Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 818 - Connecticut Parentage Act
Section 46b-560. (Formerly Sec. 46b-160). - Petition to adjudicate parentage. Continuance of case. Evidence. Jurisdiction over alleged parent. Personal service. Petition to include answer form, notice and application for appointment of counsel. Genet...

(a)(1)(A) Except for petitions in uncontested actions brought pursuant to sections 46b-517, 46b-531 and 46b-535, when a petition to adjudicate parentage pursuant to section 46b-489 or sections 46b-495 to 46b-583, inclusive, is filed, the court, or any judge or family support magistrate assigned to the court, shall cause a summons, signed by such judge or magistrate, by the clerk of the court, or by a commissioner of the Superior Court to be issued, requiring the alleged parent to appear in court at a time and place as determined by the clerk but not more than ninety days after the issuance of the summons to show cause why the request for relief in such petition should not be granted.

(B) A state marshal, proper officer or investigator shall make due return of process to the court not less than twenty-one days before the date assigned for hearing. In the case of a child or pregnant person being supported wholly or in part by the state, service of such petition may be made by any investigator employed by the Department of Social Services and any proper officer authorized by law.
(2) If the alleged parent fails to appear in court at such time and place, the court or family support magistrate shall hear the petitioner and, upon a finding that process was served on the alleged parent, shall enter a default judgment of parentage against such parent and such other orders as the facts may warrant. In addition, such court or family support magistrate may order that such hearing be continued. The court or family support magistrate shall, upon motion by a party, issue an order for temporary support of the child by the respondent pending a final judgment of the issue of parentage if such court or magistrate finds that there is clear and convincing evidence of parentage which evidence in cases involving alleged genetic parents shall include, but not be limited to, genetic test results that meet the requirements of section 46b-500.
(b) If the alleged parent resides out of or is absent from the state, notice required for the exercise of jurisdiction over such alleged parent shall be actual notice, and shall be in the manner prescribed for personal service of process by the law of the place in which service is made.
(c) In any proceeding to establish parentage, the court or family support magistrate may exercise personal jurisdiction over a nonresident alleged parent if the court or magistrate finds that the alleged parent was personally served in this state or that the alleged parent resided in this state and while residing in this state (1) paid prenatal expenses for the birth parent and support for the child, (2) resided with the child and held himself or herself out as the parent of the child, or (3) paid support for the child and held himself or herself out as the parent of the child, provided the nonresident alleged parent has received actual notice of the pending petition for parentage pursuant to this subsection.
(d) The petition, when served pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, shall be accompanied by an answer form, a notice to the alleged parent and an application for appointment of counsel, written in clear and simple language designed for use by pro se defendants.
(e) (1) The answer form shall require the alleged parent to indicate whether the alleged parent admits or denies that the alleged parent is a parent or does not know whether the alleged parent is a parent of the child. Any response to the answer form shall not be deemed to waive any jurisdictional defense.
(2) The notice to the alleged parent shall inform the alleged parent that (A) the alleged parent has a right to be represented by an attorney, and if the alleged parent is indigent, the court will appoint an attorney for such parent, (B) if the alleged parent is found to be the parent, the alleged parent will be required to financially support the child until the child attains the age of eighteen years, (C) if the alleged parent does not admit parentage and such person is alleged to be a genetic parent, the court or family support magistrate may, pursuant to section 46b-499, order a genetic test to determine parentage and that the cost of such test shall be paid by the state in IV-D support cases, and in non-IV-D cases shall be paid by the petitioner, except that if the alleged parent is subsequently adjudicated to be the parent of the child, such person shall be liable to the state or the petitioner, as the case may be, for the amount of such cost, and (D) if the alleged parent fails to return the answer form or fails to appear for a scheduled genetic test without good cause, a default judgment of parentage shall be entered.
(3) The application for appointment of counsel shall include a financial affidavit.
