9-122. Unification of a city and a town
A. If the common council of a city and the common council of a town whose boundaries are within five miles of each other at one or more points pass a resolution requesting an election for the purpose of unifying the city and the town into one incorporated city, and a petition is received from the unincorporated areas that separate the city or town boundaries or are contiguous to the boundaries and is signed by at least ten per cent of the qualified electors in such unincorporated area, within sixty days, the board of supervisors of the county shall adopt a resolution calling an election on the question of the unification and the question of the name of the new proposed city. The election shall be held on a date prescribed by section 16-204 but not more than one hundred eighty days after the county resolution is filed. The resolution shall set forth the following:
1. The date on which the election is to be held.
2. The places where votes may be cast. At least one place shall be designated within the corporate limits of the city and the town and the unincorporated area proposing the unification.
3. The hours between which the polling places will be open.
4. The name of the proposed unified city.
B. The election resolution shall be published in full at least once, not less than thirty nor more than sixty days before the date of the election, in a newspaper published in the county. If there is no such newspaper, the resolution shall be posted in five conspicuous places in each of the municipalities and the affected unincorporated areas not less than thirty nor more than sixty days before the date of the election.
C. At the election, the ballot shall contain and may be limited to the phrases " for the unification" and " against the unification" . A square approximately the size of the squares placed opposite the names of candidates on ballots shall be placed to the right of and opposite each phrase. A voter shall indicate a vote for the unification or against the unification by marking the ballot pursuant to the ballot instructions. The ballot is not required to be any particular size, and sample ballots are not required.
D. Only qualified electors of the city, the town and the unincorporated areas shall vote on the question. If a majority of the qualified electors voting on the question in each area votes for unification, the board of supervisors shall declare by an order entered of record the city, town and unincorporated areas unified into one incorporated city. The order of the board shall designate the name of the city.
E. Except as otherwise provided in this article, the manner of conducting the registration and election, keeping the poll lists, making the returns, declaring the results and doing all acts relating to the election shall conform to the procedure provided by law for the registration and qualification of electors and holding elections in which the question of issuance of bonds of municipal corporations is submitted to an election.
F. The board of supervisors shall appoint the first common council for the new city. The board of supervisors shall appoint seven members at least two of whom shall be from each of the three areas unified. Following appointment, the council shall designate one of its members to serve as mayor. At the earliest possible date following the formation of the new city, the new city shall be divided by the appointed council into six districts, and an election shall be called to fill the six council districts and elect at large a directly elected mayor. The mayor and council members shall serve four year staggered terms. At the first election, the three council members with the highest vote shall serve four year terms and the three other council members elected shall serve two year terms in order to accomplish staggered terms for future elections.
G. The incorporated limits of the new city shall be those shown on the resolutions from the incorporated city and town and shall be their combined corporate limits plus the unincorporated areas that appear on the petition submitted pursuant to subsection A of this section and that are between or adjacent to the city and the town. In no event shall any such petition include land or improvements utilized for mining, metallurgical or related environmental remediation purposes without written consent of the landowner. The ordinances and resolutions of the former city, town and county shall continue in force unless repealed or changed by the new common council, including franchises and transaction privilege taxes. In the case of conflict between ordinances or resolutions, the ordinances or resolutions of the former city or town with the larger population shall prevail, except that zoning regulations applying to property at the time of unification shall remain in effect until the council of the new unified city adopts a zoning ordinance applying to the property. The new city shall be liable for all debts and liabilities of the former city and town and shall be entitled to receive all property and rights of action belonging to the former city and town.
H. A city incorporated pursuant to this section has all powers, duties, rights and privileges granted to incorporated cities and towns under the laws and constitution of this state. For purposes of state shared revenues, including state transaction privilege tax, state income tax, vehicle license taxes, highway user revenues and local transportation assistance fund monies, a combined amount that would have been distributed to the former town and city unified shall be distributed to the new city until a combined census count including the unincorporated areas can be obtained. Once the combined census count is obtained, the updated census count shall be used for the distribution of the state shared revenues retroactive to the first of the month following unification. The annual population estimate of the unified city prepared by the department of economic security shall be used for distribution of local transportation assistance fund monies.
