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Sec. 45.50.800. Disclosures to be made by distributors and refiners before conclusion of agreement. - Before entry into a lease agreement, a refiner or distributor...
Sec. 45.50.810. Violations. - (a) A person may not, directly or indirectly, through officers,...
Sec. 45.50.820. Obligation of distributor to repurchase upon termination, etc., of agreement. - If the refiner or distributor terminates, cancels, or fails to...
Sec. 45.50.825. Right of first refusal of surviving spouse. - Unless provided otherwise by the lease, upon the death of...
Sec. 45.50.830. Court to determine fair market value when parties cannot agree. - If under AS 45.50.820 the distributor or refiner has good...
Sec. 45.50.840. Definitions. - In AS 45.50.800 - 45.50.830, unless the context otherwise requires,...
Sec. 45.50.850. Short title. - AS 45.50.800 - 45.50.850 may be cited as the Alaska...