(f) If the court or family support magistrate may exercise personal jurisdiction over the nonresident alleged parent pursuant to subsection (d) of this section and the answer form is returned and the alleged parent does not admit parentage, in cases in which the alleged parent is an alleged genetic parent, the court shall order genetic tests pursuant to section 46b-497. Such order shall be served upon the alleged parent in the same manner as provided in subsection (c) of this section. Unless the alleged genetic parent requests otherwise, the genetic test of the alleged genetic parent shall be made in the state where the alleged genetic parent resides at a location convenient to him or her. The costs of such test shall be paid by the state in IV-D support cases, and in non-IV-D cases shall be paid by the petitioner, except that if the alleged genetic parent is subsequently adjudicated the parent of the child, such person shall be liable to the state or the petitioner, as the case may be, for the amount of the costs.
(g) The court or family support magistrate shall enter a default judgment against a nonresident alleged parent if such alleged parent (1) fails to answer or otherwise respond to the petition, or (2) in cases in which the alleged parent is an alleged genetic parent, fails to appear for a scheduled genetic test without good cause, provided a default judgment shall not be entered against a nonresident alleged parent unless (A) there is evidence that the nonresident alleged parent has received actual notice of the petition pursuant to subsection (b) of this section and (B) there is verification that the process served upon the alleged parent included the answer form, notice to the defendant and an application for appointment of counsel required by subsection (d) of this section. Upon entry of a default judgment, a copy of the judgment and a form for a motion to reopen shall be served upon the adjudicated parent in the same manner as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(February, 1965, P.A. 406, S. 1; 1967, P.A. 520, S. 1; P.A. 74-183, S. 108, 291; P.A. 75-406, S. 3, 11; 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 76-334, S. 9, 12; 76-436, S. 498, 681; P.A. 77-614, S. 521, 610; P.A. 78-379, S. 21, 27; P.A. 79-560, S. 16, 39; P.A. 85-548, S. 3; P.A. 88-364, S. 60, 123; P.A. 89-360, S. 13, 44, 45; P.A. 93-187, S. 2; 93-262, S. 68, 87; 93-329, S. 2; 93-396, S. 15; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1, S. 56, 75; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7, S. 19, 38; P.A. 00-99, S. 93, 154; P.A. 01-195, S. 41, 181; P.A. 07-247, S. 10; P.A. 09-8, S. 11; P.A. 15-71, S. 82; P.A. 21-15, S. 118.)
History: 1967 act extended section to expectant mothers; P.A. 74-183 replaced circuit court with court of common pleas and “circuit” with “county or judicial district”, effective December 31, 1974; P.A. 75-406 specified that venue in paternity action is to be in accordance with Secs. 52-435a, 52-438 and 52-442a; P.A. 75-420 replaced welfare department with department of social services; P.A. 76-334 specified that petition is to be served on Attorney General and that he is to be a party to paternity proceedings in cases involving public assistance recipients and replaced “county or judicial district” with “geographical area”; P.A. 76-436 replaced court of common pleas with superior court and superior court with supreme court where appearing, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-614 replaced department of social services with department of human resources, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-379 required that jurors be selected from judicial district where geographical area is located for trial purposes; P.A. 79-560 added reference to petitions made by income maintenance department investigators; Sec. 52-435a transferred to Sec. 46b-160 in 1979; P.A. 85-548 added provision that paternity petition may be brought any time prior to child's eighteenth birthday, provided liability for past support shall be limited to three years next preceding granting of petition, deleting prior provision which prohibited the bringing of petition later than three years after birth of child or three years after cessation of support contributions whichever is later; P.A. 88-364 changed the filing from the geographical area to the judicial district; P.A. 89-360 added exception for filing paternity petition in IV-D support cases with family support magistrate division, added provision re service of petition in case of child or expectant mother wholly supported by state by any proper officer authorized by law, added references to family support magistrate, and added provision that IV-D paternity cases shall be tried by family support magistrate unless one of parties demands trial by jury in accordance with Sec. 46b-164; P.A. 93-187 made technical changes re commencement of paternity proceedings, summons and service of process; P.A. 93-262 replaced reference to departments of income maintenance and human resources with department of social services, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-329 added Subsecs. (c) to (h), inclusive, re jurisdiction over nonresident putative father, including requirements of personal service, minimum contacts with this state, answer form, notice, genetic tests and provision re entry of default judgments; P.A. 93-396 made a technical change in Subsec. (a); June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1 amended Subsec. (a) by adding reference to petitions brought