I. The unified city shall have a property tax levy limit calculated as the combined maximum allowable levy limit of the town and city unless another levy limit is approved by the voters of the unified city at a regularly scheduled election. The expenditure limit of the unified city shall be the alternative expenditure limitation of the largest city until the fiscal year following the unified city's first general election. At such election, the council may propose an alternative expenditure limitation or permanent base adjustment and if not approved the unified city's expenditure limitation shall be calculated using the formula provided for a newly incorporated city unless subsequently changed by the voters.
Structure Arizona Revised Statutes
§ 9-101 - Incorporation; definitions
§ 9-101.01 - Incorporation; urbanized area
§ 9-101.02 - Alternate method of incorporation for certain areas; definition
§ 9-103 - Reincorporation of existing municipalities; effect of change
§ 9-104 - County services for newly incorporated city or town
§ 9-121 - Consolidation of towns
§ 9-122 - Unification of a city and a town
§ 9-131 - Incorporation; definition
§ 9-135 - Relations with county
§ 9-136 - State or county collected taxes
§ 9-201 - Elective officers in cities and towns of less than six hundred voters; duties
§ 9-202 - Appointive officers; compensation
§ 9-232 - Council; qualifications of members; oath; selection of mayor; vacancy
§ 9-232.02 - Permitting town councilmen to hold office for four-year staggered terms
§ 9-232.03 - Alternative procedure for mayor to be directly elected by electors
§ 9-232.04 - District system as alternative organization
§ 9-232.05 - Town elected officials; term limits; applicability
§ 9-233 - Council meetings; quorum; adjournment
§ 9-234 - Power of council to regulate proceedings; records
§ 9-235 - Vacancies in council
§ 9-238 - Duties of appointive officers
§ 9-239 - Council powers relating to appointive officers
§ 9-240 - General powers of common council
§ 9-241 - Purchase and sale of property
§ 9-246 - Publication of financial statement
§ 9-247 - Claims, warrants, substitute checks and vouchers
§ 9-248 - Warrants, substitute checks and vouchers; payee; form
§ 9-249 - Warrants, substitute checks and vouchers; presentment; payment; registry; definitions
§ 9-250 - Violation of provisions relating to warrants; classification
§ 9-251 - Survey and recording of town plats
§ 9-252 - Acknowledgment and filing of maps
§ 9-253 - Recording of maps and plats; preservation of originals
§ 9-255 - Unlawful act of officer; liability of council
§ 9-271 - Procedure for change; city officers
§ 9-272 - Classification of councilmen for purposes of election; terms of office
§ 9-272.01 - Alternative procedure for mayor to be directly elected by electors
§ 9-273 - District system as alternative organization
§ 9-274 - Powers of council; salaries
§ 9-275 - Applicability of certain provisions to specified cities
§ 9-276 - Additional powers of cities
§ 9-281 - Adoption procedure; board of freeholders; election
§ 9-282 - Proposed charter; publication; election; approval by governor
§ 9-283 - Approval of charter; recording and filing; amendment
§ 9-284 - Effect of charter on inconsistent laws
§ 9-303 - City or town manager
§ 9-304 - Compensation of alderman or councilman; failure to comply; classification
§ 9-305 - City or town auditor; examination of executive session minutes; confidentiality
§ 9-401 - Acquisition of land by city; extent and notice of city jurisdiction
§ 9-402 - Sale and disposition of property; advertising for bids; publication; donation; easements
§ 9-404 - Payment of outstanding taxes, penalties and interest on acquiring property
§ 9-405 - Sale, lease or exchange of surplus property to federal government
§ 9-407 - Exchange and sale of real property; notice of intent
§ 9-408 - Home equity conversion program; authorization; use of proceeds
§ 9-409 - Condemnation actions; interest
§ 9-411 - Tax levy for library purposes
§ 9-412 - Receipt of gifts for library
§ 9-414 - Trustees; terms; compensation
§ 9-415 - Trustees; organization; appointment of librarian
§ 9-417 - Audit and payment of claims
§ 9-418 - Annual reports by trustees
