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Login Registration
Article 1. Trademarks.
Sec. 45.50.010. Registrability. - (a) A mark may not be registered if it consists...
Sec. 45.50.020. Application for registration. - Subject to limitations under AS 45.50.010 - 45.50.205, a person...
Sec. 45.50.025. Procedure concerning application. - (a) Upon the filing of an application for registration of...
Sec. 45.50.030. Form of application. - The application shall be signed by the applicant or by...
Sec. 45.50.040. Filing fee. - The application for registration shall be accompanied by a filing...
Sec. 45.50.050. Form and contents of certificate of registration. - Upon compliance by the applicant with the requirements of AS...
Sec. 45.50.060. Certificate of registration as evidence. - A certificate of registration issued by the commissioner under AS...
Sec. 45.50.070. Duration and renewal. - (a) Registration of a mark is effective for a term...
Sec. 45.50.080. Fee for renewal of registration. - A renewal fee of $50 shall accompany the application for...
Sec. 45.50.090. Additional terms of renewal. - A registration of a mark may be renewed for successive...
Sec. 45.50.100. Notification of expiration of registration period. - The commissioner shall notify each registrant of the necessity of...
Sec. 45.50.120. Assignment. - (a) A mark and its registration are assignable with the...
Sec. 45.50.125. Name change and other filings. - (a) The name of a registrant or applicant may be...
Sec. 45.50.130. Commissioner to keep record of registration. - The commissioner shall keep for public examination a record of...
Sec. 45.50.140. Cancellation. - (a) The commissioner shall cancel in whole or in part...
Sec. 45.50.150. Classification. - The department shall by regulation establish a classification of goods...
Sec. 45.50.160. Fraudulent registration. - A person who, for the person or on behalf of...
Sec. 45.50.170. Infringement. - A person is liable in a civil action by the...
Sec. 45.50.180. Remedies. - (a) A registrant may enjoin the manufacture, use, display, or...
Sec. 45.50.200. Definitions. - In AS 45.50.010 - 45.50.205, (1) “applicant” means the person...
Sec. 45.50.205. Short title. - AS 45.50.010 - 45.50.205 may be cited as the Alaska...
Article 2. Log Brands.
Sec. 45.50.210. Application for registration of distinctive brand. - (a) The owner of timber property that the owner puts...
Sec. 45.50.220. Termination and renewal. - The right to the exclusive use of a registered brand...
Sec. 45.50.230. Presumption from display. - (a) Each piece of timber property put or intended to...
Sec. 45.50.232. Reporting of lost logs to the department. - The owner or rightful transporter of timber property not in...
Sec. 45.50.234. Publication of notice of intent to claim abandoned property. - Except as provided in AS 45.50.232, the department shall publish...
Sec. 45.50.235. Ownership of unbranded and abandoned timber property. - (a) Timber property that is unbranded or on which a...
Sec. 45.50.237. Extension of period for recovery of timber property. - The department shall extend the 90-day period for recovery of...
Sec. 45.50.240. Property rights in brand. - Each registered brand is the property of the person in...
Sec. 45.50.250. Recording brand. - The commissioner shall file for record in the department files...
Sec. 45.50.260. Registration upon transfer. - If a transfer of a brand is made, including transfer...
Sec. 45.50.270. Publication of current list of brands. - The department shall publish a list of brands as of...
Sec. 45.50.280. Certified copies of certificate or transfer instrument. - Upon request and payment of the prescribed fee, the department...
Sec. 45.50.290. Certificate of registration as evidence. - A certificate of registration of a brand or a certified...
Sec. 45.50.300. Registration as constructive notice. - Registration by the department and filing for record in the...
Sec. 45.50.310. Disposition of fees. - Fees collected under AS 45.50.210 - 45.50.325 by the department...
Sec. 45.50.315. Regulations. - The department may adopt regulations necessary to implement AS 45.50.210...
Sec. 45.50.320. Penalties for fraudulent branding or other acts. - A person who fraudulently brands timber property with a brand...
