There shall be a Labor Department. The department head shall be the Labor Commissioner, who shall be appointed by the Governor in accordance with the provisions of sections 4-5, 4-6, 4-7 and 4-8.
(1949 Rev., S. 3745; March, 1950, S. 2023d; P.A. 77-614, S. 476, 610.)
History: P.A. 77-614 rephrased provisions without changing their meaning, effective January 1, 1979.
Cited. 132 C. 533.
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 556 - Labor Department
Section 31-1. - Labor Department. Commissioner.
Section 31-2. - Powers and duties of commissioner.
Section 31-2a and 31-2b. - Statistical services. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Section 31-2d. - Office of Workforce Competitiveness. Orders. Regulations.
Section 31-3. - Investigation of employment. Special agents authorized.
Section 31-3a. - Manpower development and planning studies and programs.
Section 31-3aa. - Report re self-employment assistance pilot program.
Section 31-3b. - Contracts with or funds from public or private agency or source.
Section 31-3bb. - Program report cards re employment placement.
Section 31-3c. - Job training program for specific employers.
Section 31-3cc. - Collection and analysis of data re gender and other bias in training programs.
Section 31-3d. - Work training opportunities programs.
Section 31-3dd. - Recommendation re budget targets.
Section 31-3ee. - Pilot program for TFA recipients. Report on pilot program for TFA recipients.
Section 31-3f. - Employment training benefits voucher.
Section 31-3ff. - Job Training Partnership Act payments.
Section 31-3g. - Assistance to displaced homemakers. Regulations.
Section 31-3gg. - One-stop centers.
Section 31-3h. - Governor's Workforce Council; duties.
Section 31-3hh. - Regional workforce development board contracts. Regulations.
Section 31-3i. - Governor's Workforce Council: Members.
Section 31-3ii. - Adult education pilot program for incumbent workers. Report.
Section 31-3j. - Regional workforce development boards: Definitions.
Section 31-3jj. - Job training; English as a second language instruction.
Section 31-3k. - Regional workforce development boards: Duties and responsibilities.
Section 31-3kk. - Funds for incumbent worker training programs.
Section 31-3l. - Regional workforce development boards: Members.
Section 31-3ll. - Incumbent Worker Training Program. Regulations.
Section 31-3m. - Agencies involved in employment and training. Duties and responsibilities.
Section 31-3mm. - Youth employment and training funds.
Section 31-3n. - Regulations. Duties of Labor Commissioner and Chief Workforce Officer.
Section 31-3nn. - Mortgage crisis job training program.
Section 31-3o. - Duties of the Governor's Workforce Council.
Section 31-3pp. - Subsidized Training and Employment program.
Section 31-3rr. - Career ladder in green technology industry.
Section 31-3s. - Subsidized employment program for general assistance recipients.
Section 31-3u. - Assistance to employers for job training and meeting ISO 9000 quality standards.
Section 31-3uu. - Unemployed Armed Forces Member Subsidized Training and Employment program.
Section 31-3w. - Establishment of state-wide network of job centers.
Section 31-3ww. - Qualified apprenticeship training program.
Section 31-3x. - Funding. Application for federal waivers.
Section 31-3xx. - Quick-reference guide for workers fifty years of age or older.
Section 31-3y and 31-3z. - Self-employment assistance: Definitions. Regulations.
Section 31-3yy. - Report cards re employment placement programs.
Section 31-4. - Immigrant laborers; protection; penalty for defrauding; printed material re rights.
Section 31-5. - State employment bureaus. Branches.
Section 31-8. - Appeal from orders of commissioner.
Section 31-9. - Factory inspection. Deputy commissioner. Report.
Section 31-10. - Deputy inspectors. Prosecution for violations.
Section 31-11. - Hindering inspector.
Section 31-11a. - Employee Dislocation Allowance Fund established.