under Secs. 46b-212 to 46b-213v, inclusive, deleted former Subsec. (b) re trial by family support magistrate except when trial by jury is requested by a party to the case and redesignated remaining Subsecs., effective January 1, 1998; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7 amended Subsec. (a) to provide that default judgment of paternity shall be entered upon finding that process served on putative father and to add provision re order of temporary support pending final judgment of paternity if clear and convincing evidence of paternity, amended Subsec. (e)(2) to require default judgment of paternity and amended Subsec. (g) to require entry of default judgment, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 00-99 replaced reference in Subsec. (a) to sheriff with state marshal, effective December 1, 2000; P.A. 01-195 made technical changes in Subsec. (a) for purposes of gender neutrality, effective July 11, 2001; P.A. 07-247 amended Subsec. (a) to restructure provisions by adding Subdiv. designators (1) to (4), delete requirement that “petition, summons and order shall be on forms prescribed by the Office of the Chief Court Administrator” and replace “46b-213v” with “46b-213w”; P.A. 09-8 made technical changes in Subsec. (a)(3); P.A. 15-71 amended Subsec. (a)(2) by replacing references to Secs. 46b-212 to 46b-213w with references to Secs. 46b-301 to 46b-425, effective July 1, 2015; P.A. 21-15 deleted former Subsecs. (a)(1)(A) to (a)(2) re filing of verified petition to establish paternity, redesignated existing Subsec. (a)(3)(A) as new Subsec. (a)(1)(A) and amended same by adding provision re petitions in uncontested actions, replacing “putative father” with “alleged parent” and making technical changes, redesignated existing Subsec. (a)(3)(B) as new Subsec.(a)(1)(B) and amended same by replacing “expectant mother” with “pregnant person”, redesignated existing Subsec. (a)(4) as Subsec. (a)(2) and amended same by replacing “putative father” with “alleged parent”, replacing “paternity” with “parentage”, deleting provision re mother continuing constant in accusation, replacing “genetic test results indicating a ninety-nine per cent or greater probability that such respondent is the father of the child” with “genetic test results that meet the requirements of section 46b-500” and making technical changes, amended Subsec. (b) by replacing “putative father” with “alleged parent”, amended Subsec. (c) by replacing “paternity” with “parentage”, replacing “putative father” with “alleged parent” and by making technical changes, amended Subsec. (d) by replacing “putative father” with “alleged parent”, amended Subsec. (e) by replacing “putative father” with “alleged parent” and “alleged genetic parent”, by adding reference to section 46b-499 re ordering a genetic test and by making technical changes, amended Subsec. (f) by replacing “putative father” with “alleged parent” and “alleged genetic parent”, adding reference to section 46b-497 re ordering genetic tests and making technical changes, and amended Subsec. (g) by replacing “putative father” with “alleged parent” and further amended Subsec. (g)(2) by adding provision re alleged genetic parent, changing “subsection (c) of this section” to “subsection (b) of this section”, changing “subsection (e) of this section” to “subsection (d) of this section” and replacing “served upon the father” with “served upon the adjudicated parent”, effective January 1, 2022; Sec. 46b-160 transferred to Sec. 46b-560 in 2023.
Annotations to former section 52-435a:
There can be no trial until the child is born. 1 R. 345. Discharge by mother. Id., 320. The mother, if plaintiff, must be put to the discovery at the time of her travail, if possible. 2 R. 492; 1 R. 107, but see 43 C. 484; 47 C. 186; 81 C. 7; 93 C. 320; 108 C. 673. Plaintiff must be examined, though defendant does not appear. 1 R. 345. This is not a criminal proceeding. 2 C. 360; 53 C. 525; 85 C. 327; 118 C. 304. The justice may adjourn the hearing and require defendant to give bonds for appearance at the adjourned day. 32 C. 223; 105 C. 389. The justice may belong to the town interested. 1 D. 278. Suit by a woman under age; 2 C. 360; by husband and wife. 1 R. 230. Cross-examination of defendant. 28 C. 314. What declarations are and what are not admissible; other evidence. 47 C. 186; 58 C. 292; 67 C. 339; 78 C. 65; 79 C. 97; 81 C. 7. Refusal to give bond on binding over is not a forfeiture of recognizance to appear and abide the order of the lower court. 51 C. 497. Higher court can acquire jurisdiction only by a binding over; presence of defendant not essential to jurisdiction of higher court; jurisdiction of higher court not affected by failure of justice to commit defendant for want of bond. 53 C. 526. Bond by putative father for support of child held valid. 54 C. 419. Defective complaint held to have been waived. 58 C. 286. Nature of proceedings. 68 C. 47. Statute must be strictly followed; arrest by indifferent person void; so arrest of one brought wrongfully into jurisdiction. 85 C. 327. Proof of constancy in accusations not necessary to make out prima facie case; statute merely makes constancy of accusation competent evidence. 93 C. 320; 108 C. 673; 114 C. 712; 138 C. 127. Allegation that reputable physician certified that complainant was pregnant not required; allegations held sufficient. 