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Sec. 45.56.500. General fraud. - A person may not, in connection with the offer, sale,...
Sec. 45.56.510. Prohibited conduct in providing investment advice. - (a) A person that advises others for compensation, either directly...
Sec. 45.56.520. Misleading filings. - A person may not, in a document filed with the...
Sec. 45.56.530. Misrepresentations concerning registration or exemption. - The filing of an application for registration, a registration statement,...
Sec. 45.56.540. Evidentiary burden. - (a) In a civil action or administrative proceeding under this...
Sec. 45.56.550. Filing of sales and advertising literature. - (a) Except as otherwise provided in (b) of this section,...
Sec. 45.56.560. Qualified immunity. - A broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, federal covered investment adviser, or...