Code of Virginia
Chapter 7 - Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Mine Construction
§ 45.2-728. Number of miners in openings

Until the two travel ways are made as required by § 45.2-726, no more than 20 miners shall work underground in the mine at one time. No additional development shall be permitted until the connection is made to the second opening. In a mine in which final pillar removal operations necessitate closing the second opening, no more than 20 miners shall be permitted to work in the mine.
Code 1950, § 45-71; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-94; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.164; 1996, c. 774; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 7 - Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Mine Construction

§ 45.2-700. Scope of chapter

§ 45.2-701. Regulations governing conditions and practices at underground coal mines

§ 45.2-702. Standards for regulations

§ 45.2-703. Duties of mine foreman

§ 45.2-704. Employment and duties of top persons; plan for excavation of shaft or slope

§ 45.2-705. Employment of inexperienced underground miners

§ 45.2-706. Employment of authorized persons

§ 45.2-707. Mining in proximity to gas or oil wells

§ 45.2-708. Mining in proximity to an abandoned area

§ 45.2-709. Roof, face, and ribs to be secure

§ 45.2-710. Roof control plans

§ 45.2-711. Instruction of miners

§ 45.2-712. Copies of plan

§ 45.2-713. Automated temporary roof support systems

§ 45.2-714. Supplies of materials for supports

§ 45.2-715. Examination and testing of roof, face, and ribs

§ 45.2-716. Mapping of roof falls

§ 45.2-717. Unsafe conditions

§ 45.2-718. Removal of supports

§ 45.2-719. Surface storage of explosives and detonators

§ 45.2-720. Underground transportation of explosives and detonators

§ 45.2-721. Underground storage of explosives and detonators

§ 45.2-722. Blasting practices; penalty

§ 45.2-723. Blasting cables

§ 45.2-724. Misfires

§ 45.2-725. Explosives and blasting practices in shaft and slope operations

§ 45.2-726. Mine openings

§ 45.2-727. Separation of openings

§ 45.2-728. Number of miners in openings

§ 45.2-729. Maintenance of mine openings

§ 45.2-730. Signs, life lines, and equipment

§ 45.2-731. Examination of escapeways

§ 45.2-732. Longwall escape routes and plan

§ 45.2-733. Fire protection

§ 45.2-734. Unused openings

§ 45.2-735. Hoisting equipment

§ 45.2-736. Hoisting ropes

§ 45.2-737. Hoisting cages

§ 45.2-738. Shaft and slope conditions

§ 45.2-739. Signaling; signal code

§ 45.2-740. Inspections of hoisting equipment

§ 45.2-741. Hoisting engineers

§ 45.2-742. Operations of hoisting equipment

§ 45.2-743. Maintenance of hoisting equipment

§ 45.2-744. Haulage roads

§ 45.2-745. Track switches and rails

§ 45.2-746. Clearance on haulage roads

§ 45.2-747. Conveyor crossings

§ 45.2-748. Shelter holes

§ 45.2-749. Refuge from moving traffic

§ 45.2-750. Inspection of underground equipment

§ 45.2-751. Maintenance of equipment

§ 45.2-752. Self-propelled equipment

§ 45.2-753. Pushing cars

§ 45.2-754. Transportation of material

§ 45.2-755. Securing cars

§ 45.2-756. Riding on cars

§ 45.2-757. Back-poling

§ 45.2-758. Operation of equipment

§ 45.2-759. Dispatchers

§ 45.2-760. Availability of mantrips

§ 45.2-761. Mantrips

§ 45.2-762. Mantrip loading and unloading areas

§ 45.2-763. Transporting miners by conveyor belt

§ 45.2-764. Housekeeping; noxious fumes

§ 45.2-765. Lighting

§ 45.2-766. Flammable or combustible materials

§ 45.2-767. Hazardous crane operations

§ 45.2-768. Controlling dust at the surface

§ 45.2-769. Scaffolding and overhead protection

§ 45.2-770. Welding and cutting

§ 45.2-771. Fire prevention and fire control

§ 45.2-772. Surface equipment

§ 45.2-773. Travel ways and loading and haulage areas

§ 45.2-774. Electricity

§ 45.2-775. Surface blasting

§ 45.2-776. Ground control