93 C. 322; 147 C. 418. Bond may be ordered to insure defendant's attendance at adjourned sessions of the justice court; sole issue before justice is question of probable cause. 105 C. 390. If accusations are constant, prima facie case is made out by plaintiff, rebuttable only by evidence other than defendant's own testimony. 108 C. 674. Arrest of defendant not necessary to give jurisdiction. 118 C. 306. Obligation of surety on recognizance for appearance does not include duty of seeing that accused conform to judgment by making payments. 128 C. 313. Cited. 131 C. 550. Fundamentally a civil action and may be maintained by a nonresident; it is designed to provide financial assistance for the mother in the support of the child. 146 C. 370. Statute prior to 1959 amendment: Next court of common pleas for the county in which the complainant dwells establishes venue rather than jurisdiction of subject matter. Id. Irregularity in physician's certificate does not destroy jurisdiction of the court but may be subject matter for plea in abatement. 147 C. 423. Cited. 156 C. 205. Confers jurisdiction over bastardy actions. 165 C. 33. Motion to open a judgment hereunder denied by the circuit court and sustained on appeal; appearance of attorney in lieu of person summoned to appear personally not approved. 168 C. 184. Statute omits any authorization for the arrest of the putative father and provides that paternity proceedings shall be initiated upon the verified petition of the mother filed in the court of common pleas. 169 C. 66. Cited. 170 C. 367; 175 C. 438.
Cited. 6 CS 156. That a child born to a married woman during wedlock is legitimate is only a presumption and not absolutely conclusive; discussion of English rule. 11 CS 323. Cited. 17 CS 267. Residence in Connecticut of the mother and child not a jurisdictional requirement; bind over is then to county court of defendant's residence. 20 CS 346. Cited. 34 CS 187, 190; Id., 501; 36 CS 501.
Complainant may appeal to appellate division of circuit court on adverse finding on hearing in probable cause. 2 Conn. Cir. Ct. 179. Former statute cited. Id., 581, 582. Defendant's paternity of plaintiff's child must be proved by plaintiff by a fair preponderance of evidence, as in any other civil case; evidence of substantive facts is essential and they cannot be proved by corroborative evidence consisting only of constancy of accusation. 3 Conn. Cir. Ct. 453. History discussed. Id.; Id., 492–494; Id., 553. Married woman could maintain bastardy proceedings for the support of her child, who was not the child of her husband. Id., 494. Purpose of act; since section is civil in nature, the court is not required to advise defendant of his basic constitutional rights. Id., 553, 556. Where sole evidence of paternity was based on prior accusation of plaintiff which she repudiated in court, defendant's motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict should be granted. 4 Conn. Cir. Ct. 326–329. Proceedings are civil not criminal and general rules respecting civil cases are applicable; in absence of finding of facts, judgment not reviewable on appeal. Id., 443. Cited. Id., 637, 638. Competency of photograph of illegitimate child offered in evidence to show resemblance to defendant not material where other evidence of defendant's relations with plaintiff were sufficient to prove paternity. Id., 713. Expert medical witness called by plaintiff may also give evidence which defendant used to prove his relations with plaintiff were too early to result in birth of child on date established; verdict for defendant reached on conflicting evidence will not be set aside where jury could reasonably have reached the conclusion it did. 5 Conn. Cir. Ct. 476. Where defendant was living with plaintiff and supporting child she had previously borne him, at time of conception of second child, jury could have reasonably concluded defendant was father of second child. Id., 571. Cited. 6 Conn. Cir. Ct. 339. Constancy of accusation is competent evidence that may be proved in corroboration of plaintiff's testimony. Id., 519.
Annotations to former section 46b-160:
Cited. 180 C. 114; 188 C. 354. Requires that the paternity proceeding be instituted during lifetime of putative father. 194 C. 52; reversed, see 200 C. 656. Cited. 196 C. 403; Id., 413; 197 C. 87. Reversed judgment of Appellate Court; statute conferred status of party on Attorney General. 200 C. 656. New 18-year limitation is applied retroactively. 201 C. 16. Cited. 204 C. 760; 208 C. 21. Section as amended may be applied retroactively. 225 C. 185. Cited. 234 C. 51.
Cited. 3 CA 212; 9 CA 93. Amendment (new statute of limitations) applied retroactively. Id., 327. Cited. 11 CA 548; 14 CA 487; 15 CA 312; 19 CA 76; 34 CA 129; judgment reversed, see 234 C. 51; 37 CA 105. 3-year retroactivity provision in section is not a statute of limitations, but is a statutory allowance for past child support. 75 CA 625. Because section is in derogation of the common law, it is to be strictly construed. 140 CA 229.
Cited. 35 CS 679; 38 CS 680. Court finds statute's 3-year limitation period not sufficiently long to withstand equal protection scrutiny. 40 CS 6. Cited. 42 CS 562.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 46b - Family Law

