Sections 12-83 and 12-84 are repealed, effective May 26, 2000.
(1949 Rev., S. 1772; June, 1955, S. 1062d; P.A. 00-120, S. 12, 13.)
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 203 - Property Tax Assessment
Section 12-40. - Notice requiring declaration of personal property.
Section 12-41. - Filing of declaration.
Section 12-43. - Property of nonresidents.
Section 12-44. - Penalty addition by certain municipal associations.
Section 12-45. - Return to assessors of personalty in trust.
Section 12-46. - Penalty for neglect by trustees, guardians or conservators.
Section 12-47. - Listing of estates of insolvent debtors and decedents.
Section 12-48. - Tenant for life or years to list property.
Section 12-49. - Lists to be verified.
Section 12-50. - List may be filed by spouse, attorney or agent.
Section 12-51. - List may be filed by holder of encumbrance.
Section 12-52. - Assessor not to accept defective list or neglect to return list. Penalty.
Section 12-53. - Addition of omitted property. Audits. Penalty.
Section 12-53a. - Assessment and taxation of new real estate construction.
Section 12-54. - Examination by assessors when declaration not filed.
Section 12-55. - Publication of grand list. Changes in valuation. Notice of assessment increase.
Section 12-56. - Assessors may take lists and abstract of previous year.
Section 12-57. - Certificates of correction. Application for refund.
Section 12-58. - Declaration of property of manufacturers and traders.
Section 12-59. - Declaration of corporation property. Stockholders exempt.
Section 12-60. - Correction of clerical error in assessment.
Section 12-61. - Special assessment forms; approval of secretary.
Section 12-62. - Revaluation of real property. Regulations. Treatment of certain Indian lands.
Section 12-62a. - Uniform assessment date and rate.
Section 12-62e. - Source of funds for state payments under section 12-62d.
Section 12-62g. - Increase in certain veteran's exemptions upon revaluation.
Section 12-62j. - Interlocal revaluation agreement grant.
Section 12-62l. - Option to not implement revaluation for 2003, 2004 and 2005 assessment years.
Section 12-62m. - Reports of assessed valuation of property in towns phasing in revaluation.
Section 12-62o. - Municipal option to make annual adjustments in property values.
Section 12-62q. - Regional revaluation program.
Section 12-62u. - Optional regional property tax base revenue sharing: Definitions.
Section 12-62x. - Optional regional property tax base revenue sharing: Administrative auditor.
Section 12-62y. - Optional regional property tax base revenue sharing: Revenue distribution.
Section 12-63. - Rule of valuation. Depreciation schedules.
Section 12-63a. - Taxation of mobile manufactured homes and mobile manufactured home parks.
Section 12-63b. - Valuation of rental income real property.
Section 12-63d. - Change in assessed value of real estate. Relationship to sale price.
Section 12-63g. - Assessment of buffers to inland wetlands or watercourses.
Section 12-63h. - Land value taxation program.
Section 12-65. - Agreements fixing assessments on multifamily housing.
Section 12-65a. - Approval by state referee.
Section 12-65c. - Deferral of increased assessments due to rehabilitation: Definitions.
Section 12-65d. - Designation of rehabilitation area. Criteria for deferral of assessment increase.
Section 12-66. - Property of religious, educational or charitable corporations; leasehold interests.
Section 12-66a. - Taxation of real and personal property held by or on behalf of health system.
Section 12-66c. - Taxation of residential real property intended for student learning.
Section 12-67. - Taxation of dwelling houses of railroad companies.
Section 12-68. - Grantee failing to record deed, grantor taxed. Damages.
Section 12-69. - Real estate liable for payment of judgment.
Section 12-70. - Obligation of purchaser of real estate assuming payment of taxes.
Section 12-71a. - List of values of vessels. Use in assessing.
Section 12-71d. - Schedule of motor vehicle values. Schedule of motor vehicle plate classes.
Section 12-71e. - Motor vehicle mill rate.
Section 12-72. - Assessment of certain classes of vessels.
Section 12-73. - Taxation of municipal property used for sewage disposal.
Section 12-74. - Municipal airports located in another town.
