Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 31 - Prisons and Prisoners
§ 31-130 - Destruction of or injury to public jail; classification

31-130. Destruction of or injury to public jail; classification
A person who intentionally and without lawful authority breaks, pulls down or otherwise destroys or injures a public jail or other place of confinement is guilty of a class 5 felony.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 31 - Prisons and Prisoners

§ 31-101 - Common jails; duty of sheriff; use of jails

§ 31-104 - Employment of temporary guards

§ 31-105 - Designation of jail in contiguous county; revocation of designation

§ 31-106 - Disease in jail; removal of prisoners

§ 31-107 - Emergency removal of prisoners

§ 31-121 - Duty of sheriff to receive and provide for prisoners; contracts for furnishing food; city or town prisoners; employment; canteens; special services fund; insurance; education programs

§ 31-122 - Receiving and keeping federal prisoners

§ 31-123 - Confinement of person committed to jail

§ 31-124 - Segregation of prisoners; males and females; minors and adults

§ 31-125 - Duty of sheriff to deliver judicial papers to prisoner

§ 31-126 - Examination of certain prisoners for mental disorder

§ 31-127 - Abuse of prisoner; classification

§ 31-128 - Unauthorized communication with prisoner; classification

§ 31-129 - Taking prohibited articles into jail; violation; classification; definitions

§ 31-130 - Destruction of or injury to public jail; classification

§ 31-131 - Operation of inmate industry program; special services fund; application of earnings

§ 31-132 - Duty to deliver medical records

§ 31-221 - Master record file; information from other agencies; confidentiality of file; access; definition

§ 31-222 - Research and evaluation programs

§ 31-223 - Use of force by correctional officers

§ 31-224 - Duty to deliver medical records

§ 31-225 - Attendance of prisoner in court

§ 31-226 - Mentally disordered prisoner; procedure for voluntary or involuntary hospitalization; notice; hearing; transfer; reports; return to incarceration or release; costs; definition

§ 31-226.01 - Emergency transfer procedures

§ 31-227 - Expenses of prosecution; reimbursement of counties

§ 31-228 - Procedure for discharge of prisoner; return of property; furnishing money, clothing and transportation ticket; allowing hair to grow before discharge

§ 31-229 - Functional literacy program; evaluation; certificate; exemptions; wages; definition

§ 31-229.01 - Functionally literate inmates; education requirement; rules; inmate fees; definition

§ 31-229.02 - Functionally literate inmates; release eligibility

§ 31-230 - Prisoner spendable accounts; fees

§ 31-231 - Unauthorized communication with prisoner; classification; definition

§ 31-232 - Family considerations in prisoner placement and visitation rules

§ 31-233 - Order for removal; purposes; duration; continuous alcohol monitoring program; failure to return; classification

§ 31-234 - Agreements with cities and counties; costs; transfer; participation in programs; custody of director

§ 31-235 - Prisoner correspondence; definitions

§ 31-236 - Prisoner inspection or search; state of undress; prohibited acts; exception; report; definition

§ 31-237 - Dedicated discharge accounts

§ 31-238 - Incarceration costs; setoff

§ 31-239 - Utility fees

§ 31-240 - Prisoner education services budget; prohibited uses

§ 31-241 - Inmate complaints to boards; procedure

§ 31-242 - Internet access; violation; classification; definitions

§ 31-141 - Enforcement of sentence imposing hard labor; employment of prisoners; definition

§ 31-142 - Use of prisoners on public works

§ 31-143 - Use of prisoners by county engineer

§ 31-144 - Double time allowance for work done outside jail as trusty

§ 31-145 - Allowance for hard labor in reduction of fine

§ 31-146 - Notice of discharge of prisoners sentenced to pay fine or to be imprisoned until payment made

§ 31-250 - Definition of work crew

§ 31-251 - Hard labor required of prisoners; labor classification; definition

§ 31-251.01 - Definition

§ 31-252 - Use of prisoners in public works; cooperative prisoner labor system; definitions

§ 31-253 - Use of prisoners in prison construction; definition

§ 31-254 - Compensation for labor performed; price of prison made articles; distribution of earnings; workers' compensation

§ 31-255 - Alcohol abuse treatment fund

§ 31-256 - Prisoner training; individual certificates; requirements

§ 31-161 - Inmate health care; costs

§ 31-162 - Inmate health services fund; audit

§ 31-163 - Subrogation

§ 31-164 - Inmate health insurance pools

§ 31-165 - Inmate medical services; rate structure

§ 31-201 - Definitions

§ 31-201.01 - Duties of the director; tort actions; medical treatment costs; state immunity; definitions