Sec. 45.50.325. Definitions. - In AS 45.50.210 - 45.50.325, (1) “brand” includes a mark...
Article 3. Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection.
Sec. 45.50.471. Unlawful acts and practices. - (a) Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts...
Sec. 45.50.473. Disclosure of costs of certain telephone services. - (a) A person may not provide an alternate operator service...
Sec. 45.50.474. Required disclosures in promotions and shoreside sales on board cruise ships. - (a) A person may not conduct a promotion on board...
Sec. 45.50.475. Unlawful, unwanted telephone advertisements and solicitations. - (a) A person is in violation of AS 45.50.471(b)(41) if...
Sec. 45.50.477. Use of titles relating to industrial hygiene. - (a) A person may not use the title “industrial hygienist,”...
Sec. 45.50.479. Limitation on electronic mail. - (a) A person may not send unsolicited commercial electronic mail...
Sec. 45.50.481. Exemptions. - (a) Nothing in AS 45.50.471 - 45.50.561 applies to (1)...
Sec. 45.50.491. Regulations. - The attorney general, in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure...
Sec. 45.50.495. Investigative power of attorney general. - (a) If the attorney general has cause to believe that...
Sec. 45.50.501. Restraining prohibited acts. - (a) When the attorney general has reason to believe that...
Sec. 45.50.511. Assurances of voluntary compliance. - In the administration of AS 45.50.471 - 45.50.561, the attorney...
Sec. 45.50.521. When information and evidence confidential and nonadmissible. - (a) [Repealed by § 6 ch 53 SLA 1974.] (b)...
Sec. 45.50.531. Private and class actions. - (a) A person who suffers an ascertainable loss of money...
Sec. 45.50.535. Private injunctive relief. - (a) Subject to (b) of this section and in addition...
Sec. 45.50.536. Mediation. - Notwithstanding the other provisions of AS 45.50.471 - 45.50.561, a...
Sec. 45.50.537. Attorney fees, costs, and damages. - (a) In an action brought by a private person under...
Sec. 45.50.541. Nonnegotiability of consumer paper. - (a) If a contract for sale or lease of consumer...
Sec. 45.50.542. Provisions not waivable. - A waiver by a consumer of the provisions of AS...
Sec. 45.50.545. Interpretation. - In interpreting AS 45.50.471 due consideration and great weight should...
Sec. 45.50.551. Civil penalties. - (a) A person who violates the terms of an injunction...
Sec. 45.50.561. Definitions; short title. - (a) In AS 45.50.471 - 45.50.561 (1) “advertising” includes the...
Article 4. Monopolies; Restraint of Trade.
Sec. 45.50.562. Combinations in restraint of trade unlawful. - Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise,...
Sec. 45.50.564. Monopolies and attempted monopolies unlawful. - It is unlawful for a person to monopolize, or attempt...
Sec. 45.50.566. Transactions and agreements not to use or deal in commodities or services unlawful. - It is unlawful for a person to lease or make...
Sec. 45.50.568. Mergers and acquisitions unlawful when competition lessened. - (a) It is unlawful for a person to acquire and...
Sec. 45.50.570. Interlocking directorates and relationships. - (a) It is unlawful for a person to be at...
Sec. 45.50.572. Exemptions. - (a) AS 45.50.562 - 45.50.596 do not forbid the existence...
Sec. 45.50.574. Contracts voidable. - A contract or agreement in violation of a provision of...
Sec. 45.50.576. Suits by persons injured; treble damages; costs. - (a) A person who is injured in business or property...
Sec. 45.50.577. Enforcement by attorney general. - (a) The attorney general may bring a civil action in...
Sec. 45.50.578. Criminal and civil penalties. - (a) A person who violates AS 45.50.562 or 45.50.564 is...
Sec. 45.50.579. Proof of aggregate damages. - In a civil action brought by the attorney general under...
Sec. 45.50.580. Injunction by attorney general. - (a) In addition to any other relief provided by AS...