§ 9-419 - Regulation of library use; use of land for library
§ 9-420 - Contracts between city or town and the Arizona state library; expenditure of public monies
§ 9-431 - Finding of statewide concern; preemption of city charter
§ 9-433 - Voluntary contributions; payment; interest on delinquent payments
§ 9-441.01 - Public purpose; declaration of housing development area by local governing body
§ 9-441.02 - Powers of municipalities
§ 9-441.03 - Issuance of bonds
§ 9-441.04 - Additional security for bonds
§ 9-441.05 - Construction of bond provisions
§ 9-441.06 - Certification of bonds by attorney general
§ 9-441.07 - Use of municipal revenue powers to provide monies for project
§ 9-451 - Procedure for vacating cemeteries
§ 9-452 - Conveyance of title to vacated cemetery
§ 9-453 - Cemetery maintenance fund
§ 9-461.01 - Planning agency; powers and duties
§ 9-461.02 - Planning commission; creation; limitations
§ 9-461.03 - Planning department
§ 9-461.05 - General plans; authority; scope
§ 9-461.06 - Adoption and amendment of general plan; expiration and readoption
§ 9-461.07 - Administration of general plan
§ 9-461.08 - Authority, scope of specific plans
§ 9-461.09 - Procedure for adoption of specific plans and regulations
§ 9-461.10 - Administration of specific plans and regulations
§ 9-461.11 - Extraterritorial jurisdiction; development plans
§ 9-461.12 - Joint action; cooperation with state agencies; land and facilities use
§ 9-461.13 - Prohibited urban growth management requirements
§ 9-461.14 - Public works project planning; utility input; definitions
§ 9-461.15 - Requirement of planned community prohibited
§ 9-461.16 - Residential housing; requirements; fees; prohibition
§ 9-461.17 - Telecommunications utility relocation; cost reimbursement; definitions
§ 9-462 - Definitions; general provisions concerning evidence
§ 9-462.01 - Zoning regulations; public hearing; definitions
§ 9-462.02 - Nonconformance to regulations; outdoor advertising change; enforcement
§ 9-462.03 - Amendment procedure
§ 9-462.04 - Public hearing required; definition
§ 9-462.06 - Board of adjustment
§ 9-462.07 - Extraterritorial jurisdiction
§ 9-463.02 - Subdivision defined; applicability
§ 9-463.04 - Extraterritorial jurisdiction
§ 9-463.06 - Standards for enactment of moratorium; land development; limitations; definitions
§ 9-464.01 - Open space land acquisition
§ 9-468 - Solar construction permits; standards
§ 9-471.01 - Dates of signatures on petition; time limitation for validity of signatures
§ 9-471.03 - Return of certain land to county; procedures
§ 9-471.04 - Annexation of territory partially or completely surrounded by city or town; definition
§ 9-472 - Annexed territory as part of adjoining district
§ 9-473 - Redistricting; representation
§ 9-474 - Subdivision plats; projection of street and alley lines; approval; survey
§ 9-475 - Filing of map; hearing; approval; recording
§ 9-477 - Subdivision name; limitation; title to streets
§ 9-478 - Acceptance of plat by recorder
§ 9-479 - Conveyance by reference to plat; restriction; violation; classification
§ 9-481 - Audits of cities and towns; posting; budget; accepting audit results
§ 9-485.01 - Mobile food vendors; mobile food units; operation
§ 9-485.02 - Insurance requirement prohibited
§ 9-491 - Unpaid license taxes; recovery
§ 9-491.01 - Additional business license; real estate broker or salesperson; prohibition
§ 9-491.02 - Business license; out-of-state businesses; prohibition
§ 9-492 - Investment of sinking funds and surplus or idle funds of municipality
§ 9-493 - Appropriation for advertising
§ 9-494 - Parks; tax for parks within reclamation projects
§ 9-495 - Employees providing assistance; identification; communication; notice
§ 9-496 - Expenditures in federal areas
§ 9-497 - Authority to procure liability insurance covering officers, agents and employees
§ 9-498 - Authority for county to furnish services to city or town
§ 9-499.01 - Powers of charter and general law cities
§ 9-499.02 - Standards for curb ramps
§ 9-499.03 - Participation in medical clinics
§ 9-499.04 - Animal control officers; appointment; authority; regulation of dogs; powers and duties
§ 9-499.08 - Ability to build, finance and operate toll roads