Chapter 818 - Connecticut Parentage Act

Section 46b-450. - Short title: Connecticut Parentage Act.

Section 46b-451. - Definitions.

Section 46b-452. - Scope.

Section 46b-453. - Applicable law.

Section 46b-454. - Authorized court. Exceptions.

Section 46b-458. - Standing to maintain proceedings.

Section 46b-459. - Notice of proceeding.

Section 46b-460. - Personal jurisdiction.

Section 46b-461. - Venue.

Section 46b-462. - Temporary order.

Section 46b-463. - Child as party.

Section 46b-464. - Public access to proceedings and documents filed with court.

Section 46b-465. - Dismissal for want of prosecution.

Section 46b-466. - Order adjudicating parentage.

Section 46b-467. - Court authority to order name of child changed.

Section 46b-468. - Binding effect of determination of parentage.

Section 46b-469. - Adjudicating parentage of child with adjudicated parent.

Section 46b-470. - Data privacy.

Section 46b-471. - Establishment of parent-child relationship.

Section 46b-472. - No discrimination based on marital status or gender of parent or circumstance of birth of child.

Section 46b-473. - Consequences of establishing parentage.

Section 46b-474. - Application of provisions to parent-child relationship.

Section 46b-475. - Adjudicating competing claims of parentage.

Section 46b-476. - Acknowledgement of parentage.

Section 46b-477. - Execution of acknowledgment of parentage.

Section 46b-478. - Rules for acknowledgment of parentage.

Section 46b-479. - Effect of acknowledgment of parentage.

Section 46b-480. - No filing fee.

Section 46b-481. - Ratification barred.

Section 46b-482. - Procedure for recission.

Section 46b-483. - Challenge after expiration period for recission. Procedure for challenge.

Section 46b-484. - Full faith and credit.

Section 46b-485. - Forms for acknowledgment of parentage.

Section 46b-486. - Release of information.

Section 46b-487. - Adoption of regulations.

Section 46b-488. - Presumption of parentage.

Section 46b-489. - Adjudicating parentage of child with presumed parent.

Section 46b-490. - (Note: This section is effective July 1, 2022.) Adjudicating claim of de facto parentage of child.

Section 46b-491. - (Note: This section is effective July 1, 2022.) Commencement of court proceeding to adjudicate claim of de facto parentage of child.

Section 46b-495. - Genetic testing. Definitions.

Section 46b-496. - Scope and limitations of genetic testing.

Section 46b-497. - Authority to order or deny genetic testing.

Section 46b-498. - Requirements for genetic testing.

Section 46b-499. - Report of genetic testing.

Section 46b-500. - Challenge to genetic testing results.

Section 46b-501. - Cost of genetic testing.

Section 46b-502. - Additional genetic testing.

Section 46b-503. - Adjudicating parentage of child with alleged genetic parent.

Section 46b-504. - Confidentiality of genetic testing.

Section 46b-505. - Admissibility of results of genetic testing.

Section 46b-509. - Applicability.

Section 46b-510. - Parental status of donor.

Section 46b-511. - Parentage of child of assisted reproduction.

Section 46b-512. - Consent to assisted reproduction.

Section 46b-513. - Limitation on spouse's dispute of parentage.

Section 46b-514. - Effect of certain legal proceedings regarding marriage.

Section 46b-515. - Withdrawal of consent.

Section 46b-516. - Parental status of deceased person.

Section 46b-517. - Assisted reproduction: Order of parentage.

Section 46b-521. - Surrogacy agreements. Definitions.

