Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 31 - Prisons and Prisoners
§ 31-226.01 - Emergency transfer procedures

31-226.01. Emergency transfer procedures
A. If the written report made pursuant to section 31-226, subsection A indicates reasonable cause to believe that, as a result of mental disorder, the prisoner is a danger to self or others and that without immediate treatment in a mental health inpatient treatment facility or the state hospital the prisoner is likely to suffer substantial physical harm or serious illness or is likely to inflict substantial physical harm on another, the director of the state department of corrections shall immediately authorize transfer for treatment of the prisoner to a mental health inpatient treatment facility operated by the state department of corrections if the prisoner is an adult male and to the state hospital if the prisoner is a female or a minor.
B. On presentation of a prisoner for emergency transfer, an admitting officer of a mental health inpatient treatment facility or the state hospital may examine the prisoner and may admit the prisoner as an emergency admission. The transferred prisoner remains in the legal custody of the state department of corrections, and the department shall pay all costs incurred for the prisoner during the term of the prisoner's sentence.
C. If a prisoner has been transferred pursuant to subsection A of this section, within forty-eight hours, excluding weekends and holidays, after the transfer the director shall file a petition for emergency transfer with the superior court in the county to which the prisoner has been transferred. The petition shall include:
1. A summary of the symptoms and signs displayed by the prisoner which led to the mental examination.
2. A summary of the recommendations of the examining psychiatrist or physician.
3. A statement supporting the need for immediate transfer of the prisoner.
D. On review of the petition for emergency transfer, if the court finds that as a result of mental disorder the prisoner is a danger to self or others, and that without immediate treatment in a mental health inpatient treatment facility or the state hospital the prisoner is likely to suffer substantial physical harm or serious illness or is likely to inflict substantial physical harm on another, the court shall order the continued treatment of the prisoner, and the provisions of section 31-226, subsections B through J apply to the petition for emergency transfer.
E. On review of the petition for emergency transfer, if the court does not find as described in subsection D of this section, the court shall order that the prisoner be returned to the facility in which the prisoner was incarcerated within forty-eight hours.
F. If the court orders that the prisoner be returned to the facility in which the prisoner was incarcerated, the director of the state department of corrections may proceed pursuant to section 31-226.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 31 - Prisons and Prisoners

§ 31-101 - Common jails; duty of sheriff; use of jails

§ 31-104 - Employment of temporary guards

§ 31-105 - Designation of jail in contiguous county; revocation of designation

§ 31-106 - Disease in jail; removal of prisoners

§ 31-107 - Emergency removal of prisoners

§ 31-121 - Duty of sheriff to receive and provide for prisoners; contracts for furnishing food; city or town prisoners; employment; canteens; special services fund; insurance; education programs

§ 31-122 - Receiving and keeping federal prisoners

§ 31-123 - Confinement of person committed to jail

§ 31-124 - Segregation of prisoners; males and females; minors and adults

§ 31-125 - Duty of sheriff to deliver judicial papers to prisoner

§ 31-126 - Examination of certain prisoners for mental disorder

§ 31-127 - Abuse of prisoner; classification

§ 31-128 - Unauthorized communication with prisoner; classification

§ 31-129 - Taking prohibited articles into jail; violation; classification; definitions

§ 31-130 - Destruction of or injury to public jail; classification

§ 31-131 - Operation of inmate industry program; special services fund; application of earnings

§ 31-132 - Duty to deliver medical records

§ 31-221 - Master record file; information from other agencies; confidentiality of file; access; definition

§ 31-222 - Research and evaluation programs

§ 31-223 - Use of force by correctional officers

§ 31-224 - Duty to deliver medical records

§ 31-225 - Attendance of prisoner in court

§ 31-226 - Mentally disordered prisoner; procedure for voluntary or involuntary hospitalization; notice; hearing; transfer; reports; return to incarceration or release; costs; definition

§ 31-226.01 - Emergency transfer procedures

§ 31-227 - Expenses of prosecution; reimbursement of counties

§ 31-228 - Procedure for discharge of prisoner; return of property; furnishing money, clothing and transportation ticket; allowing hair to grow before discharge

§ 31-229 - Functional literacy program; evaluation; certificate; exemptions; wages; definition

§ 31-229.01 - Functionally literate inmates; education requirement; rules; inmate fees; definition

§ 31-229.02 - Functionally literate inmates; release eligibility

§ 31-230 - Prisoner spendable accounts; fees

§ 31-231 - Unauthorized communication with prisoner; classification; definition

§ 31-232 - Family considerations in prisoner placement and visitation rules

§ 31-233 - Order for removal; purposes; duration; continuous alcohol monitoring program; failure to return; classification

§ 31-234 - Agreements with cities and counties; costs; transfer; participation in programs; custody of director

§ 31-235 - Prisoner correspondence; definitions

§ 31-236 - Prisoner inspection or search; state of undress; prohibited acts; exception; report; definition

§ 31-237 - Dedicated discharge accounts

§ 31-238 - Incarceration costs; setoff

§ 31-239 - Utility fees

§ 31-240 - Prisoner education services budget; prohibited uses

§ 31-241 - Inmate complaints to boards; procedure

§ 31-242 - Internet access; violation; classification; definitions

§ 31-141 - Enforcement of sentence imposing hard labor; employment of prisoners; definition

