Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 556 - Labor Department
Section 31-3i. - Governor's Workforce Council: Members.

(a) Pursuant to Section 101 of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, P.L. 113-128, the members of the Governor's Workforce Council shall be:

(1) The Governor;
(2) A member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, and a member of the Senate, appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate;
(3) Twenty-four members, appointed by the Governor, who (A) are owners of a business, chief executives or operating officers of a business, or other business executives or employers with optimum policy-making or hiring authority; (B) represent businesses or organizations representing businesses that provide employment opportunities that, at a minimum, include high-quality, work-relevant training and development in in-demand industry sectors or occupation in the state; or (C) have been nominated by state business organizations or business trade associations. At a minimum, at least one such member shall represent small businesses, as defined by the United States Small Business Administration.
(4) The Labor Commissioner, Commissioner of Aging and Disability Services, Commissioner of Education, Commissioner of Economic and Community Development and the Chief Workforce Officer, or their respective designees;
(5) Four representatives of labor organizations, who have been nominated by state labor federations and appointed by the Governor;
(6) An individual, appointed by the Governor, who is a member of a labor organization or a training director from a joint labor-management apprenticeship program, or, if no such joint program exists in the state, such a representative of an apprenticeship program in the state;
(7) Five members, appointed by the Governor, who represent community-based organizations that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing employment, training, or education, including one representative of a community action agency, as defined in section 17b-885, and one representative of a philanthropic organization;
(8) A representative from the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, a representative from The University of Connecticut and a representative from a nonprofit institution of higher education in the state, each appointed by the Governor;
(9) Two superintendents of a local or regional board of education, appointed by the Governor;
(10) Two chief elected officials of municipalities, appointed by the Governor; and
(11) Two members of the public, who are enrolled in or who have recently completed a nondegree workforce training program, appointed by the Governor.
(b) All appointments shall be made in a manner that reflects the diversity of the state, including, but not limited to, geographic, gender identity, racial and ethnic diversity.
(c) The Governor shall appoint the chairperson of the Governor's Workforce Council from among the members appointed pursuant to subdivision (3) of subsection (a) of this section. The Chief Workforce Officer shall serve as the vice-chairperson of the council.
(d) The Governor's Workforce Council may establish an executive committee composed of members appointed by the chairperson. The vice-chairperson of the council shall be a member of any such executive committee. The council may delegate to the executive committee any powers of the council except those powers that are required by law to be exercised by the council. The chairperson may also appoint ad hoc committees, workgroups or task forces to assist the council as appropriate, and shall consult with the vice-chairperson and the legislative members of the council in making appointments to such ad hoc committees, workgroups or task forces.
(e) Any appointments made to the council prior to October 1, 2021, shall expire on that date.
(f) The council shall meet not less than once every calendar quarter.
(g) The Governor shall establish bylaws for the council pursuant to 20 CFR 679.110(d), which shall include, but need not be limited to, term limitations for members and how appointments will be made.
(P.A. 89-292, S. 2, 6; P.A. 97-263, S. 2; P.A. 99-195, S. 3, 15; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2, S. 215.)
History: P.A. 97-263 amended Subsec. (a) by deleting provision re service of members at the pleasure of the Governor, and amended Subsec. (b) by changing the membership of the commission to 24 members, by requiring that a majority of members represent business and industry, by requiring that remaining members include representatives of education organizations and community action agency and by requiring the board to meet at least once every calendar quarter; P.A. 99-195 made technical changes, amended Subsec. (a) to require that new appointments to commission be consistent with the provisions of Subsec. (b), amended Subsec. (b) to add Subdiv. indicators and a provision in new Subdiv. (2) specifying how vacancies are to be filled six months after submission of the Connecticut workforce development plan to the U.S. Secretary of Labor and added a new Subsec. (c) to preserve the membership of persons appointed to the commission prior to June 23, 1999, effective June 23, 1999; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 21-2 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing Connecticut Employment and Training Commission with Governor's Workforce Council, adding reference to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and adding Subdivs. (1) to (11) re members of and appointments to council, replaced former Subsecs. (b) and (c) re commission members and frequency of meetings with new Subsecs. (b) and (c) re diversity requirement, appointment of chairperson, and Chief Workforce Officer to serve as vice-chairperson, and added Subsecs. (d) to (g) re establishment of executive committee, appointments made prior to October 1, 2021, frequency of meeting, and establishment of bylaws, respectively.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 31 - Labor

Chapter 556 - Labor Department

Section 31-1. - Labor Department. Commissioner.

