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Sec. 45.56.100. Securities registration requirement. - A person may not offer or sell a security in...
Sec. 45.56.110. Exempt securities. - The following securities are exempt from the requirements of AS...
Sec. 45.56.120. Exempt transactions. - The following transactions are exempt from the requirements of AS...
Sec. 45.56.130. Small intrastate securities offerings. - (a) An offer or sale of securities conducted solely in...
Sec. 45.56.140. Disqualifier. - Exemption from registration under AS 45.56.110 - 45.56.160 is not...
Sec. 45.56.150. Waiver and modification. - For any security or transaction or any type of security...
Sec. 45.56.160. Denial, suspension, revocation, condition, or limitation of exemptions. - (a) Except with respect to a federal covered security or...
Sec. 45.56.170. Securities registration by coordination. - (a) A security for which a registration statement has been...
Sec. 45.56.180. Securities registration by qualification. - (a) A security may be registered by qualification under this...
Sec. 45.56.190. Securities registration filings. - (a) A registration statement may be filed by the issuer,...
Sec. 45.56.200. Notice filing of federal covered securities. - (a) With respect to a federal covered security, as defined...
Sec. 45.56.210. Viatical settlement interests. - (a) Before the sale of a viatical settlement interest, an...
Sec. 45.56.220. Waiver and modification. - The administrator may waive or modify, in whole or in...
Sec. 45.56.230. Denial, suspension, and revocation of securities registration. - (a) The administrator may issue a stop order denying effectiveness...