§ 31-142 - Use of prisoners on public works

§ 31-143 - Use of prisoners by county engineer

§ 31-144 - Double time allowance for work done outside jail as trusty

§ 31-145 - Allowance for hard labor in reduction of fine

§ 31-146 - Notice of discharge of prisoners sentenced to pay fine or to be imprisoned until payment made

§ 31-250 - Definition of work crew

§ 31-251 - Hard labor required of prisoners; labor classification; definition

§ 31-251.01 - Definition

§ 31-252 - Use of prisoners in public works; cooperative prisoner labor system; definitions

§ 31-253 - Use of prisoners in prison construction; definition

§ 31-254 - Compensation for labor performed; price of prison made articles; distribution of earnings; workers' compensation

§ 31-255 - Alcohol abuse treatment fund

§ 31-256 - Prisoner training; individual certificates; requirements

§ 31-161 - Inmate health care; costs

§ 31-162 - Inmate health services fund; audit

§ 31-163 - Subrogation

§ 31-164 - Inmate health insurance pools

§ 31-165 - Inmate medical services; rate structure

§ 31-201 - Definitions

§ 31-201.01 - Duties of the director; tort actions; medical treatment costs; state immunity; definitions

§ 31-203 - Persons disqualified as officers or employees

§ 31-204 - Interest of employee in contracts; gifts to or from prisoner; penalty

§ 31-206 - Chaplains; duties; traditional Native American religious practitioners

§ 31-207 - Payment of claims

§ 31-261 - Sale or exchange of products of individual prisoners

§ 31-271 - Adult correctional facility; multiple confinement

§ 31-281 - Transition program; report; definition

§ 31-282 - Contracted entities; duties; services; definition

§ 31-284 - Transition program fund

§ 31-285 - Transition program release; report

§ 31-291 - Mental health transition pilot program; contracted entities; inmate eligibility; rules; study; report; definition

§ 31-321 - Prisoner participation in approved programs

§ 31-322 - Approval of programs

§ 31-323 - Compensation for prisoner participation in approved programs; trust fund or retention account

§ 31-331 - Definitions

§ 31-332 - Applicability

§ 31-333 - Work furlough

§ 31-334 - Earnings of prisoner

§ 31-335 - Time credits

§ 31-336 - Improper conduct

§ 31-341 - Definitions

§ 31-342 - Escape; liability for costs incurred in apprehension

§ 31-401 - Board of executive clemency; qualifications; appointment; officers; quorum; meeting

§ 31-402 - Powers of board; powers and duties of governor; powers and duties of executive director

§ 31-403 - Commutation; restrictions on consideration

§ 31-404 - Wilful failure to pay; revocation of parole or community supervision

§ 31-411 - Parole or discharge; conditions of parole; release under supervision of state department of corrections; notice of hearing; exceptions; drug testing costs

§ 31-411.01 - Parole or community supervision for persons previously convicted of possession or use of marijuana, a dangerous drug or a narcotic drug; treatment; prevention; education; termination of parole or community supervision

§ 31-412 - Criteria for release on parole; release; custody of parolee; definition

§ 31-413 - Duty of department of corrections to assist in securing employment for parolees and prisoners

§ 31-414 - Absolute discharge of parolee; effect; notice to victim

§ 31-415 - Violation of parole or community supervision; warrant for retaking parolee or offender on community supervision

§ 31-416 - Execution of warrant to take paroled prisoner or offender on community supervision; expenses

§ 31-417 - Notification to board of parole violator; hearing; reimprisonment

§ 31-418 - Community supervision fee; deposit; community corrections enhancement fund; drug testing costs

§ 31-441 - Application for pardon; statement of facts proved at trial

§ 31-442 - Application for pardon; notice; exceptions

§ 31-443 - Power of governor to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons

§ 31-444 - Power of governor to suspend sentence for treason pending consideration by legislature

§ 31-445 - Publication of reasons for granting a commutation, pardon, reprieve, stay or suspension of execution

§ 31-446 - Report to legislature

§ 31-467 - Adoption of interstate compact for the supervision of adult offenders

§ 31-467.01 - Parole or probation violation; retaking; notice; hearing; custody pending hearing

§ 31-467.02 - Hearing officer

§ 31-467.03 - Hearing rights of parolee or probationer

§ 31-467.04 - Hearings in other states; effect

§ 31-467.05 - Extradition; retrieval

§ 31-467.06 - Supervision fee; deposit; drug testing costs

§ 31-467.07 - Interstate compact for the supervision of adult offenders; eight-year review

§ 31-471 - Western interstate corrections compact

§ 31-472 - Commitment or transfer of inmate; prohibition against transfer of inmate sentenced under Arizona law to institution outside state in absence of consent; irrevocability of consent

§ 31-473 - Enforcement of compact; hearings in compliance with compact

§ 31-474 - Contracts implementing state's participation in compact; prerequisite approval; authorized provisions; determination of suitability of institution and confinement

§ 31-475 - Right of transferred prisoner on release from prison outside this state

§ 31-481 - Agreement; authorization; contents

§ 31-482 - Matters pertaining to agreement

§ 31-491 - Interstate corrections compact

§ 31-492 - Powers of director

§ 31-601 - Pregnant prisoners; restraints; written findings; rules; appropriate food and dietary supplements; restrictive housing; bed placement; training; reporting; definitions