Section 31-2. - Powers and duties of commissioner.

Section 31-2a and 31-2b. - Statistical services. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Section 31-2c. - Employer reporting of new employees. Transfer of information between Department of Social Services and Labor Department. Notification of employer. Reimbursement to Labor Department.

Section 31-2d. - Office of Workforce Competitiveness. Orders. Regulations.

Section 31-2e. - Establishment of Office of the Unemployed Workers' Advocate. Powers. Designation of Unemployed Workers' Advocate.

Section 31-3. - Investigation of employment. Special agents authorized.

Section 31-3a. - Manpower development and planning studies and programs.

Section 31-3aa. - Report re self-employment assistance pilot program.

Section 31-3b. - Contracts with or funds from public or private agency or source.

Section 31-3bb. - Program report cards re employment placement.

Section 31-3c. - Job training program for specific employers.

Section 31-3cc. - Collection and analysis of data re gender and other bias in training programs.

Section 31-3d. - Work training opportunities programs.

Section 31-3dd. - Recommendation re budget targets.

Section 31-3e. - Basic education programs for Work Incentive Program registrants. Requirements. Report.

Section 31-3ee. - Pilot program for TFA recipients. Report on pilot program for TFA recipients.

Section 31-3f. - Employment training benefits voucher.

Section 31-3ff. - Job Training Partnership Act payments.

Section 31-3g. - Assistance to displaced homemakers. Regulations.

Section 31-3gg. - One-stop centers.

Section 31-3h. - Governor's Workforce Council; duties.

Section 31-3hh. - Regional workforce development board contracts. Regulations.

Section 31-3i. - Governor's Workforce Council: Members.

Section 31-3ii. - Adult education pilot program for incumbent workers. Report.

Section 31-3j. - Regional workforce development boards: Definitions.

Section 31-3jj. - Job training; English as a second language instruction.

Section 31-3k. - Regional workforce development boards: Duties and responsibilities.

Section 31-3kk. - Funds for incumbent worker training programs.

Section 31-3l. - Regional workforce development boards: Members.

Section 31-3ll. - Incumbent Worker Training Program. Regulations.

Section 31-3m. - Agencies involved in employment and training. Duties and responsibilities.

Section 31-3mm. - Youth employment and training funds.

Section 31-3n. - Regulations. Duties of Labor Commissioner and Chief Workforce Officer.

Section 31-3nn. - Mortgage crisis job training program.

Section 31-3o. - Duties of the Governor's Workforce Council.

Section 31-3oo. - Connecticut Employment and Training Commission solicitation and publication of information re promotion of green technology industry.

Section 31-3p and 31-3q. - Grant proposal or plan inconsistent with annual regional plan of regional work force development board; procedures. State employment and training programs.

Section 31-3pp. - Subsidized Training and Employment program.

Section 31-3r. - Construal or administration not to conflict with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act or supersede statutory duties.

Section 31-3rr. - Career ladder in green technology industry.

Section 31-3s. - Subsidized employment program for general assistance recipients.

Section 31-3t. - Job training and retraining programs for unemployed persons who owe overdue child support.

Section 31-3u. - Assistance to employers for job training and meeting ISO 9000 quality standards.

Section 31-3uu. - Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment program.

Section 31-3v. - Priority for financial assistance applicants who have established a work environment consistent with criteria in Sec. 32-475.

Section 31-3vv. - Bond authorization for Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment program.

Section 31-3w. - Establishment of state-wide network of job centers.

Section 31-3ww. - Qualified apprenticeship training program.

Section 31-3x. - Funding. Application for federal waivers.

Section 31-3xx. - Quick-reference guide for workers fifty years of age or older.

Section 31-3y and 31-3z. - Self-employment assistance: Definitions. Regulations.

Section 31-3yy. - Report cards re employment placement programs.

Section 31-3zz. - Special Operations Resource Network for veterans and members of armed forces or National Guard.

Section 31-4. - Immigrant laborers; protection; penalty for defrauding; printed material re rights.

Section 31-5. - State employment bureaus. Branches.

Section 31-6. - Federal aid for public employment offices. Notification of state job openings or examinations to the Connecticut Employment Service.

Section 31-7. - Notices.

Section 31-8. - Appeal from orders of commissioner.

Section 31-9. - Factory inspection. Deputy commissioner. Report.

Section 31-10. - Deputy inspectors. Prosecution for violations.

Section 31-11. - Hindering inspector.

Section 31-11a. - Employee Dislocation Allowance Fund established.