Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection.
Sec. 45.50.481. Exemptions.

(a) Nothing in AS 45.50.471 - 45.50.561 applies to
(1) an act or transaction regulated by a statute or regulation administered by the state, including a state regulatory board or commission, unless the statute or regulation does not prohibit the practices declared unlawful in AS 45.50.471;
(2) an act done by the publisher, owner, agent, or employee of a newspaper, periodical, or radio or television station in the publication or dissemination of an advertisement, when the owner, agent, or employee did not have knowledge of the false, misleading, or deceptive character of the advertisement or did not have a direct financial interest in the sale or distribution of the advertised product or service;
(3) an act or transaction regulated under AS 21.36 or AS 06.05 or a regulation adopted under the authority of those chapters.
(b) The exemption in (a)(3) of this section does not apply to an act or transaction between a bank and its borrowers, depositors, or other customers or potential customers.
(c) The exemption in (a)(1) of this section does not apply to an act or transaction listed in AS 45.50.471(b) or regulated under AS 06.60.