The department shall publish a list of brands as of December 31 of each even numbered year. The list must show the design of each brand, the name and address of the owner, the date of registration, and any transfer of a brand during the previous two years. Copies of the list shall be available to the public upon request.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 50. Competitive Practices, Regulation of Competition, Consumer Protection
Sec. 45.50.210. Application for registration of distinctive brand.
Sec. 45.50.220. Termination and renewal.
Sec. 45.50.230. Presumption from display.
Sec. 45.50.232. Reporting of lost logs to the department.
Sec. 45.50.234. Publication of notice of intent to claim abandoned property.
Sec. 45.50.235. Ownership of unbranded and abandoned timber property.
Sec. 45.50.237. Extension of period for recovery of timber property.
Sec. 45.50.240. Property rights in brand.
Sec. 45.50.250. Recording brand.
Sec. 45.50.260. Registration upon transfer.
Sec. 45.50.270. Publication of current list of brands.
Sec. 45.50.280. Certified copies of certificate or transfer instrument.
Sec. 45.50.290. Certificate of registration as evidence.
Sec. 45.50.300. Registration as constructive notice.
Sec. 45.50.310. Disposition of fees.
Sec. 45.50.320. Penalties for fraudulent branding or other acts.