Code of Virginia
Chapter 10 - Virginia Coal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1979
§ 45.2-1045. Initial payments into Fund; renewal payments; bonds

A. Any operator filing a permit application for a coal surface mining operation participating in the pool fund shall pay into the Fund, as an entrance fee, a sum equal to $1,000 for each applicable permit application. An entrance fee of $5,000 shall be required of each operator who elects to participate in the Fund if the Director has determined that the total balance of the Fund is less than $1.75 million. The entrance fee shall be reduced to $1,000 when the total Fund balance is greater than $2 million. A renewal fee of $1,000 shall be required of each permittee in the Fund at permit renewal.
1. For the purposes of this section, all planned expenditures shall be deducted from the balance of the Fund during each calendar quarter, including any forfeiture on which engineering cost estimates have been prepared but no money from the Fund has actually been expended.
2. If the actual expenditures from the Fund are less than the engineering cost estimate, the difference shall be credited to the balance of the Fund during the calendar quarter in which the final expenditure is made from the Fund to accomplish the reclamation.
B. In addition to the initial payments into the Fund described in subsection A, every operator who participates in the Fund shall furnish to the Fund a bond that meets the criteria of § 45.2-1016 and regulations issued pursuant thereto as follows:
1. For an underground mining operation participating in the Fund prior to July 1, 1991, the amount of $1,000 per acre covered by each permit. In no event shall such total bond be less than $40,000, except that on a permit that has completed all mining and for which a completion report was approved prior to July 1, 1991, the total bond shall not be less than $10,000.
2. For an underground mining operation entering the Fund on or after July 1, 1991, and for any additional acreage bonded after such date, the amount of $3,000 per acre. In no event shall the total bond for such underground operation entering the Fund on or after July 1, 1991, be less than $40,000.
3. For any other coal mining operation participating in the Fund prior to July 1, 1991, the amount of $1,500 per acre covered by each permit. In no event shall such total bond be less than $100,000, except that on a permit that has completed all mining and for which a completion report was approved prior to July 1, 1991, the total bond shall not be less than $25,000.
4. For any other coal mining operation entering the Fund on or after July 1, 1991, and for any additional acreage bonded after such date, the amount of $3,000 per acre. In no event shall the total bond for such operation entering the Fund on or after July 1, 1991, be less than $100,000.
C. All fees and payments provided in this article shall be in addition to initial permit application and anniversary payments provided pursuant to § 45.2-1010 or any other payments required in compliance with this chapter.
D. Each Fund participant shall be allowed to post incremental bonds as set forth in § 45.2-1016. Such bonds shall be posted in annual increments according to a schedule contained in the permit application and approved annually by the Director on the anniversary date.
E. Any mining operation participating in the Fund that has been in temporary cessation for more than six months as of July 1, 1991, shall within 90 days of that date post bond equal to the total estimated cost of reclamation for all portions of the permitted site that are in temporary cessation. Any mining operation participating in the Fund that has been in temporary cessation for six months or less as of July 1, 1991, shall within 90 days after the date on which the operation has been in temporary cessation for more than six months post bond equal to the total estimated cost of reclamation for all portions of the permitted site that are in temporary cessation. Any mining operation participating in the Fund that enters temporary cessation on or after July 1, 1991, shall, prior to the date on which the operation has been in temporary cessation for more than six months, post bond equal to the total estimated cost of reclamation for all portions of the permitted site that are in temporary cessation. Such bond shall remain in effect throughout the remainder of the period during which the site is in temporary cessation. At such time as the site returns to active status, the bond posted under this subsection may be released if the permittee has posted bond pursuant to subsection B.
1982, c. 334, § 45.1-270.3; 1983, c. 131; 1989, c. 432; 1991, c. 495; 2014, cc. 111, 135; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 45.2 - Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Chapter 10 - Virginia Coal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1979

§ 45.2-1000. Definitions

§ 45.2-1001. Limitations of chapter

§ 45.2-1002. Application of chapter

§ 45.2-1003. Authority and duties of Director

§ 45.2-1004. Training and certification of blasters

§ 45.2-1005. Conflicts of interest prohibited

§ 45.2-1006. Resisting, etc., Director or agent of the Director; penalty

§ 45.2-1007. Coal Surface Mining Regulatory Fund

§ 45.2-1008. Coal exploration operations

§ 45.2-1009. Permit required for coal surface mining operation; term; transfer, etc.

§ 45.2-1010. Form and contents of permit application; fee

§ 45.2-1011. Operation and reclamation plans

§ 45.2-1012. Revision of permits

§ 45.2-1013. Approval or denial of permit

§ 45.2-1014. Public participation in process of issuing or revising permits

§ 45.2-1015. Decision of Director upon permit application; hearing; appeal

§ 45.2-1016. Performance bonds

§ 45.2-1017. Performance standards

§ 45.2-1018. Surface effects of underground coal mining operations

§ 45.2-1019. Inspections and monitoring

§ 45.2-1020. Enforcement of chapter generally

§ 45.2-1021. Civil and criminal penalties

§ 45.2-1022. Citizen suits; rights of citizens to accompany inspectors

§ 45.2-1023. Forfeiture or release of performance bond

§ 45.2-1024. Performance of reclamation operations by Director

§ 45.2-1025. Administrative review of notice or order issued under § 45.2-1020

§ 45.2-1026. Hearings

§ 45.2-1027. Judicial review of final order or decision or decision under § 45.2-1035

§ 45.2-1028. Designating areas unsuitable for coal surface mining

§ 45.2-1029. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits

§ 45.2-1030. Replacement of water supply

§ 45.2-1031. State Reclamation Program

§ 45.2-1032. Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund

§ 45.2-1033. Operator may perform reclamation; bidding; conditions; adjustment of required bonds; regulations

§ 45.2-1034. Eligible lands and water; priorities for expenditures

§ 45.2-1035. Right of entry, acquisition, disposition, and reclamation of land adversely affected by past coal mining practices

§ 45.2-1036. Commonwealth to have lien for reclamation work

§ 45.2-1037. Perfection of lien; waiver of lien

§ 45.2-1038. Recordation and indexing of lien; notice

§ 45.2-1039. Priority of lien

§ 45.2-1040. Hearing to determine amount of lien

§ 45.2-1041. Satisfaction of lien

§ 45.2-1042. Miscellaneous powers of Director

§ 45.2-1043. Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Fund

§ 45.2-1044. Participation in Fund

§ 45.2-1045. Initial payments into Fund; renewal payments; bonds

§ 45.2-1046. Assessment of reclamation tax revenues for Fund

§ 45.2-1047. Special assessment

§ 45.2-1048. Collection of reclamation tax and penalties for nonpayment

§ 45.2-1049. Forfeiture of bonds on operations participating in the Fund; alternative remedies

§ 45.2-1050. Reinstatement to the Fund; recovery of Fund expenditures

§ 45.2-1051. Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Fund Advisory Board