action or a decision on a license, permit, waiver of regulation, or any other administrative procedure or procedure governed by existing law, rule, or regulation, except on an issue of procurement.
(2) “Compensation” means a payment, a distribution, a loan, an advance, a reimbursement, a deposit, a salary, a fee, a retainer, or anything of value provided or owed to a recipient, directly or indirectly, from any source for lobbying activity.
(3) “Governmental entity” means an officer or agency of the executive or legislative branches of state government.
(4) “Issue of appropriation” means a legislative decision to expend or approve an expenditure of public funds, including decisions that are delegated to an administrator.
(5) “Issue of policy” means a change in a law or a decision, plan, or course of action designed to influence or determine the subsequent decisions or actions of a governmental entity, to sell or otherwise divest public property, or to regulate conduct. The term does not include a decision or determination of any rights, duties, or obligations made on a case-by-case basis.
(6) “Issue of procurement” means a proposal to purchase or acquire property, an interest in property, or services by a governmental entity.
(7) “Legislative action” means introduction, sponsorship, testimony, debate, voting, or any other official action on a measure, a resolution, an amendment, a nomination, an appointment, a report, or an other matter.

(8)(a) “Lobby” means to influence or attempt to influence an action or decision through oral, written, or electronic communication and, with respect to:
1. The executive branch of state government, is limited to influencing decisions, other than administrative action, that are vested in or delegated to an agency or officer thereof.
2. The legislative branch of state government, is limited to influencing a procurement decision or any legislative action or nonaction by either the Senate or the House of Representatives, or any committee or office thereof.

(b) The term “lobby” does not mean any of the following:
1. Providing or seeking to provide confidential information to be used for law enforcement purposes.
2. Appearing as a witness to provide information at the written request of the chair of a legislative body or committee, including a legislative delegation meeting.
3. Appearing or offering written testimony under oath as an expert witness in any proceeding for any purpose related to the proceeding and communications related to such testimony.

(9)(a) “Lobby for compensation” means being employed or contracting for compensation for the purpose of lobbying, and includes being principally employed for governmental affairs to lobby on behalf of a person or public entity.
(b) The term “lobby for compensation” does not include any of the following:
1. A public officer carrying out the duties of his or her public office.
2. A public or private employee, including an officer of a private business, nonprofit entity, or any public entity acting in the normal course of his or her duties, unless he or she is principally employed for governmental affairs.
3. Advice or services to a governmental entity pursuant to a contractual obligation with the governmental entity.
4. Representation of a person on a legal claim cognizable in a court of law, in an administrative proceeding, or in front of an adjudicatory body, including representation during prelitigation offers, demands, and negotiations, but excluding representation on a claim bill pending in the Legislature.
5. Representation of a person in any proceeding on a complaint or other allegation that could lead to discipline or other adverse action against the person.
6. Representation of a person with respect to a subpoena or other legal process.

(10) “Principally employed for governmental affairs” means that the principal or most significant responsibility of the employee is to oversee the employer’s various relationships with governmental entities or representing the employer in its contacts with governmental entities.
History.—s. 1, ch. 2022-141.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title X - Public Officers, Employees, and Records

Chapter 112 - Public Officers and Employees: General Provisions

Part III - Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees (Ss. 112.311-112.3261)

112.311 - Legislative intent and declaration of policy.

112.312 - Definitions.

112.3121 - Definitions.

112.3122 - Enforcement and penalties for constitutional prohibition against lobbying by a public officer.

112.3123 - Definitions.

112.3124 - Enforcement and penalties for constitutional prohibition against lobbying by a former justice or judge.

112.3125 - Dual public employment.

112.313 - Standards of conduct for public officers, employees of agencies, and local government attorneys.

112.3135 - Restriction on employment of relatives.

112.3136 - Standards of conduct for officers and employees of entities serving as chief administrative officer of political subdivisions.

112.3142 - Ethics training for specified constitutional officers, elected municipal officers, and commissioners.

112.3143 - Voting conflicts.

112.3144 - Full and public disclosure of financial interests.

112.31445 - Electronic filing system; full and public disclosure of financial interests.

112.31446 - Electronic filing system for financial disclosure.

112.3145 - Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.

112.31455 - Collection methods for unpaid automatic fines for failure to timely file disclosure of financial interests.

112.3146 - Public records.

112.3147 - Forms.

112.3148 - Reporting and prohibited receipt of gifts by individuals filing full or limited public disclosure of financial interests and by procurement employees.

112.31485 - Prohibition on gifts involving political committees.

112.3149 - Solicitation and disclosure of honoraria.

112.3151 - Extensions of time for filing disclosure.

112.316 - Construction.

112.317 - Penalties.

112.3173 - Felonies involving breach of public trust and other specified offenses by public officers and employees; forfeiture of retirement benefits.

112.3175 - Remedies; contracts voidable.

112.3185 - Additional standards for state agency employees.

112.3187 - Adverse action against employee for disclosing information of specified nature prohibited; employee remedy and relief.

112.3188 - Confidentiality of information given to the Chief Inspector General, internal auditors, inspectors general, local chief executive officers, or other appropriate local officials.

112.3189 - Investigative procedures upon receipt of whistle-blower information from certain state employees.

112.31895 - Investigative procedures in response to prohibited personnel actions.

112.31901 - Investigatory records.

112.3191 - Short title.

112.320 - Commission on Ethics; purpose.

112.321 - Membership, terms; travel expenses; staff.

112.3213 - Legislative intent and purpose.

112.3215 - Lobbying before the executive branch or the Constitution Revision Commission; registration and reporting; investigation by commission.

112.32151 - Requirements for reinstitution of lobbyist registration after felony conviction.

112.32155 - Electronic filing of compensation reports and other information.

112.3217 - Contingency fees; prohibitions; penalties.

112.322 - Duties and powers of commission.

112.3231 - Time limitations.

112.3232 - Compelled testimony.

112.324 - Procedures on complaints of violations and referrals; public records and meeting exemptions.

112.3241 - Judicial review.

112.3251 - Citizen support and direct-support organizations; standards of conduct.

112.326 - Additional requirements by political subdivisions and agencies not prohibited.

112.3261 - Lobbying before water management districts; registration and reporting.