Colorado Code
Part 5 - Filing
§ 4-9-507. Effect of Certain Events on Effectiveness of Financing Statement

Source: L. 2001: Entire article R&RE, p. 1382, § 1, effective July 1. L. 2012: (c) amended, (HB 12-1262), ch. 170, p. 602, § 11, effective July 1, 2013.
Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 4-9-402 (7) as it existed prior to 2001.

As a consequence of the disposition, the collateral may be owned by a person other than the debtor against whom the financing statement was filed. Under subsection (a), the secured party remains perfected even if it does not correct the public record. For this reason, any person seeking to determine whether a debtor owns collateral free of security interests must inquire as to the debtor's source of title and, if circumstances seem to require it, search in the name of a former owner. Subsection (a) addresses only the sufficiency of the information contained in the financing statement. A disposition of collateral may result in loss of perfection for other reasons. See Section 9-316.
Example: Dee Corp. is an Illinois corporation. It creates a security interest in its equipment in favor of Secured Party. Secured Party files a proper financing statement in Illinois. Dee Corp. sells an item of equipment to Bee Corp., a Pennsylvania corporation, subject to the security interest. The security interest continues, see Section 9-315(a), and remains perfected, see Section 9-507(a), notwithstanding that the financing statement is filed under "D" (for Dee Corp.) and not under "B." However, because Bee Corp. is located in Pennsylvania and not Illinois, see Section 9-307, unless Secured Party perfects under Pennsylvania law within one year after the transfer, its security interest will become unperfected and will be deemed to have been unperfected against purchasers of the collateral. See Section 9-316.
Example 1: Debtor, an individual whose principal residence is in California, grants a security interest to SP in certain business equipment. SP files a financing statement with the California filing office. Alternative A is in effect in California. The financing statement provides the name appearing on Debtor's California driver's license, "James McGinty." Debtor obtains a court order changing his name to "Roger McGuinn" but does not change his driver's license. Even after the court order issues, the name provided for the debtor in the financing statement is sufficient under Section 9-503(a).]
Accordingly, Section 9-507(c) does not apply.
The same result would follow if Alternative B is in effect in California.
Under Section 9-503(a)(4) (Alternative A), if the debtor holds a current (i.e., unexpired) driver's license issued by the State where the financing statement is filed, the name required for the financing statement is the name indicated on the license that was issued most recently by that State. If the debtor does not have a current driver's license issued by that State, then the debtor's name is determined under subsection (a)(5). It follows that a debtor's name may change, and a financing statement providing the name on the debtor's then-current driver's license may become seriously misleading, if the license expires and the debtor's name under subsection (a)(5) is different. The same consequences may follow if a debtor's driver's license is renewed and the names on the licenses differ.
Example 2: The facts are as in Example 1. Debtor's driver's license expires one year after the entry of the court order changing Debtor's name. Debtor does not renew the license. Upon expiration of the license, the name required for sufficiency by Section 9-503(a) is the individual name of the debtor or the debtor's surname and first personal name. The name "James McGinty" has become insufficient.
Example 3: The facts are as in Example 1. Before the license expires, Debtor renews the license. The name indicated on the new license is "Roger McGuinn." Upon issuance of the new license, "James McGinty" becomes insufficient as the debtor's name under Section 9-503(a).
The same results would follow if Alternative B is in effect in California (assuming that, following the issuance of the court order, "James McGinty" is neither the individual name of the debtor nor the debtor's surname and first personal name).
Even if the name provided as the name of the debtor becomes insufficient under Section 9-503(a), the filed financing statement does not become seriously misleading, and Section 9-507(c) does not apply, if the financing statement can be found by searching under the debtor's "correct" name, using the filing office's standard search logic. See Section 9-506. Any name that satisfies Section 9-503(a) at the time of the search is a "correct name" for these purposes. Thus, assuming that a search of the records of the California filing office under "Roger McGuinn," using the filing office's standard search logic, would not disclose a financing statement naming "James McGinty," the financing statement in Examples 2 and 3 has become seriously misleading and Section 9-507(c) applies.
If a filed financing statement becomes seriously misleading because the name it provides for a debtor becomes insufficient, the financing statement, unless amended to provide a sufficient name for the debtor, is effective only to perfect a security interest in collateral acquired by the debtor before, or within four months after, the change. If an amendment that provides a sufficient name is filed within four months after the change, the financing statement as amended would be effective also with respect to collateral acquired more than four months after the change. If an amendment that provides a sufficient name is filed more than four months after the change, the financing statement as amended would be effective also with respect to collateral acquired more than four months after the change, but only from the time of the filing of the amendment.

Structure Colorado Code

Colorado Code

Title 4 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 9 - Secured Transactions

Part 5 - Filing

§ 4-9-501. Filing Office

§ 4-9-502. Contents of Financing Statement - Record of Mortgage as Financing Statement - Time of Filing Financing Statement

§ 4-9-503. Name of Debtor and Secured Party

§ 4-9-504. Indication of Collateral

§ 4-9-505. Filing and Compliance With Other Statutes and Treaties for Consignments, Leases, Other Bailments, and Other Transactions

§ 4-9-506. Effect of Errors or Omissions

§ 4-9-507. Effect of Certain Events on Effectiveness of Financing Statement

§ 4-9-508. Effectiveness of Financing Statement if New Debtor Becomes Bound by Security Agreement

§ 4-9-509. Persons Entitled to File a Record

§ 4-9-510. Effectiveness of Filed Record

§ 4-9-511. Secured Party of Record

§ 4-9-512. Amendment of Financing Statement

§ 4-9-513. Termination Statement

§ 4-9-514. Assignment of Powers of Secured Party of Record

§ 4-9-515. Duration and Effectiveness of Financing Statement - Effect of Lapsed Financing Statement

§ 4-9-516. What Constitutes Filing - Effectiveness of Filing

§ 4-9-517. Effect of Indexing Errors

§ 4-9-518. Claim Concerning Inaccurate or Wrongfully Filed Record

§ 4-9-519. Numbering, Maintaining, and Indexing Records - Communicating Information Provided in Records

§ 4-9-520. Acceptance and Refusal to Accept Record

§ 4-9-521. Uniform Form of Written Financing Statement and Amendment

§ 4-9-522. Maintenance and Destruction of Records

§ 4-9-523. Information From Filing Office - Sale or License of Records

§ 4-9-524. Delay by Filing Office

§ 4-9-525. Fees

§ 4-9-526. Filing-Office Rules

§ 4-9-528. Refiling Required

§ 4-9-529. Electronic and Other Filings

§ 4-9-531. Removal of Social Security Numbers From Financing Statements in the Custody of the Secretary of State