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Article 1. Registration of Securities; Exemptions; Notice Filing of Federal Covered Securities.
Sec. 45.56.100. Securities registration requirement. - A person may not offer or sell a security in...
Sec. 45.56.110. Exempt securities. - The following securities are exempt from the requirements of AS...
Sec. 45.56.120. Exempt transactions. - The following transactions are exempt from the requirements of AS...
Sec. 45.56.130. Small intrastate securities offerings. - (a) An offer or sale of securities conducted solely in...
Sec. 45.56.140. Disqualifier. - Exemption from registration under AS 45.56.110 - 45.56.160 is not...
Sec. 45.56.150. Waiver and modification. - For any security or transaction or any type of security...
Sec. 45.56.160. Denial, suspension, revocation, condition, or limitation of exemptions. - (a) Except with respect to a federal covered security or...
Sec. 45.56.170. Securities registration by coordination. - (a) A security for which a registration statement has been...
Sec. 45.56.180. Securities registration by qualification. - (a) A security may be registered by qualification under this...
Sec. 45.56.190. Securities registration filings. - (a) A registration statement may be filed by the issuer,...
Sec. 45.56.200. Notice filing of federal covered securities. - (a) With respect to a federal covered security, as defined...
Sec. 45.56.210. Viatical settlement interests. - (a) Before the sale of a viatical settlement interest, an...
Sec. 45.56.220. Waiver and modification. - The administrator may waive or modify, in whole or in...
Sec. 45.56.230. Denial, suspension, and revocation of securities registration. - (a) The administrator may issue a stop order denying effectiveness...
Article 2. Broker-Dealers, Agents, Investment Advisers, Investment Adviser Representatives, and Federal Covered Investment Advisers.
Sec. 45.56.300. Broker-dealer registration requirement and exemptions. - (a) A person may not transact business in this state...
Sec. 45.56.310. Limited registration of Canadian broker-dealers and agents. - (a) If a broker-dealer is registered under this section and...
Sec. 45.56.320. Registration exemption for merger and acquisition broker. - (a) Except as provided in (b) and (c) of this...
Sec. 45.56.330. Agent registration requirement and exemptions. - (a) An individual may not transact business in this state...
Sec. 45.56.340. Investment adviser registration requirement and exemptions. - (a) A person may not transact business in this state...
Sec. 45.56.350. Investment adviser representative registration requirement and exemptions. - (a) An individual may not transact business in this state...
Sec. 45.56.360. Federal covered investment adviser notice filing requirement. - (a) Except with respect to a federal covered investment adviser...
Sec. 45.56.370. Registration by broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, and investment adviser representative. - (a) A person shall register as a broker-dealer, agent, investment...
Sec. 45.56.380. Succession and change in registration of broker-dealer or investment adviser. - (a) A broker-dealer or investment adviser may succeed to the...
Sec. 45.56.390. Termination of employment or association of agent and investment adviser representative and transfer of employment or association. - (a) If an agent registered under this chapter terminates employment...
Sec. 45.56.400. Withdrawal of registration of broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, and investment adviser representative. - Withdrawal of registration by a broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, or...
Sec. 45.56.410. Fees. - (a) The administrator shall establish fees by regulation for (1)...
Sec. 45.56.420. Post registration requirements. - (a) Subject to 15 U.S.C. 78o(i) or 80b-18a, a regulation...
Sec. 45.56.430. Protecting older and vulnerable adults from financial exploitation. - (a) If a broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual reasonably...
Sec. 45.56.440. Denial, revocation, suspension, withdrawal, restriction, condition, or limitation of registration. - (a) If the administrator finds that the order is in...
Article 3. Fraud and Liabilities.
Sec. 45.56.500. General fraud. - A person may not, in connection with the offer, sale,...
Sec. 45.56.510. Prohibited conduct in providing investment advice. - (a) A person that advises others for compensation, either directly...
Sec. 45.56.520. Misleading filings. - A person may not, in a document filed with the...
Sec. 45.56.530. Misrepresentations concerning registration or exemption. - The filing of an application for registration, a registration statement,...
Sec. 45.56.540. Evidentiary burden. - (a) In a civil action or administrative proceeding under this...
Sec. 45.56.550. Filing of sales and advertising literature. - (a) Except as otherwise provided in (b) of this section,...
Sec. 45.56.560. Qualified immunity. - A broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, federal covered investment adviser, or...
Article 4. Administration and Judicial Review.
Sec. 45.56.600. Administration. - (a) The department shall administer this chapter. (b) The administrator...
Sec. 45.56.610. Administrative files and opinions. - (a) The administrator shall maintain, or designate a person to...
Sec. 45.56.620. Public records; confidentiality. - (a) Except as otherwise provided in (b) of this section,...
Sec. 45.56.630. Uniformity and cooperation with other agencies. - (a) The administrator may cooperate, coordinate, consult, and, subject to...
Sec. 45.56.640. Securities investor education and training fund. - The securities investor education and training fund is created as...
Sec. 45.56.650. Service of process. - (a) A consent to service of process complying with this...
Sec. 45.56.660. Applicability of the chapter. - (a) Unless the persons are exempt elsewhere in this chapter,...
Sec. 45.56.670. Regulations, forms, orders, interpretative opinions, and hearings. - (a) The administrator may (1) issue forms and orders; after...
Sec. 45.56.680. Investigations and subpoenas. - (a) The administrator may (1) conduct public or private investigations...
Sec. 45.56.690. Administrative enforcement. - (a) If the administrator determines that a person has engaged,...
Sec. 45.56.700. Civil enforcement. - (a) If the administrator believes that a person has engaged,...
Sec. 45.56.710. Civil liability. - (a) Enforcement of civil liability under this section is subject...
Sec. 45.56.720. Rescission offers. - (a) A purchaser, seller, or recipient of investment advice may...
Sec. 45.56.730. Criminal enforcement. - (a) A person who intentionally violates this chapter, except AS...
Sec. 45.56.740. Judicial review. - (a) A person may obtain judicial review by the superior...
Sec. 45.56.800. Reimbursement of expenses incident to examination or investigation. - (a) The administrator may require an issuer, broker-dealer, agent, investment...
Sec. 45.56.810. Electronic records and signatures. - This chapter modifies, limits, and supersedes 15 U.S.C. 7001 -...
Sec. 45.56.820. References to federal statutes. - In this chapter, a reference to the following federal statutes,...
Sec. 45.56.830. References to federal agencies. - A reference in this chapter to an agency or department...
Sec. 45.56.900. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, (1) “administrator”...
Sec. 45.56.995. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the Alaska Securities Act.