California Code
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 10127.17.

10127.17. (a) The Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund is hereby created as a special account within the Insurance Fund. Each insurer admitted to transact insurance in this state shall pay a fee to be determined by the commissioner, not to exceed one dollar ($1), for each individual life insurance policy and each individual annuity product that it issues to a resident of this state. If an insurer elects to charge the purchaser of a life insurance policy or annuity product this fee, the fee shall be set forth as a separate charge in the contract schedule or premium notice. Life insurance or annuity forms are not required to be filed again for review as a consequence of this provision. The revenue from this fee shall be deposited into the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund.

(b) Moneys in the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund shall be distributed by the commissioner, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to fund the reasonable costs incurred in regulating entities transacting life insurance and annuity products in this state. Moneys in the fund shall not be used for any other purpose.

(c) Fifty percent of these funds shall be distributed within the department for functions related to individual life insurance and annuity products, including, but not limited to:

(1) Investigating and prosecuting financial abuse by insurance licensees, or persons holding themselves out to be insurance licensees, or any person purporting to be engaged in the business of insurance.

(2) Responding to consumer inquiries and complaints related to life insurance or annuity products.

(3) Disseminating information to insurers, insureds, and others regarding the applicable regulation of life insurance and annuity products, including consumer protection, purchasing and using insurance and annuity products, claim filing, benefit delivery, and dispute resolution.

(4) Regulating and overseeing life insurance and annuity products and advertising for these products directed toward consumers.

(d) Fifty percent of the funds shall be distributed to district attorneys for investigating and prosecuting individual life insurance and annuity product financial abuse cases involving insurance licensees, or persons holding themselves out to be insurance licensees, or any person purporting to be engaged in the business of insurance, and for other projects beneficial to insurance consumers.

(1) The commissioner shall distribute funds to district attorneys who are able to show a likely positive outcome that will benefit consumers in the local jurisdiction based on specific criteria promulgated by the commissioner. Each local district attorney desiring a portion of those funds shall submit to the commissioner an application, including, at a minimum all of the following:

(A) The proposed use of the moneys and the anticipated outcome.

(B) A list of all prior relevant cases or projects and a copy of the final accounting for each. If cases or projects are ongoing, the most recent accounting shall be provided.

(C) A detailed budget, including salaries and general expenses, and specifically identifying the cost of purchase or rental of equipment or supplies.

(2) Each district attorney that receives funds pursuant to this section shall submit a final detailed accounting at the conclusion or closure of each case or project. For cases or projects that continue longer than six months, interim accountings shall be submitted every six months, or as otherwise directed by the commissioner.

(3) Each district attorney that receives funds pursuant to this section shall submit a final report to the commissioner, which may be made public, as to the success of the case or project conducted. The report shall provide information and statistics on the number of active investigations, arrests, indictments, and convictions. The applications for moneys, the distribution of moneys, and the annual reports shall be public documents.

(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, information submitted to the commissioner pursuant to this section concerning criminal investigations, whether active or inactive, shall be confidential.

(5) The commissioner may conduct a fiscal audit of the programs administered under this subdivision. This fiscal audit shall be conducted by an internal audit unit of the department. The cost of any fiscal audits shall be paid for from the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund established by this section.

(6) If the commissioner determines that a district attorney is unable or unwilling to investigate or prosecute a relevant financial abuse case, the commissioner may discontinue distribution of funds allocated for that matter and may redistribute those funds to other eligible district attorneys.

(e) If, as of June 30 of any calendar year, the total amount in the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund exceeds five million dollars ($5,000,000), the commissioner shall reduce the amount of the assessment accordingly for the following year to eliminate that excess. An insurer, upon receipt of an invoice, shall transmit payment to the department for deposit in the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund. Any balance remaining in the Life and Annuity Consumer Protection Fund at the end of the fiscal year shall be retained in the account, to be available in the next fiscal year.

(f) The commissioner may develop guidelines for implementing or clarifying these provisions, including guidelines for the allocation, distribution, and potential return of unused funds. The commissioner may, from time to time, issue regulations for implementing or clarifying these provisions.

(g) The commissioner shall provide a consolidated report annually on the department’s Internet Web site, which shall include, but is not limited to, the following information:

(1) The number of opened consumer complaints related to life insurance or annuity products.

(2) The number of opened investigations related to life insurance or annuity products.

(3) The number of investigations related to life insurance or annuity products referred to and reported by prosecuting agencies.

(4) The number of administrative or regulatory cases related to life insurance or annuity products referred to the department’s legal division.

(5) The number of administrative or regulatory enforcement actions taken in cases related to life insurance or annuity products.