Section 12-76a. - Taxation of land in which state or United States has easement or other right.
Section 12-77. - Taxation of water power.
Section 12-78. - Taxation of water power and works when power is used in another town.
Section 12-79. - Water power used outside the state.
Section 12-80. - Property of utility company to be taxed where located.
Section 12-80a. - Personal property used in rendering telecommunications service. Exceptions.
Section 12-80b. - Apportionment of property for purposes of section 12-80a.
Section 12-81a. - Property subject to tax exemption. Liability of purchaser.
Section 12-81aa. - Municipal option to abate taxes for urban and industrial reinvestment sites.
Section 12-81c. - Municipal option to exempt certain motor vehicles.
Section 12-81cc. - Portability of certain veterans' property tax exemptions.
Section 12-81d. - Notification of tax collector of exempt status of property.
Section 12-81e. - Exemption for certain vans used to transport employees to and from work.
Section 12-81gg. - Municipal option to exempt horses and ponies from property taxation.
Section 12-81kk. - Municipal option to provide exemption for certain veterans.
Section 12-81o. - Municipal option to abate property taxes on certain food manufacturing plants.
Section 12-81p. - Municipal option to abate property taxes on amusement theme parks.
Section 12-81s. - Municipal option to exempt commercial fishing apparatus.
Section 12-81v. - Municipal option to abate taxes on property of electric cooperatives.
Section 12-81y. - Municipal option to abate property taxes on school buses.
Section 12-82. - Exemptions of veterans of allied services of First World War.
Section 12-83 and 12-84. - Exemption of disabled veterans over sixty-five. Veterans of Second World War; establishment of right to future exemptions.
Section 12-85. - Veterans' exemptions, residence and record ownership requirements.
Section 12-86. - Termination date of Second World War.
Section 12-87. - Additional report. Property, when taxable.
Section 12-87a. - Quadrennial property tax exemption statements; extension of time to file.
Section 12-88. - When property otherwise taxable may be completely or partially exempted.
Section 12-89. - Assessors or boards of assessors to determine exemptions.
Section 12-90. - Limitation on number of exemptions allowed.
Section 12-92. - Proofs to be filed by blind.
Section 12-93. - Veterans' exemptions; proof of claim.
Section 12-94a. - State reimbursement in lieu of tax revenue from totally disabled persons.
Section 12-94d. - Payment in lieu of tax revenue from electric generation facilities.
Section 12-94e. - Municipal option to grant certain previously waived exemptions.
Section 12-95. - Exemption only on submission of evidence.
Section 12-95a. - Exemption of merchandise in transit in warehouses.
Section 12-99. - Grounds for cancellation of classification. Taxation after cancellation.
Section 12-100. - Material cut for domestic use exempted from yield tax.
Section 12-101. - Due date and collection of tax.
Section 12-102. - Taxing of woodland.
Section 12-107a. - Declaration of policy.
Section 12-107b. - Definitions.
Section 12-107c. - Classification of land as farm land.
Section 12-107e. - Classification of land as open space land.
Section 12-107f. - Open space land.
Section 12-107g. - Classification of land as marine heritage land.
Section 12-108. - Stored property as property in transit.
Section 12-109. - Listing and valuation of tax-exempt property.
Section 12-110. - Sessions of board of assessment appeals.
Section 12-111. - Appeals to board of assessment appeals.
Section 12-112. - Limit of time for appeals.
Section 12-113. - When board of assessment appeals may reduce assessment.
Section 12-114. - Adjustment of assessment by board of assessment appeals.
Section 12-115. - Addition to grand list by board of assessment appeals.
Section 12-116. - Assessment and taxation under special acts.
Section 12-117a. - Appeals from boards of tax review or boards of assessment appeals.
Section 12-118. - Appeals from Connecticut Appeals Board for Property Valuation.
Section 12-118a. - Validation of pending appeals.
Section 12-119. - Remedy when property wrongfully assessed.
Section 12-121. - Compensation of assessors and boards of assessment appeals.
Section 12-121a to 12-121d. - Personal property exempt from assessment.
Section 12-121e. - Reduction in assessment of certain rehabilitated buildings.