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Chapter 06. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board
Sec. 04.06.010. Establishment of board. - There is established in the Department of Commerce, Community, and...
Sec. 04.06.020. Appointment and qualifications. - (a) The board consists of five members appointed by the...
Sec. 04.06.030. Terms of office; chair. - (a) Members of the board shall be appointed for overlapping...
Sec. 04.06.040. Per diem and expenses. - Members of the board do not receive a salary, but...
Sec. 04.06.050. Meetings. - The board shall meet at the call of the chair....
Sec. 04.06.060. Quorum and majority. - Three members of the board constitute a quorum for the...
Sec. 04.06.070. Appointment and removal of director. - The governor shall appoint a director to serve as the...
Sec. 04.06.075. Authority of director; annual budget. - (a) The director shall enforce this title and regulations adopted...
Sec. 04.06.080. Delegation of authority. [See delayed amendment note] - The director shall issue, renew, transfer, suspend, or revoke all...
Sec. 04.06.090. Powers and duties. - (a) The board shall control the manufacture, barter, possession, and...
Sec. 04.06.095. Statewide database. [See delayed amendment note] - The board, after consulting with package store licensees, shall create...
Sec. 04.06.100. Regulations. - (a) The board shall adopt regulations governing the manufacture, barter,...
Sec. 04.06.110. Peace officer powers. - The director and the persons employed for the administration and...
Chapter 09. Licenses, Endorsements, and Permits -
Chapter 11. Licensing
Article 1. Licensing and Reporting Requirements.
Sec. 04.11.010. License or permit required; presumption concerning possession for sale. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] Except as provided in AS...
Sec. 04.11.015. Purchase from nonlicensee prohibited. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A person may not purchase...
Sec. 04.11.020. Exceptions: License or permit not required. - (a) A license or permit is not required to authorize...
Sec. 04.11.030. Death of licensee. - (a) The executor or administrator of the estate of a...
Sec. 04.11.040. Board approval of transfers. - (a) A license issued under this title may not be...
Sec. 04.11.045. Reports required of limited liability organizations. - (a) A limited liability organization licensed under this title shall...
Sec. 04.11.050. Reports required of corporations. - (a) A corporation issued a license under this title shall...
Sec. 04.11.055. Reports required of partnerships. - (a) A partnership, including a limited partnership, issued a license...
Sec. 04.11.060. Nonresident distiller, brewer, winery, or wholesaler. - (a) A distiller, brewer, winery, or wholesaler whose plant or...
Sec. 04.11.070. Power limited to the board. - [See delayed repeal note] Only the board may issue, renew,...
Article 2. Licenses and Permits.
Sec. 04.11.080. Types of licenses and permits. - [See delayed repeal note] Licenses and permits issued under this...
Sec. 04.11.090. Beverage dispensary license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A beverage dispensary license authorizes the holder to sell...
Sec. 04.11.100. Restaurant or eating place license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A restaurant or eating place license authorizes a restaurant...
Sec. 04.11.110. Club license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A club license authorizes a club or organization to...
Sec. 04.11.115. Golf course license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A golf course license authorizes the licensee to sell...
Sec. 04.11.120. Bottling works license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A bottling works license authorizes the holder to operate...
Sec. 04.11.130. Brewery license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A brewery license authorizes the holder to operate a...
Sec. 04.11.135. Brewpub license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A brewpub license authorizes the holder of a beverage...
Sec. 04.11.140. Winery license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A winery license authorizes the holder to operate a...
Sec. 04.11.150. Package store license; permit for delivery to social events. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) Except as provided under (g), (i), and (j) of...
Sec. 04.11.160. Wholesale licenses. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A general wholesale license authorizes the holder to sell...
Sec. 04.11.170. Distillery license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A distillery license authorizes the holder to operate a...
Sec. 04.11.180. Common carrier dispensary license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A common carrier dispensary license authorizes the holder to...
Sec. 04.11.200. Retail stock sale license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A retail stock sale license authorizes the holder to...
Sec. 04.11.210. Recreational site license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) The holder of a recreational site license may sell...
Sec. 04.11.220. Pub license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A pub license authorizes the holder to sell beer...