Section 46b-522. - Eligibility to enter into gestational or genetic agreement.

Section 46b-523. - Requirements of gestational or surrogacy agreement: Process.

Section 46b-524. - Requirements of gestational or genetic surrogacy agreement: Content.

Section 46b-525. - Effect of subsequent change of marital status of surrogate.

Section 46b-526. - Effect of subsequent change of marital status of intended parent.

Section 46b-527. - Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction.

Section 46b-528. - Termination of gestational surrogacy agreement.

Section 46b-529. - Parentage under gestational surrogacy agreement.

Section 46b-530. - Gestational surrogacy agreement: Parentage of deceased intended parent.

Section 46b-531. - Gestatiopnal surrogacy agreement: Judgment of parentage.

Section 46b-532. - Effect of gestational surrogacy agreement.

Section 46b-533. - Requirements to validate genetic surrogacy agreement.

Section 46b-534. - Termination of genetic surrogacy agreement.

Section 46b-535. - Parentage under validated genetic surrogacy agreement.

Section 46b-536. - Effect of nonvalidated genetic surrogacy agreement.

Section 46b-537. - Genetic surrogacy agreement: Parentage of deceased intended parent.

Section 46b-538. - Breach of genetic surrogacy agreement.

Section 46b-542. - Information about donor. Definitions.

Section 46b-543. - Application of provisions re collection of gametes.

Section 46b-544. - Collection of information by gamete bank or fertility clinic.

Section 46b-545. - Declaration regarding identity disclosure.

Section 46b-546. - Disclosure of identifying information and medical history.

Section 46b-547. - Recordkeeping.

Section 46b-551. - Uniformity of application and construction.

Section 46b-552. - Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.

Section 46b-553. - Transitional provision.

Section 46b-560. (Formerly Sec. 46b-160). - Petition to adjudicate parentage. Continuance of case. Evidence. Jurisdiction over alleged parent. Personal service. Petition to include answer form, notice and application for appointment of counsel. Genet...

Section 46b-561. (Formerly Sec. 46b-161). - Procedure brought prior to birth of child.

Section 46b-562. (Formerly Sec. 46b-162). - Action by state or town.

Section 46b-563. (Formerly Sec. 46b-163). - Action not defeated by stillbirth or other premature termination of pregnancy.

Section 46b-564. (Formerly Sec. 46b-165). - Testimony of parent or alleged parent.

Section 46b-565. (Formerly Sec. 46b-168). - Assessment of costs for genetic tests.

Section 46b-566. (Formerly Sec. 46b-168a). - Genetic tests in IV-D support cases when parentage is at issue.

Section 46b-567. (Formerly Sec. 46b-169). - Compelling disclosure of name of alleged genetic parent. Institution of action.

Section 46b-568. (Formerly Sec. 46b-170). - Withdrawal of petition. Agreement of settlement.

Section 46b-569. (Formerly Sec. 46b-171). - Judgment of court or family support magistrate. Support orders. Past-due support. Reopened judgment of parentage.

Section 46b-570. (Formerly Sec. 46b-172). - Agreement to support; judgment. Proceeding to obtain order of support.

Section 46b-571. (Formerly Sec. 46b-172a). - Filing of claim for parentage by alleged genetic parent. Attorney General as party. Child as party. Hearing. Rights and responsibilities upon adjudication or acknowledgment of parentage. Claim for parentag...

Section 46b-572. (Formerly Sec. 46b-174). - Enforcement and modification of prior orders and agreements.

Section 46b-573. (Formerly Sec. 46b-176). - Continued liability of person committed for failure to comply with order.

Section 46b-574. (Formerly Sec. 46b-177). - Support of defendant while imprisoned.

Section 46b-575. (Formerly Sec. 46b-178). - Wage execution.

Section 46b-576. (Formerly Sec. 46b-179). - Foreign parentage judgments.

Section 46b-577. (Formerly Sec. 46b-179a). - Registry of foreign parentage judgments. Filing of certified copy and certification of final judgment.

Section 46b-578. (Formerly Sec. 46b-179b). - Enforcement of foreign parentage judgment.

Section 46b-579. (Formerly Sec. 46b-179c). - Notification of filing judgment. Proof of service to be filed with court.

Section 46b-580. (Formerly Sec. 46b-179d). - Enforcement of foreign parentage judgment stayed by other pending actions.