Code of Virginia
Chapter 7 - Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Mine Construction
§ 45.2-770. Welding and cutting

No welding or cutting with arc or flame shall be done in an excessively dusty atmosphere or dusty location. Firefighting apparatus shall be readily available when such welding or cutting is performed.
Code 1950, § 45-85.5; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-34; 1978, c. 729; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.242; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 7 - Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Mine Construction

§ 45.2-700. Scope of chapter

§ 45.2-701. Regulations governing conditions and practices at underground coal mines

§ 45.2-702. Standards for regulations

§ 45.2-703. Duties of mine foreman

§ 45.2-704. Employment and duties of top persons; plan for excavation of shaft or slope

§ 45.2-705. Employment of inexperienced underground miners

§ 45.2-706. Employment of authorized persons

§ 45.2-707. Mining in proximity to gas or oil wells

§ 45.2-708. Mining in proximity to an abandoned area

§ 45.2-709. Roof, face, and ribs to be secure

§ 45.2-710. Roof control plans

§ 45.2-711. Instruction of miners

§ 45.2-712. Copies of plan

§ 45.2-713. Automated temporary roof support systems

§ 45.2-714. Supplies of materials for supports

§ 45.2-715. Examination and testing of roof, face, and ribs

§ 45.2-716. Mapping of roof falls

§ 45.2-717. Unsafe conditions

§ 45.2-718. Removal of supports

§ 45.2-719. Surface storage of explosives and detonators

§ 45.2-720. Underground transportation of explosives and detonators

§ 45.2-721. Underground storage of explosives and detonators

§ 45.2-722. Blasting practices; penalty

§ 45.2-723. Blasting cables

§ 45.2-724. Misfires

§ 45.2-725. Explosives and blasting practices in shaft and slope operations

§ 45.2-726. Mine openings

§ 45.2-727. Separation of openings

§ 45.2-728. Number of miners in openings

§ 45.2-729. Maintenance of mine openings

§ 45.2-730. Signs, life lines, and equipment

§ 45.2-731. Examination of escapeways

§ 45.2-732. Longwall escape routes and plan

§ 45.2-733. Fire protection

§ 45.2-734. Unused openings

§ 45.2-735. Hoisting equipment

§ 45.2-736. Hoisting ropes

§ 45.2-737. Hoisting cages

§ 45.2-738. Shaft and slope conditions

§ 45.2-739. Signaling; signal code

§ 45.2-740. Inspections of hoisting equipment

§ 45.2-741. Hoisting engineers

§ 45.2-742. Operations of hoisting equipment

§ 45.2-743. Maintenance of hoisting equipment

§ 45.2-744. Haulage roads

§ 45.2-745. Track switches and rails

§ 45.2-746. Clearance on haulage roads

§ 45.2-747. Conveyor crossings

§ 45.2-748. Shelter holes

§ 45.2-749. Refuge from moving traffic

§ 45.2-750. Inspection of underground equipment

§ 45.2-751. Maintenance of equipment

§ 45.2-752. Self-propelled equipment

§ 45.2-753. Pushing cars

§ 45.2-754. Transportation of material

§ 45.2-755. Securing cars

§ 45.2-756. Riding on cars

§ 45.2-757. Back-poling

§ 45.2-758. Operation of equipment

§ 45.2-759. Dispatchers

§ 45.2-760. Availability of mantrips

§ 45.2-761. Mantrips

§ 45.2-762. Mantrip loading and unloading areas

§ 45.2-763. Transporting miners by conveyor belt

§ 45.2-764. Housekeeping; noxious fumes

§ 45.2-765. Lighting

§ 45.2-766. Flammable or combustible materials

§ 45.2-767. Hazardous crane operations

§ 45.2-768. Controlling dust at the surface

§ 45.2-769. Scaffolding and overhead protection

§ 45.2-770. Welding and cutting

§ 45.2-771. Fire prevention and fire control

§ 45.2-772. Surface equipment

§ 45.2-773. Travel ways and loading and haulage areas

§ 45.2-774. Electricity

§ 45.2-775. Surface blasting

§ 45.2-776. Ground control