Sec. 04.11.225. Outdoor recreation lodge license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) An outdoor recreation lodge license authorizes the holder to...
Sec. 04.11.230. Caterer's permit. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A caterer's permit authorizes the holder of a beverage...
Sec. 04.11.240. Special events permit. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A special events permit authorizes the holder to sell...
Sec. 04.11.250. Conditional contractor's permit. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A conditional contractor's permit authorizes the holder to sell...
Sec. 04.11.255. Destination resort license. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A destination resort license authorizes the holder to sell...
Article 3. Application for License or Permit.
Sec. 04.11.260. Application for new license or permit. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) An applicant for a new license or permit shall...
Sec. 04.11.270. Application for renewal of license or permit. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) An application for renewal of a license or renewal...
Sec. 04.11.280. Application for transfer of a license to another person. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) An application for transfer of a license to another...
Sec. 04.11.290. Application for transfer of license location. - An application for a transfer of a license to a...
Sec. 04.11.295. Criminal justice information and records. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] An applicant for the issuance...
Sec. 04.11.300. State trooper investigation. - The state troopers shall assist the director in the investigation...
Sec. 04.11.310. Notice of application. - (a) Before a new license is issued, or transfer of...
Article 4. Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Licenses and Permits.
Sec. 04.11.320. Denial of new licenses and permits. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] An application requesting issuance of...
Sec. 04.11.330. Denial of license or permit renewal. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] An application requesting renewal of...
Sec. 04.11.340. Denial of request for relocation. - [See delayed amendment note] An application requesting approval for the...
Sec. 04.11.360. Denial of transfer of a license to another person. - [See delayed amendment note] An application requesting approval of a...
Sec. 04.11.365. Licensed premises in multi-unit residential housing developments owned or financed by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. - [See delayed amendment note] For premises located in a multi-unit...
Sec. 04.11.370. Suspension and revocation of licenses and permits. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A license or permit shall...
Article 5. Restrictions on Issuance and Transfer of Licenses.
Sec. 04.11.395. Board imposed conditions or restrictions. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] The board may, in the...
Sec. 04.11.400. Population limitations. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] Except as provided in (d),...
Sec. 04.11.405. Petition for additional restaurant or eating place licenses for certain local governing bodies. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A first class city, a...
Sec. 04.11.410. Restriction of location near churches and schools. - (a) A beverage dispensary or package store license may not...
Sec. 04.11.420. Zoning limitations. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A person may not be...
Sec. 04.11.430. Person and location. - (a) Each license shall be issued to a specific individual...
Sec. 04.11.450. Prohibited financial interest. - (a) A person other than a licensee may not have...
Sec. 04.11.460. Prior public approval. - (a) A new license or the transfer of location of...
Article 6. Procedures for Public Influence.
Sec. 04.11.470. Objection. - [See delayed amendment note] A person may object to an...
Sec. 04.11.480. Protest. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A local governing body may...
Sec. 04.11.491. Local options. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] If a majority of the...
Sec. 04.11.493. Change of local option. - (a) If a majority of persons voting on the question...
Sec. 04.11.495. Removal of local option. - (a) If a majority of the persons voting on the...
Sec. 04.11.497. Effect on licenses of prohibition of sale. - If a majority of voters vote to prohibit the sale...
Sec. 04.11.499. Prohibition of importation or purchase after election. - (a) If a majority of the voters vote to prohibit...
Sec. 04.11.501. Prohibition of possession after election. - (a) If a majority of the voters vote to prohibit...
Sec. 04.11.503. Effect on licenses of restriction on sale. - If a majority of the voters vote under AS 04.11.491(a)(2)...
Sec. 04.11.505. Licensing after prohibition on sale except in premises operated by municipality. - (a) If a majority of the voters vote under AS...
Sec. 04.11.507. Procedure for local option elections. - (a) Elections to adopt a local option under AS 04.11.491,...
Sec. 04.11.508. Establishment of perimeter of established village. - (a) Except as provided under (b) and (c) of this...
Sec. 04.11.509. Notice of the results of a local option election. - (a) If a majority of the voters vote to prohibit,...
