In a civil action brought by the attorney general under AS 45.50.577, the attorney general may recover aggregate damages by using statistical sampling or sampling methods, by the computation of illegal overcharges, or by a similar, reasonable system of estimating aggregate damages that the court, in its discretion, permits, without the necessity of separately proving the individual claim or amount of damage to governmental entities or persons on whose behalf the civil action was brought.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 50. Competitive Practices, Regulation of Competition, Consumer Protection
Article 4. Monopolies; Restraint of Trade.
Sec. 45.50.562. Combinations in restraint of trade unlawful.
Sec. 45.50.564. Monopolies and attempted monopolies unlawful.
Sec. 45.50.566. Transactions and agreements not to use or deal in commodities or services unlawful.
Sec. 45.50.568. Mergers and acquisitions unlawful when competition lessened.
Sec. 45.50.570. Interlocking directorates and relationships.
Sec. 45.50.574. Contracts voidable.
Sec. 45.50.576. Suits by persons injured; treble damages; costs.
Sec. 45.50.577. Enforcement by attorney general.
Sec. 45.50.578. Criminal and civil penalties.
Sec. 45.50.579. Proof of aggregate damages.
Sec. 45.50.580. Injunction by attorney general.
Sec. 45.50.582. Jurisdiction of court.
Sec. 45.50.584. Consent judgment.
Sec. 45.50.586. Judgment in favor of the state as evidence in another action.
Sec. 45.50.588. Limitation of actions.
Sec. 45.50.590. Powers of the attorney general.
Sec. 45.50.592. Investigatory demand for documentary evidence.
Sec. 45.50.594. Investigatory demand for attendance of witness.