Sec. 45.50.582. Jurisdiction of court. - An action arising under AS 45.50.562 - 45.50.596 shall be...
Sec. 45.50.584. Consent judgment. - (a) In an action maintained under AS 45.50.562 - 45.50.596,...
Sec. 45.50.586. Judgment in favor of the state as evidence in another action. - A final judgment rendered in a civil or criminal action...
Sec. 45.50.588. Limitation of actions. - An action to enforce a claim arising under AS 45.50.562...
Sec. 45.50.590. Powers of the attorney general. - If the attorney general determines, upon complaint or otherwise, that...
Sec. 45.50.592. Investigatory demand for documentary evidence. - (a) If the attorney general determines that a person is...
Sec. 45.50.594. Investigatory demand for attendance of witness. - (a) In connection with an investigation authorized by AS 45.50.590,...
Sec. 45.50.596. Definitions. - In AS 45.50.562 - 45.50.596, (1) “asset” includes any property,...
Sec. 45.50.598. Short title. - AS 45.50.562 - 45.50.598 may be cited as the Alaska...
Article 5. Deceptive Advertising of Civil Defense Aids.
Sec. 45.50.600. Power and duty of director of civil defense. - The state director of civil defense (1) may adopt regulations...
Sec. 45.50.601. Content of regulations. - Regulations adopted by the state director of civil defense must...
Sec. 45.50.602. Content of installment or credit purchase plans. - Installment or credit purchase plans for civil defense aids must...
Sec. 45.50.603. Prosecution by attorney general. - The attorney general shall prosecute any legal action on behalf...
Sec. 45.50.604. Criminal and civil penalties. - A person who violates a provision of AS 45.50.600 -...
Sec. 45.50.606. Definition of “civil defense aid”. - In AS 45.50.600 - 45.50.606 “civil defense aid” means a...
Article 6. Alaska Gasoline Products Leasing Act.
Sec. 45.50.800. Disclosures to be made by distributors and refiners before conclusion of agreement. - Before entry into a lease agreement, a refiner or distributor...
Sec. 45.50.810. Violations. - (a) A person may not, directly or indirectly, through officers,...
Sec. 45.50.820. Obligation of distributor to repurchase upon termination, etc., of agreement. - If the refiner or distributor terminates, cancels, or fails to...
Sec. 45.50.825. Right of first refusal of surviving spouse. - Unless provided otherwise by the lease, upon the death of...
Sec. 45.50.830. Court to determine fair market value when parties cannot agree. - If under AS 45.50.820 the distributor or refiner has good...
Sec. 45.50.840. Definitions. - In AS 45.50.800 - 45.50.830, unless the context otherwise requires,...
Sec. 45.50.850. Short title. - AS 45.50.800 - 45.50.850 may be cited as the Alaska...
Article 7. Sound Recordings.
Sec. 45.50.900. Reproduction and sale of sound recordings without consent. - (a) A person who (1) reproduces for sale, sells, offers...
Article 8. Alaska Uniform Trade Secrets Act.
Sec. 45.50.910. Injunctive relief for misappropriation of trade secrets. - (a) A court may enjoin actual or threatened misappropriation of...
Sec. 45.50.915. Damages. - (a) In addition to or in lieu of injunctive relief,...
Sec. 45.50.920. Preservation of secrecy. - In an action under AS 45.50.910 - 45.50.945, a court...
Sec. 45.50.925. Limitation of actions. - An action for misappropriation must be brought within three years...
Sec. 45.50.930. Effect on other laws. - (a) AS 45.50.910 - 45.50.945 displace conflicting tort, restitutionary, and...
Sec. 45.50.935. Uniformity of application and construction. - AS 45.50.910 - 45.50.945 shall be applied and construed to...
Sec. 45.50.940. Definitions. - In AS 45.50.910 - 45.50.945, unless the context otherwise requires,...
Sec. 45.50.945. Short title. - AS 45.50.910 - 45.50.945 may be cited as the Alaska...