§ 9-499.09 - Indigent defendants; appointment of counsel; fee
§ 9-499.10 - Infill incentive districts
§ 9-499.12 - Municipal social workers; exemption
§ 9-499.13 - Sign walkers; regulation; exception; definition
§ 9-499.14 - Renewable energy incentive districts; definition
§ 9-499.15 - Proposed new or increased municipal taxes and fees; notification; exceptions
§ 9-499.16 - Energy and water savings accounts
§ 9-499.17 - Prohibition on municipal taxes and fees
§ 9-499.18 - Transportation safety zones; passenger convenience areas; definitions
§ 9-500.01 - Arson investigators; duties; powers; limitation
§ 9-500.02 - Emergency medical aid; assistance to other public bodies; limitation on liability
§ 9-500.03 - Maintenance and protection of parks; park rangers
§ 9-500.04 - Air quality control; definitions
§ 9-500.05 - Development agreements; public safety; definitions
§ 9-500.07 - Recycling and waste reduction
§ 9-500.08 - Enforcement of water conservation plumbing requirements
§ 9-500.10 - Escort and escort agency advertising requirements; civil penalty; definitions
§ 9-500.11 - Expenditures for economic development; definitions
§ 9-500.11; Version 2 - Expenditures for economic development; requirements; definitions
§ 9-500.13 - Compliance with court decisions
§ 9-500.15 - Referral of public transportation questions to voters
§ 9-500.16 - Clean burning fireplace ordinance
§ 9-500.17 - Acceleration agreements; loan repayment agreements
§ 9-500.18 - School district construction fees; prohibition
§ 9-500.19 - Vehicle refueling apparatus
§ 9-500.20 - Outside emergency services; costs
§ 9-500.21 - Civil enforcement of municipal ordinances
§ 9-500.22 - Prosecution diversion programs
§ 9-500.23 - Authority to provide fire protection and emergency services outside corporate limits
§ 9-500.24 - Federal patent easements; city and town abandonment
§ 9-500.25 - Work centers; aliens; prohibition
§ 9-500.26 - Authority to regulate the entry of minors into Mexico; exemption from liability
§ 9-500.27 - Off-road vehicle ordinance; applicability; violation; classification
§ 9-500.28 - Disclosure of filings; military electronics range; definition
§ 9-500.29 - Federal and state regulations; local coordination; standing; definitions
§ 9-500.30 - Federal monies; prohibition; union labor preference
§ 9-500.31 - Prohibition on adopting landlord tenant bedbug control requirements
§ 9-500.32 - License fees for dogs; prohibition; violation; classification
§ 9-500.33 - County island sewer connection; prohibition; state preemption
§ 9-500.34 - Prohibition on retail business security requirements; state preemption
§ 9-500.35 - Garbage collection services; payment responsibility
§ 9-500.36 - Prohibition on requirement of energy measuring and reporting; state preemption
§ 9-500.37 - Improvements to private property not in corporate boundaries; prohibition
§ 9-500.38 - Prohibition on regulation of auxiliary containers; state preemption; definition
§ 9-500.41 - 911 telephone calls; medical assistance requests; Good Samaritans
§ 9-500.43 - Prohibition on mandated provision of health insurance; state preemption
§ 9-500.44 - Communications; accessibility; emergency response interpreters
§ 9-500.46 - Parking; public service and public safety emergency vehicles; definitions
§ 9-500.47 - Firefighter; peace officer; residency requirement; prohibition; exemption; definitions
§ 9-500.48 - Deceased cats and dogs; owner notification
§ 9-502 - Petition for franchise; publication; estimate; election; term; expenditures
§ 9-506 - Authority to issue license; limitations; permits for Wi-Fi radio equipment; definitions
§ 9-507 - Application for license; hearing; terms; conditions
§ 9-508 - License required before construction; provisions existing systems
§ 9-510 - Control of programming
§ 9-511 - Power to engage in business of public nature; outside water rates; right of eminent domain
§ 9-511.01 - Water and wastewater business; rates; procedures; responsibility for payments
§ 9-511.02 - Utility user fees; lien enforcement; procedures; payment responsibility; definition
§ 9-512 - Issuance of bonds; service rates
§ 9-513 - Lease of privately owned utility
§ 9-514 - Authority to engage in utility business