Article 7. Board Procedures.
Sec. 04.11.510. Procedure for action on license applications, suspensions, and revocations. - (a) Unless a legal action relating to the license, applicant,...
Sec. 04.11.520. Notice to local governing body. - [See delayed amendment note] After receipt of an application from...
Sec. 04.11.525. Notice to community council and others. - On receipt of an application for the issuance, renewal, relocation,...
Sec. 04.11.530. Consideration of reports. - A license may not be suspended or revoked under AS...
Sec. 04.11.535. Suspension and revocation based on acts of employees. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] If, in a proceeding to...
Article 8. Expiration of Licenses.
Sec. 04.11.540. License renewal and expiration. - [See delayed amendment note] Notwithstanding AS 04.11.680, an application for...
Sec. 04.11.550. Notice of expiration. - On or before February 15, the director shall mail a...
Article 9. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sec. 04.11.560. Appeals. - (a) An action of an officer, employee, or agent of...
Sec. 04.11.570. Refund and forfeiture of fees. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) If an application for a license is denied, the...
Sec. 04.11.575. Civil fine. - (a) Except as provided in (c) of this section, the...
Sec. 04.11.580. Surrender or destruction of license. - (a) A license issued under this title shall, if the...
Sec. 04.11.590. Disposition of money. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] Money collected from licenses and...
Sec. 04.11.610. Refund to municipalities. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) Biennial license fees, excluding annual wholesale fees and biennial...
Sec. 04.11.630. Accessibility of license and licensed premises to inspection. - (a) A licensee shall, upon request, make the licensed premises...
Sec. 04.11.660. License a privilege. - (a) A license issued under this title is a personal...
Sec. 04.11.670. Foreclosure. - A license issued under this title is not subject to...
Sec. 04.11.680. Duration of licenses and permits. [See delayed amendment note] - (a) Upon application and payment of one-half of the biennial...
Sec. 04.11.690. Discouragement of monopolies. - (a) In a general sense, it is against the public...
Chapter 16. Regulation of Sales and Distribution
Article 1. Prohibited Acts.
Sec. 04.16.010. Hours of sale and presence on licensed premises (standard closing hours). - (a) A person may not sell, offer for sale, give,...
Sec. 04.16.015. Pricing and marketing of alcoholic beverages. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] On premises where alcoholic beverages...
Sec. 04.16.020. Solicitation of alcoholic beverages; purchase on behalf of another. - (a) A person may not pay or receive from another...
Sec. 04.16.025. Illegal presence on premises involving alcoholic beverages. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A person may not knowingly...
Sec. 04.16.030. Prohibited conduct relating to drunken persons. - (a) A licensee, an agent, or employee may not with...
Sec. 04.16.035. Possession of ingredients for homebrew in certain areas. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A person residing in an...
Sec. 04.16.040. Access of drunken persons to licensed premises. - (a) A drunken person may not knowingly enter or remain...
Sec. 04.16.045. Obligation to enforce restrictions in licensed premises. - (a) A licensee, an agent, or employee may not permit...
Sec. 04.16.047. Access of persons with restriction on purchasing alcohol. - (a) A person who is restricted from purchasing alcohol under...
Sec. 04.16.049. Access of persons under the age of 21 to licensed premises. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A person under 21 years...
Sec. 04.16.050. Possession, control, or consumption by persons under 21 years of age. - (a) A person under 21 years of age may not...
Sec. 04.16.051. Furnishing or delivery of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21. - (a) A person may not furnish or deliver an alcoholic...
Sec. 04.16.052. Furnishing of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21 by licensees. - (a) A licensee or an agent or employee of the...
Sec. 04.16.055. Room rental for purposes of consuming alcoholic beverages. - (a) A person may not rent a room in a...
Sec. 04.16.057. Permitting minor to illegally possess liquor in dwelling. - (a) Except as provided by AS 04.16.051, a person who...
Sec. 04.16.059. Aggravated penalties for certain violations involving a person under 21 years of age and committed by a sex offender or child kidnapper. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 04.16.051, 04.16.055, 04.16.057, and 04.16.180, the penalty...