§ 31-203 - Persons disqualified as officers or employees

§ 31-204 - Interest of employee in contracts; gifts to or from prisoner; penalty

§ 31-206 - Chaplains; duties; traditional Native American religious practitioners

§ 31-207 - Payment of claims

§ 31-261 - Sale or exchange of products of individual prisoners

§ 31-271 - Adult correctional facility; multiple confinement

§ 31-281 - Transition program; report; definition

§ 31-282 - Contracted entities; duties; services; definition

§ 31-284 - Transition program fund

§ 31-285 - Transition program release; report

§ 31-291 - Mental health transition pilot program; contracted entities; inmate eligibility; rules; study; report; definition

§ 31-321 - Prisoner participation in approved programs

§ 31-322 - Approval of programs

§ 31-323 - Compensation for prisoner participation in approved programs; trust fund or retention account

§ 31-331 - Definitions

§ 31-332 - Applicability

§ 31-333 - Work furlough

§ 31-334 - Earnings of prisoner

§ 31-335 - Time credits

§ 31-336 - Improper conduct

§ 31-341 - Definitions

§ 31-342 - Escape; liability for costs incurred in apprehension

§ 31-401 - Board of executive clemency; qualifications; appointment; officers; quorum; meeting

§ 31-402 - Powers of board; powers and duties of governor; powers and duties of executive director

§ 31-403 - Commutation; restrictions on consideration

§ 31-404 - Wilful failure to pay; revocation of parole or community supervision

§ 31-411 - Parole or discharge; conditions of parole; release under supervision of state department of corrections; notice of hearing; exceptions; drug testing costs

§ 31-411.01 - Parole or community supervision for persons previously convicted of possession or use of marijuana, a dangerous drug or a narcotic drug; treatment; prevention; education; termination of parole or community supervision

§ 31-412 - Criteria for release on parole; release; custody of parolee; definition

§ 31-413 - Duty of department of corrections to assist in securing employment for parolees and prisoners

§ 31-414 - Absolute discharge of parolee; effect; notice to victim

§ 31-415 - Violation of parole or community supervision; warrant for retaking parolee or offender on community supervision

§ 31-416 - Execution of warrant to take paroled prisoner or offender on community supervision; expenses

§ 31-417 - Notification to board of parole violator; hearing; reimprisonment

§ 31-418 - Community supervision fee; deposit; community corrections enhancement fund; drug testing costs

§ 31-441 - Application for pardon; statement of facts proved at trial

§ 31-442 - Application for pardon; notice; exceptions

§ 31-443 - Power of governor to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons

§ 31-444 - Power of governor to suspend sentence for treason pending consideration by legislature

§ 31-445 - Publication of reasons for granting a commutation, pardon, reprieve, stay or suspension of execution

§ 31-446 - Report to legislature

§ 31-467 - Adoption of interstate compact for the supervision of adult offenders

§ 31-467.01 - Parole or probation violation; retaking; notice; hearing; custody pending hearing

§ 31-467.02 - Hearing officer

§ 31-467.03 - Hearing rights of parolee or probationer

§ 31-467.04 - Hearings in other states; effect

§ 31-467.05 - Extradition; retrieval

§ 31-467.06 - Supervision fee; deposit; drug testing costs

§ 31-467.07 - Interstate compact for the supervision of adult offenders; eight-year review

§ 31-471 - Western interstate corrections compact

§ 31-472 - Commitment or transfer of inmate; prohibition against transfer of inmate sentenced under Arizona law to institution outside state in absence of consent; irrevocability of consent

§ 31-473 - Enforcement of compact; hearings in compliance with compact

§ 31-474 - Contracts implementing state's participation in compact; prerequisite approval; authorized provisions; determination of suitability of institution and confinement

§ 31-475 - Right of transferred prisoner on release from prison outside this state

§ 31-481 - Agreement; authorization; contents

§ 31-482 - Matters pertaining to agreement

§ 31-491 - Interstate corrections compact

§ 31-492 - Powers of director

§ 31-601 - Pregnant prisoners; restraints; written findings; rules; appropriate food and dietary supplements; restrictive housing; bed placement; training; reporting; definitions