Colorado Code
Part 5 - Filing
§ 4-9-508. Effectiveness of Financing Statement if New Debtor Becomes Bound by Security Agreement

Source: L. 2001: Entire article R&RE, p. 1382, § 1, effective July 1.

Section 9-203(d) explains when a new debtor becomes bound by an original debtor's security agreement. Under Section 9-203(d)(1), a new debtor becomes bound as debtor if, by contract or operation of other law, the security agreement becomes effective to create a security interest in the new debtor's property. For example, if the applicable corporate law of mergers provides that when A Corp merges into B Corp, B Corp becomes a debtor under A Corp's security agreement, then B Corp would become bound as debtor following such a merger. Similarly, B Corp would become bound as debtor if B Corp contractually assumes A's obligations under the security agreement.
Under certain circumstances, a new debtor becomes bound for purposes of this Article even though it would not be bound under other law. Under Section 9-203(d)(2), a new debtor becomes bound when, by contract or operation of other law, it (i) becomes obligated not only for the secured obligation but also generally for the obligations of the original debtor and (ii) acquires or succeeds to substantially all the assets of the original debtor. For example, some corporate laws provide that, when two corporations merge, the surviving corporation succeeds to the assets of its merger partner and "has all liabilities" of both corporations. In the case where, for example, A Corp merges into B Corp (and A Corp ceases to exist), some people have questioned whether A Corp's grant of a security interest in its existing and after-acquired property becomes a "liability" of B Corp, such that B Corp's existing and after-acquired property becomes subject to a security interest in favor of A Corp's lender. Even if corporate law were to give a negative answer, under Section 9- 203(d)(2), B Corp would become bound for purposes of Section 9-203(e) and this section. The "substantially all of the assets" requirement of Section 9-203(d)(2) excludes sureties and other secondary obligors as well as persons who become obligated through veil piercing and other non-successorship doctrines. In most cases, it will exclude successors to the assets and liabilities of a division of a debtor.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 4 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 9 - Secured Transactions

Part 5 - Filing

§ 4-9-501. Filing Office

§ 4-9-502. Contents of Financing Statement - Record of Mortgage as Financing Statement - Time of Filing Financing Statement

§ 4-9-503. Name of Debtor and Secured Party

§ 4-9-504. Indication of Collateral

§ 4-9-505. Filing and Compliance With Other Statutes and Treaties for Consignments, Leases, Other Bailments, and Other Transactions

§ 4-9-506. Effect of Errors or Omissions

§ 4-9-507. Effect of Certain Events on Effectiveness of Financing Statement

§ 4-9-508. Effectiveness of Financing Statement if New Debtor Becomes Bound by Security Agreement

§ 4-9-509. Persons Entitled to File a Record

§ 4-9-510. Effectiveness of Filed Record

§ 4-9-511. Secured Party of Record

§ 4-9-512. Amendment of Financing Statement

§ 4-9-513. Termination Statement

§ 4-9-514. Assignment of Powers of Secured Party of Record

§ 4-9-515. Duration and Effectiveness of Financing Statement - Effect of Lapsed Financing Statement

§ 4-9-516. What Constitutes Filing - Effectiveness of Filing

§ 4-9-517. Effect of Indexing Errors

§ 4-9-518. Claim Concerning Inaccurate or Wrongfully Filed Record

§ 4-9-519. Numbering, Maintaining, and Indexing Records - Communicating Information Provided in Records

§ 4-9-520. Acceptance and Refusal to Accept Record

§ 4-9-521. Uniform Form of Written Financing Statement and Amendment

§ 4-9-522. Maintenance and Destruction of Records

§ 4-9-523. Information From Filing Office - Sale or License of Records

§ 4-9-524. Delay by Filing Office

§ 4-9-525. Fees

§ 4-9-526. Filing-Office Rules

§ 4-9-528. Refiling Required

§ 4-9-529. Electronic and Other Filings

§ 4-9-531. Removal of Social Security Numbers From Financing Statements in the Custody of the Secretary of State