Sec. 04.16.060. Purchase by or delivery to persons under the age of 21. - (a) A person under the age of 21 years may...
Sec. 04.16.065. Civil penalty for violations of AS 04.16.060. - (a) A person who has attained 18 years of age,...
Sec. 04.16.070. Sales on election day. [See delayed repeal note] - (a) A person may not sell, barter, give, consume, or...
Sec. 04.16.080. Sales or consumption at school events. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A person may not sell...
Sec. 04.16.090. Prohibition of bottle clubs. - (a) A person may not maintain a place in which...
Sec. 04.16.100. Restriction on size of containers. [See delayed repeal note] - A person may not sell alcoholic beverages in 1/6 gallon...
Sec. 04.16.110. Sale of certain alcoholic beverages prohibited. - (a) A person may not sell an alcoholic beverage if...
Sec. 04.16.120. Removal or introduction of alcoholic beverages. - (a) A person may not remove from licensed premises alcoholic...
Sec. 04.16.125. Alcoholic beverages transported by common carrier. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A person may not use...
Sec. 04.16.130. Stock confined to licensed premises. - (a) Unless authorized under AS 04.21.060, a licensee may not...
Sec. 04.16.140. Sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages in a warehouse. - (a) Alcoholic beverages may not be sold or consumed on...
Sec. 04.16.150. Licensee responsible for violations. - (a) A licensee may neither knowingly allow agents or employees...
Sec. 04.16.160. Restriction on purchasing alcoholic beverages. - (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, a person who...
Sec. 04.16.170. Source of alcoholic beverages. - (a) Alcoholic beverages for consumption by the purchaser may not...
Sec. 04.16.172. Restrictions on purchase and sale of alcoholic beverages. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A person licensed under AS...
Sec. 04.16.175. Furnishing alcoholic beverages in aid of gambling enterprise. - (a) An agent or employee of a gambling enterprise may...
Article 2. Penalties and Forfeitures.
Sec. 04.16.180. Penalties for violation. - (a) [See delayed repeal note] Except as provided in AS...
Sec. 04.16.200. Penalties for violations of AS 04.11.010 and 04.11.499. - (a) Except as provided under (b) of this section, a...
Sec. 04.16.205. Penalties for violations of AS 04.11.501 and related ordinances. - (a) A person who possesses alcoholic beverages in a municipality...
Sec. 04.16.210. Penalty for making false statement. [See delayed repeal note] - If a false statement is made in an application under...
Sec. 04.16.220. Forfeitures and seizures. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] The following are subject to...
Chapter 21. General Provisions
Sec. 04.21.010. Municipal regulation and taxation. - (a) A municipality may adopt ordinances governing the importation, barter,...
Sec. 04.21.015. Private manufacture of alcoholic beverages. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, the...
Sec. 04.21.020. Civil liability of persons providing alcoholic beverages. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] Except as provided under (b)...
Sec. 04.21.025. Alcohol server education course. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] As a condition of issuance...
Sec. 04.21.030. Responsibility of licensees, agents, and employees. - The licensee has a duty to exercise that degree of...
Sec. 04.21.035. Responsibility of partners of a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership. - Notwithstanding any other provision of AS 32.06, a partner of...
Sec. 04.21.040. Sales on federal reservations. - (a) A wholesaler of alcoholic beverages may sell alcoholic beverages...
Sec. 04.21.050. Proof of age and of not being restricted from purchasing alcoholic beverages. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] If a licensee or an...
Sec. 04.21.055. Refusal of service. - A licensee, an agent, or employee may refuse to sell,...
Sec. 04.21.060. Warehousing of alcoholic beverages. - (a) A licensee may stock, warehouse, or otherwise store alcoholic...
Sec. 04.21.065. Posting of warning signs. - (a) [See delayed amendment note] A holder of one of...
Sec. 04.21.070. Enforcement. - Peace officers shall investigate and report to the board violations...
Sec. 04.21.078. Court records of persons under 21 years of age. [See delayed amendment note] - The Alaska Court System may not publish on a publicly...
Sec. 04.21.080. Definitions. - (a) In this title, (1) a person acts with “criminal...