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Sec. 45.50.210. Application for registration of distinctive brand. - (a) The owner of timber property that the owner puts...
Sec. 45.50.220. Termination and renewal. - The right to the exclusive use of a registered brand...
Sec. 45.50.230. Presumption from display. - (a) Each piece of timber property put or intended to...
Sec. 45.50.232. Reporting of lost logs to the department. - The owner or rightful transporter of timber property not in...
Sec. 45.50.234. Publication of notice of intent to claim abandoned property. - Except as provided in AS 45.50.232, the department shall publish...
Sec. 45.50.235. Ownership of unbranded and abandoned timber property. - (a) Timber property that is unbranded or on which a...
Sec. 45.50.237. Extension of period for recovery of timber property. - The department shall extend the 90-day period for recovery of...
Sec. 45.50.240. Property rights in brand. - Each registered brand is the property of the person in...
Sec. 45.50.250. Recording brand. - The commissioner shall file for record in the department files...
Sec. 45.50.260. Registration upon transfer. - If a transfer of a brand is made, including transfer...
Sec. 45.50.270. Publication of current list of brands. - The department shall publish a list of brands as of...
Sec. 45.50.280. Certified copies of certificate or transfer instrument. - Upon request and payment of the prescribed fee, the department...
Sec. 45.50.290. Certificate of registration as evidence. - A certificate of registration of a brand or a certified...
Sec. 45.50.300. Registration as constructive notice. - Registration by the department and filing for record in the...
Sec. 45.50.310. Disposition of fees. - Fees collected under AS 45.50.210 - 45.50.325 by the department...
Sec. 45.50.315. Regulations. - The department may adopt regulations necessary to implement AS 45.50.210...
Sec. 45.50.320. Penalties for fraudulent branding or other acts. - A person who fraudulently brands timber property with a brand...
Sec. 45.50.325. Definitions. - In AS 45.50.210 - 45.50.325, (1) “brand” includes a mark...