(a) A security for which a registration statement has been filed under 15 U.S.C. 77a - 77aa (Securities Act of 1933) in connection with the same offering may be registered by coordination under this section.
(b) A registration statement and accompanying records under this section must contain or be accompanied by the following records, in addition to the information specified in AS 45.56.190, and a consent to service of process complying with AS 45.56.650:
(1) a copy of the latest form of prospectus filed under 15 U.S.C. 77a - 77aa (Securities Act of 1933);
(2) if the administrator requires, a copy of the articles of incorporation and bylaws or their substantial equivalents currently in effect; a copy of any other information or any other records filed by the issuer under 15 U.S.C. 77a - 77aa (Securities Act of 1933) requested by the administrator; a copy of any agreement with or among underwriters; a copy of any indenture or other instrument governing the issuance of the security to be registered; and a specimen, copy, or description of the security that is required by a regulation adopted or order issued under this chapter; and
(3) an undertaking to forward each amendment to the federal prospectus, other than an amendment that delays the effective date of the registration statement, promptly after it is filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
(c) A registration statement under this section becomes effective simultaneously with or subsequent to the federal registration statement when all the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) a stop order under (d) of this section or AS 45.56.230 or issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission is not in effect, and a proceeding is not pending against the issuer under AS 45.56.440; and
(2) the registration statement has been on file for at least 20 days or a shorter period provided by a regulation adopted or order issued under this chapter.
(d) The registrant shall promptly notify the administrator in a record of the date when the federal registration statement becomes effective and the content of any price amendment and shall promptly file a record containing the price amendment. If the notice is not timely received, the administrator may issue a stop order, without prior notice or hearing, retroactively denying effectiveness to the registration statement or suspending its effectiveness until compliance with this section. The administrator shall promptly notify the registrant of an order by telephone or electronic means and promptly confirm this notice by a record. If the registrant later complies with the notice requirements of this subsection, the stop order is void as of the date of its issuance.
(e) If the federal registration statement becomes effective before each of the conditions in this section is satisfied or is waived by the administrator, the registration statement is automatically effective under this chapter when all the conditions are satisfied or waived. If the registrant notifies the administrator of the date when the federal registration statement is expected to become effective, the administrator shall promptly notify the registrant by telephone or electronic means and promptly confirm this notice by a record, indicating whether all the conditions are satisfied or waived and whether the administrator intends the institution of a proceeding under AS 45.56.230. The notice by the administrator does not preclude the institution of a proceeding under AS 45.56.230.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 56. Alaska Securities Act
Article 1. Registration of Securities; Exemptions; Notice Filing of Federal Covered Securities.
Sec. 45.56.100. Securities registration requirement.
Sec. 45.56.110. Exempt securities.
Sec. 45.56.120. Exempt transactions.
Sec. 45.56.130. Small intrastate securities offerings.
Sec. 45.56.150. Waiver and modification.
Sec. 45.56.160. Denial, suspension, revocation, condition, or limitation of exemptions.
Sec. 45.56.170. Securities registration by coordination.
Sec. 45.56.180. Securities registration by qualification.
Sec. 45.56.190. Securities registration filings.
Sec. 45.56.200. Notice filing of federal covered securities.
Sec. 45.56.210. Viatical settlement interests.
Sec. 45.56.220. Waiver and modification.
Sec. 45.56.230. Denial, suspension, and revocation of securities registration.