§ 9-515 - Purchase of existing utility plant and property; valuation; appeal
§ 9-516 - Declaration of public policy; eminent domain
§ 9-517 - Exception to purchase requirement
§ 9-518 - Compensation for taking public utility; procedure for determining
§ 9-519 - Common carriers; duplication of service prohibited
§ 9-521.01 - Recreational facilities
§ 9-522 - Power to issue bonds
§ 9-524 - Election order and call; publication; posting
§ 9-525 - Registration of voters
§ 9-528 - Application of election laws
§ 9-530 - Service charges; taxation and budgeting; computation
§ 9-531 - Provisions of resolution for bond issue; covenants
§ 9-532 - Utility receipts and bond proceeds; handling and disposition
§ 9-534 - Certification of bonds by attorney general
§ 9-537 - Supplemental nature of article
§ 9-538 - Validation of prior bonds
§ 9-539 - General powers of municipality under article
§ 9-540 - Validation of prior acts and proceedings; criterion for compliance
§ 9-552 - Authority to issue license
§ 9-553 - Application for license; hearing; terms; conditions
§ 9-554 - License required before construction
§ 9-582 - Taxes and other charges; telecommunications facilities; limitations
§ 9-583 - Issuance of license or franchise; use of public highways; limitations
§ 9-584 - Microcell equipment in public highways; permits; fees; limitations; definitions
§ 9-593 - Applicability; collocation of small wireless facilities; permits; application; fee
§ 9-594 - Structures subject to zoning; time frames; application; fees
§ 9-596 - Scope of local authority
§ 9-598 - General requirements for use of the right-of-way
§ 9-600 - Antenna use; private property; applicability
§ 9-601 - Arizona convention center development fund; purpose
§ 9-621 - Authority to receive and spend distributions
§ 9-622 - Certification of completion of construction
§ 9-623 - Certification of satisfaction of annual obligations
§ 9-624 - Request for state lease purchase
§ 9-626 - Construction progress reports; auditor general performance measures
§ 9-802 - Procedure for adoption by reference
§ 9-803 - Limitation on enactment of penalty clauses
§ 9-804 - Ratification of certain enactments by reference
§ 9-805 - Building code moratorium on residential and commercial buildings
§ 9-806 - Wildland-urban interface code
§ 9-809 - Semipublic swimming pools; locking device; pool barrier gates; exception
§ 9-810 - State preemption; utilities; restrictions; prohibition; limitation; definition
§ 9-810.01 - Building codes; refrigerants
§ 9-811 - Publication of record of proceedings of governing body
§ 9-812 - Publication of notices and ordinances
§ 9-813 - Posting of ordinances and notices
§ 9-821 - Law governing municipal elections
§ 9-822 - Qualifications of voters
§ 9-823 - Registration of voters; change of registration
§ 9-824 - Registration for elections
§ 9-825 - Election boards; appointment
§ 9-826 - Publicity pamphlet format; state preemption; bond and tax measures
§ 9-832 - Regulatory bill of rights
§ 9-833 - Inspections; applicability
§ 9-834 - Prohibited acts by municipalities and employees; enforcement; notice
§ 9-836 - License application process
§ 9-837 - Directory of documents
§ 9-838 - Complaints; governing body review
§ 9-839 - Clarification of interpretation
§ 9-842 - Regulation of occupation, trade or profession; notice; hearing; exemptions; definition
§ 9-904 - Violations; classification
§ 9-913 - Administration of fund; police pension board; membership
§ 9-914 - Election of departmental members of board
§ 9-915 - Terms of departmental members
§ 9-916 - Vacancies in departmental membership
§ 9-918 - Compensation of pension board members; liability on bonds
§ 9-919 - Organizational meeting
§ 9-920 - Meetings of pension board
§ 9-921 - Powers and duties of the board; audit
§ 9-922 - Annual report of board
§ 9-923 - Contents of fund; choice of method of payment by municipality
§ 9-925 - Computation of pension upon voluntary retirement or upon mandatory retirement; limitation
§ 9-926 - Computation of pension upon permanent or temporary retirement for injury or disease
§ 9-927 - Benefits to dependents upon death of member
§ 9-928 - Effect of service as public officer upon pension
§ 9-929 - Fund requirements precedent to payment of pensions