(6) Descriptions of efforts by the department to disseminate information to insurers and others regarding the applicable regulation of life insurance and annuity products, including consumer protection, purchasing and using insurance and annuity products, claim filing, benefit delivery, and dispute resolution.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 2013, Ch. 347, Sec. 7. (SB 476) Effective January 1, 2014.)

Structure California Code

California Code

Insurance Code - INS



CHAPTER 1 - The Contract

ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions

Section 10110.

Section 10110.1.

Section 10110.2.

Section 10110.3.

Section 10110.4.

Section 10110.5.

Section 10110.6.

Section 10110.7.

Section 10110.75.

Section 10110.8.

Section 10111.

Section 10111.2.

Section 10111.5.

Section 10111.7.

Section 10112.

Section 10112.1.

Section 10112.2.

Section 10112.25.

Section 10112.26.

Section 10112.27.

Section 10112.28.

Section 10112.281.

Section 10112.282.

Section 10112.29.

Section 10112.291.

Section 10112.295.

Section 10112.296.

Section 10112.297.

Section 10112.3.

Section 10112.3.

Section 10112.300.

Section 10112.35.

Section 10112.4.

Section 10112.5.

Section 10112.6.

Section 10112.7.

Section 10112.8.

Section 10112.81.

Section 10112.82.

Section 10112.9.

Section 10112.95.

Section 10113.

Section 10113.1.

Section 10113.2.

Section 10113.3.

Section 10113.35.

Section 10113.4.

Section 10113.5.

Section 10113.6.

Section 10113.7.

Section 10113.70.

Section 10113.71.

Section 10113.72.

Section 10113.8.

Section 10113.9.

Section 10113.95.

Section 10113.95.

Section 10114.

Section 10115.

Section 10116.

Section 10116.5.

Section 10117.

Section 10117.5.

Section 10117.52.

Section 10118.

Section 10119.

Section 10119.1.

Section 10119.2.

Section 10119.2.

Section 10119.3.

Section 10119.5.

Section 10119.6.

Section 10119.7.

Section 10119.8.

Section 10119.9.

Section 10120.

Section 10120.2.

Section 10120.3.

Section 10120.35.

Section 10120.4.

Section 10120.5.

Section 10121.

Section 10121.5.

Section 10121.6.

Section 10121.7.

Section 10122.

Section 10122.1.

Section 10122.2.

Section 10123.

Section 10123.1.

Section 10123.2.

Section 10123.3.

Section 10123.31.

Section 10123.35.

Section 10123.36.

Section 10123.4.

Section 10123.5.

Section 10123.51.

Section 10123.55.

Section 10123.6.

Section 10123.61.

Section 10123.65.

Section 10123.67.

Section 10123.68.

Section 10123.7.

Section 10123.8.

Section 10123.81.

Section 10123.82.

Section 10123.83.

Section 10123.835.

Section 10123.84.

Section 10123.85.

Section 10123.855.

Section 10123.856.

Section 10123.857.

Section 10123.86.

Section 10123.865.

Section 10123.866.

Section 10123.867.

Section 10123.87.

Section 10123.88.

Section 10123.89.

Section 10123.9.

Section 10123.91.

Section 10123.10.

Section 10123.11.

Section 10123.12.

Section 10123.13.

Section 10123.131.

Section 10123.132.

Section 10123.135.

Section 10123.137.

Section 10123.14.

Section 10123.141.

Section 10123.145.

Section 10123.147.

Section 10123.15.

Section 10123.16.

Section 10123.17.

Section 10123.18.

Section 10123.184.

Section 10123.185.

Section 10123.19.

Section 10123.191.

Section 10123.192.

Section 10123.193.

Section 10123.1932.

Section 10123.1933.

Section 10123.194.

Section 10123.1945.

Section 10123.195.

Section 10123.196.

Section 10123.1961.

Section 10123.197.

Section 10123.198.

Section 10123.199.

Section 10123.20.

Section 10123.201.

Section 10123.202.

Section 10123.203.

Section 10123.204.

Section 10123.205.

Section 10123.206.

Section 10123.207.

Section 10123.208.

Section 10123.210.

Section 10123.21.

Section 10123.22.

Section 10124.

Section 10124.7.

Section 10125.

Section 10125.1.

Section 10126.

Section 10126.5.

Section 10126.6.

Section 10126.65.

Section 10127.

Section 10127.09.

Section 10127.1.

Section 10127.15.

Section 10127.2.

Section 10127.21.

Section 10127.3.

Section 10127.4.

Section 10127.5.

Section 10127.7.

Section 10127.8.

Section 10127.9.

Section 10127.10.

Section 10127.11.

Section 10127.12.

Section 10127.13.

Section 10127.14.

Section 10127.16.

Section 10127.17.

Section 10127.18.

Section 10127.19.

Section 10127.20.