§ 9-931 - Exemption of pensions from process; prohibition on assignments; exception
§ 9-932 - Physical examination of active or temporarily retired member
§ 9-933 - Effect of military service
§ 9-934 - Inapplicability of article
§ 9-951 - Disposition of fire insurance premium tax proceeds; composition of fund
§ 9-952 - Disposition of fire insurance premium tax
§ 9-953 - Fire districts or departments; certification by the office of the state fire marshal
§ 9-954 - Board of trustees of fund; membership
§ 9-955 - Officers of board; meetings; procedure for disbursements
§ 9-956 - Annual audit; report of secretary; sanction
§ 9-957 - Powers and duties of board; investments; review of decisions
§ 9-963 - Grant of temporary relief by board; procedures for immediate pension relief
§ 9-965 - Termination of benefits
§ 9-967 - Pension for volunteer fire fighter
§ 9-967.01 - Paid fire fighters who are also volunteers; eligibility for pension benefits
§ 9-968 - Exemption of pension from process; prohibition of assignments; exception
§ 9-969 - Applicability of workers' compensation law
§ 9-970 - Effect of military service
§ 9-971 - Reinstatement after military service
§ 9-972 - Inapplicability of article
§ 9-973 - Disability insurance for volunteer fire fighters
§ 9-981 - Authority to purchase alternative pension and benefit plan
§ 9-991 - Training requirement
§ 9-1101 - Entry at federal land office of land for townsites
§ 9-1102 - Trustee's bond; keeping of accounts and records
§ 9-1103 - Survey and plat of townsite; approval; recording
§ 9-1104 - Notice of entry of land as townsite; statement and filing of claims to land
§ 9-1105 - Financial statement of trustee; disposition of funds
§ 9-1106 - Index of claimants and property
§ 9-1107 - Limitations on claims of land
§ 9-1108 - Proof of nonconflicting claims; execution of deed
§ 9-1109 - Referral to court of conflicting claims; trial; appeal
§ 9-1110 - Payment of purchase price by claimants
§ 9-1111 - Trustee as claimant
§ 9-1112 - Selection and conveyance of sites for public purposes
§ 9-1113 - Execution of deed to cemetery association
§ 9-1114 - Rights of lienholders
§ 9-1115 - Claims against trustee or municipality
§ 9-1116 - Obtaining funds to pay expenses
§ 9-1117 - Disposal of unclaimed lots
§ 9-1118 - Accounting by trustee to successor
§ 9-1131 - Disposal of unclaimed lots acquired prior to statehood
§ 9-1132 - Procedure to establish right of preference
§ 9-1133 - Disposition of proceeds from sale
§ 9-1141 - Procedure for subdivision of private lands into townsite
§ 9-1202 - Protected development right; establishment; plan requirements; variance
§ 9-1203 - Duration of a protected development right; termination
§ 9-1204 - Subsequent changes prohibited; exceptions
§ 9-1205 - Protected development right; exercise; agreements
§ 9-1302 - Individual property inspections
§ 9-1303 - Material affect on health and safety of occupants
§ 9-1305 - Inspection fees; penalties
§ 9-1402 - State preemption; uniform regulation and licensing
§ 9-1403 - Limited application
§ 9-1411 - Local governments; uniform video service license agreements; forms; provisions
§ 9-1413 - Incumbent cable operator; procedure to continue operating under local license
§ 9-1414 - Uniform video service license; application; fees
§ 9-1416 - Amendment of uniform video service license to add service area
§ 9-1417 - Termination of service
§ 9-1418 - Boundary change; license fees; exemption; notice
§ 9-1419 - Transfer of uniform video service license
§ 9-1421 - Subscriber complaints
§ 9-1431 - Video service; revocation for nonuse
§ 9-1432 - Reports; confidentiality; definition
§ 9-1433 - Nondiscriminatory manner; compliance with standards and federal law
§ 9-1441 - Management of highways; local governments; permits or licenses
§ 9-1443 - License fee; requirements, conditions and limitations; pass through to subscribers
§ 9-1444 - Ownership of a video service network
§ 9-1445 - Review and audit; bundling discounts; action to recover underpayment or overpayment
§ 9-1451 - Enforcement; office of administrative hearings; fees; fund
§ 9-1452 - Statute of limitations; costs and attorney fees; federal subscriber service requirements